sanctum || iciclepaw


Her paws are frozen — her neck aches just from holding up her head. It's been a long day. She misses Willowroot.

Smokethroat has been looking at her... oddly since the training incident. A kindness, an anger, a worry in his eyes. She shrinks beneath that orange gaze, uncertain what she's supposed to do... a part of her wants to shelter there, but she isn't his apprentice. And it feels like everybody wants to spend time with Smokethroat, after they'd nearly lost him.

So she keeps her distance; she lets him worry.

Now she staggers home from a patrol that had gone on too long and been really hard but at least she'd caught something — at least she'd caught something.

She'd pulled away from the water because she remembers Spiderfall holding her under and sometimes it still scares her, that murky blue, but Pebbleskip's gentle voice pushed her closer. Now, Ashpaw. What did I say about the dramatics? And she felt so small, she felt like a stupid little baby under his guidance but she obeyed. She obeyed. Sat close to the water where the ice had broken, sat quiet and waited and lunged. They fished for hours. Hours and hours and hours. She was not afraid. She was not a kitten. She obeyed; she kept going and kept going and kept going until she caught what he wanted from her —

A beautiful fish, perfect red scales glimmering in the dark brought by leaf-bare afternoon. It was heavy after all the work she'd done to catch it. But Ashpaw was good and did not complain — Pebbleskip did not have to scold her, this time; she carried it home all on her own.

He let her take pride in her catch, drop it upon the fresh-kill pile herself. He... he isn't so bad, she tells herself, gazing with dim green eyes at the fish she'd caught herself. It'll feed someone. It wouldn't have, without Pebbleskip. She tries to ignore the pain her whole body's in, muscles coiled tight for hours on end, paws and nose ice-coated. She wants Willowroot. She wants Smokethroat.

... she wants Iciclepaw.

She nearly breaks down crying at the thought. No dramatics. Ashpaw blinks back the feelings and turns toward the apprentices' den, fighting against the terror that he'll see her seeking rest and decide she isn't done yet. (She compares him too often to Spiderfall; they feel alike to her in some ways, even though she knows Pebbleskip is good. Pebbleskip is making her better. No dramatics, she reminds herself.)

Iciclepaw — she wants Iciclepaw.

She wants to talk. She wants to talk about her day and hear about Iciclepaw's day, especially; she wants the softness that comes over the other girl when Ashpaw goes quiet. The calico never minds when Ashpaw needs to go quiet. She doesn't say the things that Pebbleskip says.

And in a very tiny secret corner of her heart Ashpaw wants Iciclepaw's scent, the softness of her fur, the steady thrum of a heartbeat — Ashpaw wants to fall asleep with Iciclepaw, curled around each other in the night. She wants that safety, that love. She wants — she wants —

She doesn't have a name for what it is she wants but she knows it is not exactly friendship.

She steps into the apprentices' den — staggers more accurately, paws too cold for grace — and searches for her friend, dull green eyes flicking halfheartedly about, hoping the girl is curled up in a warm nest. Oh stars. Ashpaw wants to be in a warm nest right now.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • @iciclepaw

  • - 6 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being physically and psychologically abused by Spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend

    - temporarily apprenticed to npc pebbleskip due to willowroot moving into the nursery
  • Love
Reactions: Marquette
( *+:。.。 ) Boredom has set into the young tortoiseshell's bones, intertwining with the marrow and freezing like ice. She is kept busy, but the work is monotonous, and her brain feels like a spider's nest housing swift, fanged insects ready to bolt at a moment's notice. The other warriors allow her to accompany them, of course, as Smokethroat rests in Beesong's den, missing eye packed with gauze. Some even order her to, and the resentment flashing from her pale eyes must be palpable to them.

It's not the same, and she can't put her paw on why. They don't inspire her. She feels like she had as an apprentice fresh from the nursery, leaving camp out of obligation, her mind as dull as her claws had been.

She's retired earlier than she might have once, tucked neatly into a clean, sparse nest of moss. There are no trinkets in Iciclepaw's nest; nor are there feathers, flowers, bits of stone to line the outside. It's a taciturn bed, military-grade, meant for sleeping only. But she comes home to it today like it's a sanctuary, resting her body into it with care.

Iciclepaw isn't tired, necessarily. She just wants something different from her life. The frustration is bubbling under the surface, threatening to break through the ice, though she does not understand this.

The entrance of another apprentice causes her to look up from the sterile moss she lays in. Ashpaw's brilliant flame-colored pelt, lit with the rays of the setting sun behind her. Ashpaw, whose glass-green eyes are deep with shadows, haunted, searching. She walks as though she's been beaten, staggering into the den.

Iciclepaw looks at her, drinks her in, and then the pale gaze settles on wet paws. Shivering. Cold. Numb with the river water that threatens to freeze over.

She turns her snow-blue eyes sharply towards Ashpaw's face again. "Pebbleskip had you fishing? In this weather?" Her jaw clenches, eyes narrowing just enough so that an observant cat might notice.

She stands then, revealing the sliver of moss left untouched in her nest. With a brisk tone, Iciclepaw mews, "Come here, Ashpaw. You need to get warm. I don't want your paws to freeze off." Damned if she'll let that happen. She curses Pebbleskip in her mind -- what sort of minnow-brain was that guy, making Ashpaw stand in half-frozen water all day? Even Smokethroat had more sense...

If Ashpaw were to get into the nest with Iciclepaw, she'd settle beside her, their flanks pressed. She hopes her body heat and the relative sparseness of her nest will be enough, but she can't help the concern darkening her thoughts. "Give me one of your paws," she says. If Ashpaw chooses to do so, Iciclepaw will set about licking the pads, cold to the touch and too-firm under her scratchy tongue.