satiate the craving ] collecting feathers


love so strong, it makes me feel so weak
Jan 31, 2024
Lovelight pads through the forest, his gaze sweeping the ground for any sign of feathers. The sun dips lower in the sky, casting a warm golden light over the leaves and making the whole forest seem to glow. He had decided earlier this morning to gather some feathers to bring back to camp as a gift for his clanmates; they could be useful for adding to nests or as toys for the kits, and Lovelight always finds joy in doing small things for those around him, whenever he can. As he moves through the undergrowth, his sharp eyes catch sight of a flash of white near the base of a tree. Lovelight is in no rush as he moves closer and finds a cluster of soft feathers, likely from a dove or a pigeon. He carefully gathers them up, his touch gentle to avoid damaging the delicate plumes. These will be perfect, he thinks to himself, a satisfied smile on his face.

With the feathers clutched delicately in his jaws, Lovelight continues his search, wandering closer to the edge of the forest where the trees thin out. The open sky above makes it easier for him to spot anything that might have fallen from a passing bird. As he nears a small clearing, he spots a bright blue jay feather caught in a bush. His eyes brighten considerably at the sight of the recognizable feather—it’s vibrant and will make a lovely addition to the collection. Carefully, he tugs the feather free from the branches, making sure not to tear it. The brilliant blue contrasts beautifully with the soft white feathers he has already gathered. Lovelight places it atop the others, his whiskers twitching contentedly.

Feeling satisfied with his finds, he begins to head back toward camp. Along the way, he keeps an eye out for any more feathers, not wanting to miss even the smallest one. He is careful to avoid stepping on anything that might damage the delicate plumes, his movements graceful and deliberate. As he walks, Lovelight’s thoughts drift to the kits in the nursery. He imagines their delighted faces when they see the colorful feathers, and the elders’ and warriors' happiness as they make their nests more comfortable. It’s these little moments that bring Lovelight joy—knowing he can brighten someone’s day with an act of kindness.

Reaching the familiar path that leads back to camp, Lovelight feels a deep sense of satisfaction. His paws carry him lightly, the collection of feathers held carefully between his teeth. He pauses once more when he spots a few more feathers on the ground, likely from some animal catching a bird sometime before now. Despite the source, they don't look too marred by the presence of dirt or bloodstains, so he carefully picks through them with his claws to find the ones that are in the best shape, gently picking them up in his maw alongside the other feathers he's gathered. Pleased with this collection, he continues the trek, still keeping an eye out in case he spots any other feathers to bring back with the ones he already has found.​
⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊ Dwindlingpaw has devoted her time to training and hunting since she was made an apprentice, and even at night, her training consumes her thoughts. If she was being completely honest—not that she would say that aloud—it was a very boring affair. She sighed again, peering for prey among the ever-looming trees. The flame point apprentice spotted a mouse and hurried to pounce, planting her paws firmly on the ground. However, upon peering between her paws, she found nothing there.

But Lovelight was, Dwindlingpaw's humiliation quickly shaken off when her blue eyes caught sight of what the warrior was holding. "Whoa that's a lot of feathers i thought you had caught a weird bird or something." Dwindlingpaw's voice was perplexed as she stepped closer to double-check. "Are you collecting them? How did you find so many? Do you want any help?" Then she realized that someone had to provide all of those lovely flowers and decorations for her to play with as a kit. And now that she could leave camp she too could gather anything she desired for herself!

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    Dwindlingpaw— She/Her ・ Thunderclan Apprentice・ PENNED BY @Ghostunes!
    ☀︎ A fluffy (LH) flame point kit with low white and has blue eyes
    ☀︎ Crimsonsun x Shadedmoon

Much like Lovelight, Softpaw enjoyed helping out where she could, though she couldn't say that collecting feathers had ever been something that had crossed her mind before. Feathers certainly had their uses - in nests, as toys, even as decoration or accessories - but Softpaw had never put much thought into things like that. She was content with moss for nests and a lack of color in her white fur.

"Plenty of birds in the forest to have scavenged from." Softpaw speaks up as she catches sight of Lovelight and Dwindlingpaw as she exits camp, and she offers the both of them a smile. "I'm sure the kits are going to love the colorful ones. Shame they'll rip them to pieces as soon as they get them - you've taken good care to bring them back looking nice."