They had gained a lead warrior in Leafhusk, only to lose another in the form of his mate. Nightbird slumbers in Gentlestorm’s den, her wounds thick with poultices, drifting in and out of dreams. Raccoonstripe pushes himself away from their emptied nest and drifts into the camp’s clearing, his dark eyes narrow with purpose. The fresh-kill pile is thin, the prey stacked onto it stale and scarce. His tail curls behind him, then lashes to the left, then the right. Roeflame and Flamewhisker, two of the Clan’s best huntresses, are stuck nursing kits. Sunfreckle, Flycatcher, Batwing, and Wolfwind are gone, their power replaced by mewling mouths. The influx of newborns and abandoned mouths to feed have left ThunderClan stranded.

Is this all that’s been brought back so far today?” He questions the nearest cat, his voice sharp. He’s not angry—not at the warrior or apprentice he speaks to, but at the devastation that faces ThunderClan if something is not done. He paces around the fresh-kill pile before lifting his face to the Clan.

We must do something if we are to survive. If we are to thrive and make sure every one of our kits grows strong and healthy,” he announces, his jaw set grimly. “Who will accompany me on a hunting patrol to SkyClan?

  • ooc:
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

Skyclaw, admittedly, has paid little mind to the nursery lately. He used to be dutiful, bringing his sister and Roeflame prey before even considering a meal for himself. Now he orders Luckypaw to do it, utilizing his apprentice whenever he can whilst ignoring his self imposed responsibilities. That said, he notices how the fresh-kill pile dwindles, and how their patrols never seem to bring home enough. Such is the life of a bustling but hurting Clan, he knows, but it doesn't change the worry that floats beneath is constant frustration.

Raccoonstripe's call is answered immediately, however the tom does falter when he hears his uncle's destination of choice. He grimaces, but pushes forward regardless. ThunderClan must thrive, and he cares not for the family he may hurt along the way. They are kin by blood alone (though he finds the bond with his resident family dwindles, too, with his aforementioned lack of visits.) He stands close, rolling his shoulders back as if doing so will shake the chip off of his shoulders. "I'm with you," he says cleanly, looking towards the apprentice den, "My apprentice will accompany as well. He's shaping up well enough," and if he isn't? Well, it'll be a kind lesson to the bratty boy.

[ summoning @luckypaw! >:) ]​
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ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowpaw nearly startles when the lead warrior addresses her. She deposits her meager mouse upon the freahkill pile, suddenly feeling a prickling of shane at the action. She hadn't thought it was too bad. "Mm? Uh, yeah," she mumbles, looking over the rest of the patrol's catches. It's not that bad really... But her mind turns to the overflowing nursery and she thinks she can understand some of Raccoonstripe's anger.

He proposes a plan. Her eyes are dark, remaining on the freshkill pile. A hunting patrol for SkyClan.... Isn't... isn't trespassing against the warrior code?

He speaks with authority, with certainty. He is a lead warrior, and it is just an apprentice. No freedom, at the behest of their eagle-eyed mentor. It does not know much of codes and loyalty - such things come uneasily to it - but it knows hunger. It knows that it hardly has more to eat now than it did in leafbare, all of its meals going to the little tyrants that scamper around underfoot. "I..." Fallowpaw begins in a soft mumble. It turns to face Raccoonstripe, something resolute entering its gaze. "I'll go." Isn't this too a sort of freedom? She's still being a good apprentice, keeping her clan fed... But it sounds thrilling, finally getting to see beyond the bounds of where she's supposed to be.

Besides, if she gets in trouble for it she can just blame the lead warrior. He's supposed to be the responsible one here, not her.

  • 75847553_J54l2Gh8YgBMzwX.png

  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, nine moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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So let's pretend we like each other

Head perks up towards the sound of the lead warrior offering a hunting patrol to skyclan. A clan mucked in outsider filth, one she wonders how they could bare comfortable with blood so impure. With a twitch of her tail the young warrior approach, her gaze acknowledging those around them that also agreed to the idea of hunting near and close to Skyclan's border. They wouldn't mind it much those soft hearted fools... "I'll join as well" they stated calmly.

Might as well, since they have so many... kits to feed now, especially those whose parents decided it was a good idea to leave their babies at their borders. They'll make fine addition to the clans even if their blood was mucked with outsider taint, they could grow up to hate the things they came from.
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Reactions: Marquette

I THINK I'LL TAKE MY WHISKEY NEAT — The amount of mouths that needed to be fed had grown at an alarming rate with all the queens that brought forth their own brood and stray kittens that had been found out on their territory. The dark pelted warrior angles feathery ears in the direction of the stand-in deputy as he asks if that's everything that had been brought today only to watch Fallowpaw from the corner of their eye. They silently agree that something needed to be done so that Thunderclan would thrive especially since their freshkill pile is dwindling and they are hurting. The fact that they suffer in the season where everything's anew and should be plentiful is concerning, Saffronpounce takes a step forward without any hesitance "I'll go as well and bring my apprentice," Briarpaw would learn that taking care of the clan oftentimes took drastic measures and sacrifices, besides, those plump kittypets could return to their housefolk to eat those pellets or whatever they ate.

