SANCTUARY OF THE MOON [ . ☽ ˚ ] tempest's troop (of cats)


Dec 17, 2022
  • Hello, welcome to my character hub! If you'd like to plot with any of my characters (regardless of whether they are active, casual, or inactive), please feel free to DM me on-site or on Discord at naruk4mi. Please do not post in this thread.

    ◟I personally have no problem with characters that share a prefix/suffix of one of my own characters.
    ◟I try my best to be as active as I can, but I'm fairly busy most of the time. Please be patient if you're waiting on me. Don't be afraid to bump a thread or ping me either on site or Discord if I owe you a reply.
    ◟Peaceful powerplay is always allowed with my characters.
    ◟Please @ my characters when attacking them (and also underline your attacks, if you could!). While I do not mind sudden violent interactions with my characters, I would prefer to be contacted beforehand.
    ◟I do not mind being surprised with PAFP/private threads, but again I would prefer to be contacted beforehand! I promise it does not make the gesture any less appreciated if I am aware of it.
    ◟You can @ any of my characters for anything.
    ◟All opinions and actions are strictly IC.
    ◟Do not feel pressured to match my muse in any thread. I tend to get carried away while writing sometimes.
    ◟I am an advanced and experienced writer who is comfortable with writing sensitive topics in-depth. I will ALWAYS put the appropriate trigger/content warnings when a thread or post of mine concerns sensitive topics. I will never expose you to these topics if we are roleplaying together unless you give me explicit permission.
  • These are characters that will usually have at least a few posts per week. A * indicates that the character is a (semi) high position, so they will have the biggest priority.

    ◟MEdicine Cat Apprentice of Windclan
    ◟A wheat-golden spotted tabby with comforting, green eyes.
    ◟An affable and peppy molly who's still getting used to her lofty position as the medicine cat apprentice.

    ◟Warrior of Skyclan
    ◟A chimaera cat with his left side purely black and his right side tortoiseshell (black and orange). He has a yellow eye on his left and a green eye on his right.
    ◟An abrasive, venom-tongued tom. He has no qualms about being brutally honest or scornful, even to those that do not deserve it.

    ◟Warrior of Duskclan
    ◟A black-and-white tom with prominent ghost striping on some extremities. He has fern-green eyes.
    ◟A quiet and judgmental kitten who presents himself in a dignified yet prideful manner. Convinced he is Duskclan's rising savior and views all relationships as transactional in nature.
  • These are characters that will usually have at least a few posts per month.

    ◟Warrior of Thunderclan
    ◟A blue silver classic tabby with an angular face and vibrant-green eyes.
    ◟Flippant and free-spirited, this tom takes life as an opportunity for adventure. Often lazy and carefree, though rises to the occasion when he really needs to.

    ◟Apprentice of Thunderclan
    ◟A blue tortoiseshell smoke sepia with golden eyes. Will grow up to be muscular and tall, though she does not show it yet.
    ◟Gentle giant with a heart of gold. Quick to help others even at the cost of herself.

    ◟Kit of Riverclan
    ◟A blue tortoiseshell cat with high white spotting, of which the frayed ends are grainy and freckled. He has daffodil-yellow eyes. Her fur is wild, wiry, and wispy.
    ◟Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaekit is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin.
  • These are characters that are not currently being roleplayed. They are still alive, just in the background. They may be brought back in the future.

    ◟Member of the Redwater Rogues / Loner
    ◟A dilute calico with a massive stature and heavy scarring on every inch of her body. She has striking blue eyes.
    ◟A molly who does whatever she wants whenever she wants. Hedonistic, bloodthirsty, and as free as the bird of her namesake.

    ◟Warrior of Thunderclan
    ◟An Abyssinian-coated cat with olive-green eyes.
    ◟An enigmatic and honorable molly. She is not open about her dismal and dark past, as well as the fact that she worships her goddess Fortuna over Starclan.

    ◟Warrior of Riverclan
    ◟A black rosetted tabby with very high white and bluish-green eyes.
    ◟A happy-go-lucky and hyperactive molly. They never take anything seriously and always look on the bright side of things.

    ◟Skyclan Warrior & Former Rogue / Shelter Cat
    ◟A black she-cat with streaks of white on her pelt. She has orange-yellow eyes that seem to glow in the dark.
    ◟A no-nonsense, independent molly. She gets the job done with no complaints. She is altruistic to a fault, taking care of those she perceives to be weaker than her.

    ◟A very dark grey cat, to the point where it is indistinguishable from black (though he often insists that it is not black at all). He has striking turquoise eyes.
    ◟A smooth-talking, businessman kind of tom. He affiliates with Skyclan merely for protection and food - not because he actually is loyal to them. Can often be seen in the city when not in Skyclan. Despite his big talk, he's nothing but a coward.

    ◟Tunneller Apprentice of Windclan
    ◟A smaller-than-average cat with a red tabby pelt and round, golden eyes.
    ◟A spunky, ambitious molly. She stands smaller even among her (future) tunneller peers, though this doesn't stop her from running around like she owns the place.

    ◟Warrior of Shadowclan
    ◟A somewhat longhaired orange tabby tom with medium white and brilliant, turquoise eyes.
    ◟A jovial and energetic tom, despite his age. Though his path in life was rocky, he tries his best to be there for his family and his clan.

    ◟Rogue & Nomad
    ◟A shorthaired and sleek smoke point with greyish-blue eyes. Notable lazy eye on the right side of his face.
    ◟Brings kindness no matter what he must do to achieve it, obsessed with vengeance and despises the clans and what they stand for.

    ◟Warrior of Shadowclan
    ◟A dilute tortoiseshell with glassy, greyish eyes and floppy ears.
  • These are characters that are canonically dead. There aren't any... yet.
  • These are important characters that are related to my characters in some way. They may be played for a post or so.

    ◟Warrior of Skyclan
    ◟An impassionate and volatile man.
    ◟The father of Chrysalispaw and his brood. He died by hitting his head on a sharp rock while hunting at night.

    ◟Warrior of Skyclan
    ◟An distant yet loving molly.
    ◟The mother of Chrysalispaw and his brood.
  • These are character ideas that I have but have not been implemented yet.

    ◟Daylight Apprenetice of Skyclan
    ◟A spindly, skinny adolescent with brown tabby striping and high white.
    ◟Full name Velociraptor Mongoliensis, goes by Raptor.
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