sapphire & faded jeans — yukio

SUNFLOWER, CAN'T LET YOU GO ✿°.✦ ————————————
It's nice out today, Bobbie reflects, laying in a neat curl of limbs in the camp as she often does now, since SkyClan is so fierce about keeping queens in camp; not that she's complaining about it! She's honestly lucky they were willing to take her in at all—Bobbie forces herself away from the thought, knowing from experience that letting her paws follow that mental path leads to dank caves where she wanders, dazed, creatures with milky white eyes stalking the framework of her mind. She casts her gaze about the camp for something to think about, the mingled scent of the nursery and the hollybush outside forming a pleasant soft sharpness—she's pretty sure that makes absolutely no sense, but it's how it smells to her. Bobbie's large green eyes roam over the small clumps of cats gathered within the camp, appraising their appearance with interest rather than judgement. One thing she's noticed here is what a talent the forest cats—SkyClan, she corrects herself—have for decorating their pelts with the fruits of their territory. Much of the Clan is decked out in one thing or another; their medicine cat apprentice wears a colorful, pretty (in Bobbie's opinion) assortment of leaves, a butterfly, and a feather. Several cats have on vibrant kittypet accessories, and many more flowers; a cream she whose name just escapes her wears a gorgeous, fragrant assortment of blooms, and one sour-looking apprentice wears blooming purple mounds and (rather morbid, she thinks) whole dead moths.

It makes the queen feel a touch unadorned, sometimes. She's scared of leaving camp sometimes—her still-tender scars don't help—and even if she were to, she has no idea how to find anything to wear in her fur. Bobbie has no clue how to identify or find, much less place, any of the beautiful, sweet-scented decorations her new Clanmates have located. Privately, as she's seen some cats frowning on seeking out physically beautiful things, Bobbie yearns to have something of her own like that; sure, she has her collar and her funny clips she wouldn't trade for the world, especially as they're her last reminder of her, but it's not exactly the same. Also, honestly, it'd just be nice to have a bit of nature; she's always adored seeing it when she went outside with her Twoleg, and while she feels immensely safe in the camp, she misses seeing the flower buds and dusky clouds with an unfiltered view. Oh, well, she supposes, she doesn't know how to do it, and Bobbie is much too self-conscious to actually ask anyone.

[penned by dejavu - ]
———————————— ✦.°✿ HOW DID YOU GET SO COLD?

.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
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THE CREAM-TICKED FELINE MURMURED BETWEEN A MOUTHFUL OF ASSORTED FLOWERS, tail whisking the air, humming a merry tune as he neared the nursery. It wasn’t often Yukio got to explore the forest that he now called home, even then, he did it on accident, far too occupied with his own mind to realize he’d gotten lost. Oops. He giggled, whiskers twitching at the various times someone had to steer him away from whatever he was fixated on, directing him to the nursery. It was a process. One Yukio couldn’t seem to break whenever he found something of interest. How could he ignore the beauties of the forest? He’d never been able to explore while he’d been a kittypet, Kyungmin scolding him for such outlandish views.

Yukio never quite understood, but Kyungmin had always been right … The cream-ticked fauna frowned, shaking his helm with a puff of his cheeks. No bad thoughts! He missed Kyungmin, but he had other things to worry about!

He grinned behind a mouthful of flowers, stumbling towards Bobbie with a trill in greetings. Tail whisked behind him excitedly. “Look! Pretty f, flowers!” He chirped to his fellow queen. Mismatched optics blinked owlishly as the tom rummaged about through the colorful flowers he picked. “I, I didn’t get lost!” His chest puffed out proudly. Thank heavens. It’d be silly getting lost again. He chittered nervously, tail tucked around his paws in embarrassment. I always get wrapped up in my head. Kyungmin was right about that!

“I f, figured we could make f, flower crowns!” Grinning, Yukio eased into his haunches, sighing in relief, swollen belly bulging with the pressure. “Y, Yuhwa taught me! Oh! He’s a friend! He’s really nice! Pretty too! W, Way prettier than I am!” He gushed, fiddling with the petals of a flower as he spoke, head bobbing along. “Oops! S, Sorry! D, Do you know how to make them? I, If not I can t, teach you!” He grinned nervously, paws kneading the ground.

thoughts speech
SUNFLOWER, CAN'T LET YOU GO ✿°.✦ ————————————
Speaking of flowers—Bobbie's head lifted alertly at the sound of pawsteps and somecat humming a cheerful ditty. A cream-ticked cat rounded into her vision, approaching the nursery in front of which she sprawled; this a name she could certainly remember. Yukio, her perenially sunny and constantly lost denmate—a little smile rose to Bobbie's muzzle, pulling her soundly from her fogged thoughts; he was always a welcome presence and certainly cheered up the nursery. The other queen bounded towards her, his mouth overspilling with flowers, tail whisking excitedly as he mewed about the blossoms. Bobbie listened attentively as the cat spoke; she was hoping to get a little closer to her Clanmates, new or otherwise, and Yukio certainly provided that opportunity.