"Briarpaw, come." He calls to his apprentice beckoning her over with a motion of her tail then turns his attention to Raccoonstripe once more ready to leave so that they'd provide for Thunderclan and all the mouths they needed to feed. He blinks in silent acknowledgement to those that approached and offered to help as well, perhaps they'd be swift enough to avoid any of the Skyclanners before they saw them.

/ teehee @BRIARPAW -


  • lVFCrdC.png
    a longhaired seal lynx sepia w/golden eyes and low white
    afab trans masc ; goes by he/they pronouns
    saffron's not a very friendly cat, has low tolerance, and no space for mistakes. he has a distaste for kittypets, both within his clan and outside of it, and he isn't shy to show it. all his opinions are IC only.
    25 moons old; ages the 21st of every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; currently interested in no one
    currently mentoring briarpaw / relies on his swiftness, small size, and stealth to overcome an enemy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
"I'll go too. It'll be a good chance to teach Wrathpaw some hunting." Wildheart approached his former mentor with an eager glow about him. With the ranks starting to thin he finally saw an opportunity to vie for attention by proving himself as capable of being so much more. "Wrathpaw! We're heading out!" As he had warned previously he had no intention of taking things slowly.

//apprentice tag @WRATHKIT

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Reactions: Marquette
𓍊𓋼 When he hears Raccoonstripe’s idea, the cream tabby is appalled. The lead warrior is suggesting that ThunderClan breaks the warrior code—and by hunting on SkyClan land, no less! There’s not a chance he’s asked Howlingstar about this and gotten her permission; the leader is far too responsible to do something so blatant! Raccoonstripe does have a point, though… Falconheart himself has skipped more meals than ever recently, choosing to feed his mother and siblings before himself, and the rest of the clan has surely noticed the dwindling prey as well. What if things continue like this? He thinks of Flamewhisker, still grieving her mate’s death. He thinks of the way she’d refused to name the kits at first, only giving in when pushed to do so. He thinks of his younger siblings—and then, in a strikingly unwanted thought, he imagines them starving, crying out with tiny pleas for food. His mother can’t lose them, not like that. Not after Flycatcher.

"I’ll come." He’s sure his mother will murder him herself if Howlingstar doesn’t do it first, but… what else can he do? ThunderClanners need to think of themselves first if the multitude of kits in the nursery are to survive. But unlike Wildheart, Stormywing, and Skyclaw, he will not invite his apprentice along with him. If he will bear the sin of breaking the clans’ most sacred code, then he will do it alone. He won’t drag Crescentpaw into something like this.

  • ooc:
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART ❯❯ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, mothkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore
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Reactions: Marquette
Is he the only one that hears it? To, his mentor says, and amber eyes fall to a squint. Studious and contemplative, razor-sharp. The answers are ordinary. Do they think he means the border? Is Thistlepaw wrong to think otherwise? The young tom has filled out in the time of his apprenticeship. Greenleaf was meant to bring them plenty. It had, and then it hadn't. Eating after the others was difficult, but what would they do if there was no end to the others? Kits kept coming. Too many mouths. Too few paws. They had lost several warriors this last moon. But more than that — something worth more than anything: Raccoonstripe had said so, and Thistlepaw falls obediently into line at his side. Even without a clear invitation, he makes his presence known in an attentive, weighted gaze.

Unless his mentor told him otherwise, he had every intention of going. Breaking the code or not.

  • OOC.
  • 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐏𝐀𝐖. HE - HIM. YOUNG APPRENTICE OF THUNDERCLAN. ————— the son of an ex-kittypet has spent most of his life confined to the medicine den. bad circumstances and worse healing left him in a limbo between life and death which he only just escaped. there's still recovering to do before his clanmates see him as anything more than a weak, sick kittypet.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a prickly-furred chocolate and slate cat with amber eyes. though with a blocky, nearly bulky frame, thistlepaw has been softened, rounded, and stretched thin by his uncertain life. without work or play to thicken the pads of his paws or add strength to his limbs, his skin plays like canvas stretched taut over its frame, his fur a hazy cloak to cover the sickness. he seems soft and unwell in equal measure. certainly not an apprentice to be. . .
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Reactions: Marquette
Raccoonstripe had half-expected to hear shouts of outrage from some of his Clanmates, and he would not have begrudged them their doubts. The warrior code dictates that Clans shall not trespass on another’s territory, after all, and they had already suffered prey-theft at the paws of ShadowClan in desperate moons. But he can see the resolve thicken in Falconheart’s eyes as he thinks of the kits in the nursery—of his kin, his grief-riddled mother and her newest kits. He feels the adrenaline spark in the air as Wildheart, Saffronpounce, Yewflame, Skyclaw, and Fallowpaw, too, heed his call.

