sat by the river // intro.


sweet like honey lavender
Feb 22, 2024

With newleaf comes new life - or at least, that's what cloverbloom has always thought. The changing of the seasons is something she knows instinctively, can feel in her very bones - she thinks the rest of the world must too, for how else do the seeds know to send their sprouts, or the insects to emerge from their slumber. Despite the turmoil that has buffered riverclan like particularly violent currents, she finds beauty in the quiet moments - moments like these. Curled upon sun-soaked stone tail tip dipped into water as she watches the ripples and swirls she creates disturb the current - a monotone lullaby to soothe tired ears and mind. This is what she loves about her home - about the river. " It's getting warmer now, isn't it? " she murmurs, voice soft as she turns to nearby clanmate. " Soon leafbare will be far behind us, " they might not go as hungry as some of the other clans, but still the river turning to slush was inconvenient.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'



It was still a little bit cold, but nowhere near what it had been like mere weeks ago. It only took a brief shuffer to get used to the river's temperature, instead of its frigidity piercing through your bones and stiffening your bones beyond any movement. Part of loving the river was in respecting it, though... Ferngill had given the water its time to rest, though he missed the comforting feeling of being swaddled in warm waves. At Cloverbloom's gentle murmur, Ferngill dipped his head, eye gleaming with vigour.

"I'm so relieved," he admitted, letting free a sigh as if he had to prove his point. "The nights won't be as cold, either... I can't wait to stargaze without going numb all over!" A grin settled in place on his maw, feeling brighter. There was a little lump in his throat he didn't want to acknowledge, a small, whispering thought about how he might see golden eyes up there in the stars, but... Cloverbloom probably didn't want to hear about all that.
penned by pin

Short fur is no help during leaf-bare, but it has its advantages. As little protection it offers from biting cold, it also blocks none of the thin newleaf sun’s rays, and Snakeblink soaks in as much warmth as he can from the warm stone against his skin and the light rippling over his back. ”It felt as if it would never end,” he hums in response to Cloverbloom’s comment. ”I am looking forward to the longer days, rather than this interminable night.”

Although it’s true that nights are easier to bear in warm, gentle weather. Snakeblink lifts his head off his paws to glance at Ferngill when the younger lead mentions stargazing, eyes going sharp in consideration. He could swear he’s seen the tom looking particularly starry-eyed for wholly different reasons… ”It sounds unpleasant,” he agrees with a thoughtful hum. ”Although I suppose the cold would be easier to bear with company to keep you warm. Have you been stargazing alone, Ferngill?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

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    Snakeblink • he / him. 50 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — With the recent news of her pregnancy still abundantly fresh on her mind, Swiftfire couldn't help but be more grateful than ever for the inevitable slow march forward of the seasons. She couldn't imagine what she might have done had her kits been born during leafbare, another group of beloved burdens for all of them to carry on their shoulders. Though she had never resented the kits that had been born during their last season, she had known just how difficult their coming into the world had been. Lives had been both threatened and lost, and the last thing she wanted was for her own pregnancy and birthing to be a repeat of that.

Which was why she had already begun taking it easy, in spite of every instinct inside of her telling her to do the exact opposite. Rest had already been the order given to her by Moonpaw when she had only been concussed, and it seemed that she would only have more and more of it in her future. Part of her wanted nothing more than to fling herself into every patrol that came up to make use of the time she had left before she was forced into the nursery, though she had managed to resist that impulse thus far.

Instead she lounged casually along the edge of the river, one white-socked paw dipping down to touch the surface of the rippling blue before she nodded in agreement with those around her. "Personally I like looking at the reflection of the stars in the river when I can. They look beautiful when you see them alongside the ripples. It'll be much easier now that I don't have to huddle myself up in my own pelt." Swiftfire cringed as she thought of the last couple of moons, and pulling her tail as tightly around her own form as she could manage as she lingered at the edge of the water.

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    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    40 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
sanctified, magnified ─── Despite his biology built for the cold bite of the winter and it's snowy ridden landscapes, Rookfang despised the season. It ruthlessly brought hardship to his clanmates, food scarcity leading them to become shells of who they are, and the energy becoming drained away as if the snow itself has settled on their souls. The silence was deafening and it only caused the thundering clouds that rolled within his mind to crash even more, bolting with sour lemon taste. He had been born during the leafbare season alongside his siblings, he would constantly call back in surprise they had made it as far as they had been before the jaws of a hungry fox had decided to target them. After joining the clan, he had noticed the different rules they held onto leafbare, how it caused so much change and shift, the warmth of the sun hidden behind powdery silver that even cloaked Starclan's eyes from them. He had pledged himself that if were to ever be given the gift of having children, he would never bring them in such a time of hardship. The very thought of his poisoned him, he had already lost so much. Luckily, his foolish mother had given birth to his little brother before the mountains of snow had fallen in and now had Valepaw by his side.

His squinted glare was locked onto the surface of the reflecting surface of the water, knowing that with the warmer weather, the sun would cause more of a difficulty for him to fish. His protruding fangs began to peek out more than usual as he curled his upper lip slightly in distaste at the idea of him becoming some pathetic excuse of a hunter. He preferred aviary prey but his clanmates enjoyed the plump meat of the fish that danced beneath the surface, tricky and slippery but once caught, worth the effort. The spiked male's tufted ears pricked at the voices of the nearby crowd that rested by the surface, his narrowed stormy blues sliding over. His attention lingered a little longer on Snakeblink as the lead warrior questioned Ferngill about stargazing, his left sliced ear giving one twitch of a reaction although he could feel the heaviness of the youth's heartache even if he was not beside him. "The ripples from the water with the stars on them during night time can be entracing." Rookfang commented, monotone voice faint as he pondered if perhaps he would do better fishing during night time although it was quite harder when the fish were not as active. It was worth an attempt even if some clanmates might try to scold him for all the noise.

  • OOC |
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  • rookfang ─── WARRIOR of RIVERCLAN [ 03.18.24 ]
    ⊳ scarred seal point/lilac chimera with stormy blue-gold eyes
    ⊳ he/him | 45 ☾ | npc x npc [first gen] | mentoring bumblepaw
    detailed biography | 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 | toyhouse | penned by cheeters