saturday in the summer | fly

"You two stay out a trouble now..." the red tabby would say gently as she bent down to touch each of their children's noses. It was a sunny day, and there was no reason why the pair couldn't play in the camp. Covecatcher had offered to watch them, and while she was hesitant about another clanmate watching them, she wouldn't mind a little bit of a break. "Please behave for Covecatcher....and no leaving the camp." her next words were more firm, hoping to get the point across that not leaving the camp was a serious matter. Leaving the camp was already unsafe, but with the dogs on the loose, it was even more crucial to stay put.

As they bounded away, Flamewhisker took a moment to stretch her legs. A decent breeze swept through the camp, and she would raise her chin and close her eyes, taking in the smells that it carried. Soon. she thought to herself, clinging to the thought.

A flash of blue caught her eye, a pelt she would recognize anywhere. The queen let out a purr, and trotted over to join her mate. He seemed alone, but she would soon fix that. Her plume of a tail bounced behind her as she joined him. "There you are. Are you busy?"


Although they were still officially in leafbare, it was a fairly pleasant day in camp. The sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze ruffling their pelts. Having done his patrol for the morning, Flycatcher was taking a moment to relax and enjoy this moment. With the dogs still in their territory there was a sense of fear in the air, but for a few fleeting moments like this he could just relax and forget the problems of the world for a moment.

Out of the corner of his eye, a familiar orange form appears, and Flycatcher immediately perks up. He half expects Falconkit and Stormkit to be toddling behind her, but they have clearly been left to the care of another for now. "I'm not busy at all," Flycatcher responded with a smile. "What did you need?"
Once he confirmed that he was not busy, she would lean forward and nuzzle his cheek with her nose. "Nothing really, I just wanted to talk for a bit." Lowering her back end into a sit, she would swish her tail around to cover her paws. She took in a deep breath, allowing herself to relax slightly, even if it were only for a few moments. Covecatcher is watching them...they'll be alright..they're probably shell hunting around the camp. the thought caused a small burst of laughter. She licked her chest fur a few times embarrassedly, then looked sheepishly at her mate. "Sorry...I was just thinking about the kits."

"They are going to grow up to be such great cats." her words started out strong, then slowly grew more strained. There should be two more kits out there playing with them...there would have been, if Starclan hadn't of been so cruel. Her eyes blinked a few times, as she was doing her best to keep herself together. So many tears had already been shed...shedding more wouldn't bring their daughters back. "I miss them." her voice was merely more than a whisper, but she knew he could hear her.

Flycatcher nods when Flamewhisker mentions wanting to simply speak. He was happy to lend an ear to his mate and talk with her. With Flamewhisker still confined to camp and the dogs lingering in their territory, there was not much else they could do in they day. He chuckles faintly when she apologises for thinking about the kits. "Don't apologise," He chided playfully. Flycatcher can't help but wonder what they were doing at that moment. He could imagine them pouncing on some unsuspecting warrior or eating something they shouldn't.

Once again, he nodded astutely when Flamewhisker mentioned their children were growing strong. They really were, even little Stormkit seemed to go from strength to strength with every passing day. After a moment, Flycatcher could tell that thoughts had turned to their missing daughters. He leaned his head against his mate. "I miss them too," He said softly. Often he thought of them and the lives they might have lived. Would they be more like Falconkit or Stormkit? More like him or Flamewhsiker? "What kind of cats do you think they might have been?"
As he leaned his head against her, she closed her eyes and let out a long exhale. She would lean against him, feeling warm as his presence alone took away nearly all of her grief. It was a talent that only he possessed. He asked what kind of cats she thought they may have been like, and she stiffens a little. It was something she had tried to think about often, but grief had always consumed her before she could fully imagine them. "It's not fair.." she murmured, closing her eyes again. She imagined their two daughters, their pelts dancing with stars...all alone up there, with nobody but themselves. A sharp inhale shot through her throat as the image shattered her heart. They were supposed to be down here with their family...not up there. Emberstar is with them...she wouldn't let them be alone. she told herself, clinging to the hope that it was true. The leader had welcomed all new joiners into their home, if she had seen their daughters joining her new clan, there was no doubt she had taken them in as well.

"They would be kind, caring, and brave, just like their father." her voice grew stronger as she raised her gaze to meet his.

Flamewhisker sums it up well. It wasn't fair. How could it ever be fair that two kits were taken from them before they got to see the world? They should have had a chance to live, to be happy, to be sad, and to play with their siblings. Flycatcher can take small comfort in knowing they are likely safe and well cared for up in the stars. If Emberstar was with them she would surely watch over them, such was the nature of ThunderClan's first leader. Perhaps even their parents walked with them too...though Flycatcher had never thought much about whether his parents and sisters walked the stars or not.

Tears sting at his eyes when Flamewhisker says she thinks they would be like him. Flycatcher blinked them away before smiling at his mate appreciatively. "I wish we could have known them properly," He says with a wistful tone. "In a small way, I am glad we didn't lose them when they were older. We both saw what happened to Morningpaw and her poor family. I think my heart would not have coped if we had experienced something similar." Flycatcher paused briefly, looking upwards before looking back at his mate. "Do you think they might walk with our fallen friends and family? Do you think they might be happy up there?"
His words brought a new perspective that she hadn't considered. It was painstakingly a way, it was slightly easier loosing them before they were older. Morningpaw's death still troubled her dreams, and she wasn't even her mother. If they had lost their own kits in a similar way she knew she wouldn't be able to handle it. When their daughters had been born still, it had felt as if her heart had been torn out. No physical pain could compare to that feeling.

He asks if she thinks their family was with them. She stiffens, and shuffles her paws. "I doubt my mother is there.." Her gaze lowers to the ground. After she had learned about Starclan, she had wondered if maybe...just maybe there was a chance she would see her mother again. However, she had come to the conclusion that the day she had died was the last time she would have seen her. "Before I joined, we never even knew the clans existed. I don't think she would be in Starclan." The red tabby would pause, then slowly lift her gaze back to his. "I have no doubt that they are with Emberstar though...they are probably playing all day with Dovekit...and who knows, maybe Blackmoon is entertaining them...hopefully minus the bad language." she would twitch her whiskers in amusement. "I sure know Wildpaw is rubbing off on Stormkit and Falconkit! That boy curses like a Shadowclanner."