His dark gaze sweeps around the gathered warriors and apprentices, finally locking eyes with Thistlepaw. He gives the young tom a slow, solemn nod before he mews, “Then let us go now, before our courage fails us. This is for ThunderClan—just remember that. I’ll lead the way.” Without ceremony or speech, the dark tabby leads his warriors through the shivering gorse tunnel and toward the SkyClan border.

  • ooc: i will be making a thread and tagging those present shortly :]
  • 74327127_amPwOaY4eGaGkj8.png
  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 37 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

An amber gaze watches from the side as she watches Raccoonstripe complain about the lack of food and rallying an hunting patrol to Skyclan. Her long tail flicks as she lets out a bored yawn, " This wouldn't be a problem if everyone felt the need to have kits or dumping them off here. " Ravenstrike responds bluntly with an sigh, a cold gaze flicking over everyone gathering and shrugging. Skyclan was essentially all kittypets and kittypets were just free fun. " They're basically all kittypets, it'll be easy. " The scarred warrior would meow as a evil smile dances on her lips, this was going to easily break out into a fight. They wouldn't take the fall, it would all go back on Raccoonstripe as he was the acting deputy.

A laugh at the thought leaves her lips as she glances at her apprentice, and it was clear that Ravenstrike would be causing trouble. " We'll be joining. " Ravenstrike states after realizing the most that will happen to them would be the old lady, Howlingstar, complaining but Raccoonstripe getting the blunt of it. In the meantime? It was free real estate, no kittypet was going to stop her from hunting from her clan who couldn't keep it in their pants.

@Smokepaw apprentice tag!
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He'd been practicing hunting, been practicing enough to actually be able to catch something now though that didn't stop the disappointed look on the apprentice's face as he dropped his own measly prey into the fresh kill pile. He'd opted to say nothing, simply go back out and try to hunt some more when the words from Raccoonstripe reach the apprentices ears and quickly he'd look up. "I'll come too."

It was matter-of-fact, that way they had as many paws as possible hunting for as long as possible. It wouldn't hurt to get more prey especially from a clan that didn't need it. They had their kittypet pellets from twolegs to feed them if prey got too scarce in the pines anyway. As the group left so too did Sproutpaw, tail high as he took up the rear.

  • --
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    6 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed
𓆗 . ° ✦ Luckypaw wasn't paying much attention to Raccoonstripe's words until Skyclaw beckoned him over, his ears perking up in avid curiosity. To SkyClan? He thinks, eyebrows raising in shock - but a mischievous smile soon followed, any possible guilt he had vanishing. "They can ask their daylight warriors to bring 'em twoleg food anytime!" The apprentice snickers, quiet enough so the rest of the Clan doesn't hear him. They won't miss a few pieces of prey. Besides, it's new-leaf. There's plenty around for 'em to share... with us. Not the other way around.

This was gonna be fun.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • 79674252_94adcIvL60WFoCn.png
    brown & black chimera tabby tom with sage-green eyes.
*+:。.。 "I'm coming! I'm coming!" Wrathpaw called, his voice a shower of popping sparklers as excitement thrums through him. His first patrol! His first real patrol! Wrathpaw - because that's his name, he's wrathpaw now!- skids to a halt beside his mentor. Dark blue eyes glow with adoration as Wildheart stands tall and proud, his orange eyes the color of a bleeding sunset, determined. Wrathpaw does his best to echo that expression, pinching his brows and forcing his exuberant smile into a straight, elegant line.

Only to break it again and dance on his three legs - this is so exciting! He's going to get to see the Skyclan border, and he's going to get to meet cats outside of Thunderclan! Oh boy, he wonders if he'll make any friends! He wonders if Wildheart will introduce him to anyone? Looking back at his mentor, Wrathkit beams as he wonders how many friends Wildheart must have. His mentor is so cool, there must be a long list!

//coughs coughs I'm sorry this is so late

    DMAB— He/Him
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovepaw, Joypaw, Gigglepaw
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #191961
    injuries: None currently

his mama taught him how to hunt quite a few times! he knew how to do it! his mentor hasn't quite taught him that yet but he knows what he's doing!! he caught a mouse before and his mom was so proud. he wonders if she will be proud when she comes back! his tail lashed in curious thought before he skipped ahead, tripping over his paws and falling to the ground with an oof and a giggle. he stands up, shaking his pelt out before smiling widely as he skips ahead, a very clear bounce in his step.

"can i come!? pleeeaaaseee? imma good hunter! look look, watch, see i can do it!"

he gets into a hunting crouch, just like his mom taught him, going so quiet that it's almost scary for a kitten like him but he knows exactly what to do to hunt! he had to help his mom otherwise they couldn't eat, sometimes. it was okay, though, because his mom always did her best! she is truly the best mom ever!!

"see? i can do it!"

hopefully butterflyskip would let him go, as well as raccoonstripe.