He eased onto his haunches with a sigh of relief—stars, was that relatable; seemingly all residents of the nursery were feeling the discomfort of kits soon to come, although she envied Orangeblossom not at all; her fellow queen seemed constantly in discomfort, but she was due pretty soon, wasn't she? Bobbie refocused her mind to listen to what Yukio was saying; gushing about a pal of his, and ... offering to teach her how to make flower crowns! Bobbie's ears perked cheerily; she had just been thinking about that type of thing, and the leisurely activity would be a welcome distraction from another day cooped up in camp. The queen had to remember to give voice to her thoughts, as she often did, sitting up with an 'oof' and mewing in a warm tone of obvious happiness,
"I don't know how to, but, uh, I'd love to learn! That's a great idea."
[penned by dejavu - ]
———————————— ✦.°✿ HOW DID YOU GET SO COLD?
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.don't rush something you ———


——— want to last forever.
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THE CREAM-TICKED TABBY TRILLED HAPPILY, NO LONGER KNEADING the ground, tail curling to shuffle the flowers closer. Mismatched optics twinkling at doing something with the other, humming softly as he sorted the flowers which really only comprised daisies and dandelions.

He sneezed as one dandelion scattered, sprinkling the feline in tiny white puffs that landed on his cream-colored fur. “Oh, shoot—” He laughed, shaking his helm, only to sneeze. “S, Sorry!” Grinning sheepishly. Oh, dear—I must look stupid. He carefully placed the white puffy flowers to the side, keeping the yellow dandelions near the daisies he found while ambling about in the forest.

“I c, couldn’t find … find that many colors.” He apologized.

With a twitch of his whiskers, Yukio shuffled the daises into groups, stems ranging from long to short. “O, Okay! F, First—” Fluffy paws grabbed three daisies, being within view as he braided them by taking the outer right stem, placing it between the others, followed by the outer left until he had a recognizable three-strand braid. “S, See?” He offered the other a better visual, optics twinkling. “Y, You take three flowers and … and place them in a r, row before t, taking the right stem and l, looping it over the other two! T, Then you d, do the s, same with the l, left!” He vocalized.

Shuffling to braid until an inch into it, adding another flower with the center flower, nimble paws making quick work until he added another flower. Humming softly, Yukio glanced up, expression sheepish. “S, Sorry! D, Does that m, make sense?” He chirped, leaning forward, expression relaxed. “O, Oh! Once you … you get a, about an inch down … a, add another f, flower. M, Make sure to keep the n, new flower w, with the m, middle flower!”

thoughts speech
SUNFLOWER, CAN'T LET YOU GO ✿°.✦ ————————————
The lilac queen giggled softly as Yukio blew dandelion all over himself with a sneeze and a sheepish mew. Bobbie's heart was lightened, as it often was, by the unflappable cheer of the other; Yukio's gleaming bicolor gaze and light, if somewhat sheepish, tone rarely failed to lift her spirits, spurring her on. "No worries," she mewed cheerily, the shecat leaned forward as best she could with her swollen stomach, round, metal-clipped ears perking attentively as she watched Yukio's fluffy paws weaving between the fresh, sharp-smelling green stems. Her pale green eyes followed the other queen's quickly moving paws, grateful for his gratuitous mews and clear teaching method.

"I ... think I got it? Maybe I'll learn as I go," Bobbie half-joked, tentatively pawing over her own three flowers. The lilac cat's pale tongue peeked between her oversized fangs, hidden within her jaws, as she worked at the thin stems, small brown paws fidgeting with them. The queen quickly took hold of the activity with a gentle enthusiasm, slender paws acquiring a nimbleness not quite as sharp as Yukio's, but her natural propensity for delicate work helped her. Working at a pace a bit slower than the cream tom, Bobbie wove the strands together as deftly as she could, holding up the growing string of flowers with gleaming eyes.

"Woah. It's so .. pretty, and I made it. I can't wait for it to be big enough to wear!" The queen's eyes glinted with cheery emotion, her half-tail lightly thumping the ground in joy as she turned it over in her paws with wonderment, adding another flower to resume the work, "Thanks for showing me, Yukio," She mewed somewhat shyly, glancing at the tom with a smile as she worked on it, "Having you around has really cheered up the nursery, honest."
[penned by dejavu - ]
———————————— ✦.°✿ HOW DID YOU GET SO COLD?