
Jun 9, 2024

//tw: minor family argument

"Why can't you just leave me alone!"

A yowl of challenge snapped, bristling forms of both felines stood at camps stream. Blackened lips whom were routinely pulled upwards with a cheerful smile were now barred into a snarl. An older queen, their mother, ducked down with widened eyes. A look of startle, a look of disarray. Which, had aggravated Driftwood further, "All you do is talk me down! All you do is crush me beneath your pity lies! When will you ever care about my happiness!? You.. ruin everything for me.. I... I hate you!" They hadn't meant it, although the words slithered beneath rage and embarrassment.

As eyes begun to settle upon the verbal altercation, the young blue and white feline bolted off into underbrush to hide from their embarrassment. On the surface, it seemed Driftwood had been raised perfectly; loved and adored. The mother fretted about their fur and frantically searched for them when paws were small enough to rest among the nursery but steady enough to wander out of camp in innocent, young curiousity. She had always stood there purring proudly at their ceremonies.

What went wrong? ​

Even despite the loud-mouth she is normally, the sound of snapping jaws and the heaviness of tension make Eveningpaw turn. Yowls of joy are different; those are careless with volume. This... this is not something she hears often. When she finds the source — rather easily, thanks to the quarrel continuing —, Eveningpaw lets curious eyes linger too much. She can only assume the cat Driftwood rounds upon is their mother, or at least a relative, one who has presumably not expected such an abrupt outburst.

The blue-and-white fur disappears under greenery and the camp falls silent in their wake.

It is not an easy feeling; hesitation, that is. Eveningpaw itches with the need to involve herself in the situation, to figuratively shove her face into Driftwood's and ask away until her tongue gets dry — or until they have enough. That bristling fur had not looked inviting though... Perhaps Eveningpaw would simply walk into the jaws of an angered predator, not into the aura of a Clanmate who will appreciate soothing words.

In the end, desire reigns victorious over logic. She would rather take this chance than let Driftwood wallow by themself. "Driftwood? Are you okay?" Her call is uncharacteristically mellow, paws unusually tentative as she follows the trail left behind.
જ➶ Hearing an argument is nothing new to her. Normally she is steeped in them herself. But perhaps what is odd about it is that it doesn't involve her directly. Perhaps that is a good thing as she does get tired of pointlessly arguing her point. She knows and feels that she is right especially when it comes to recent decisions. Shaking her head she supposes she should put the whole kittypet thing behind her but it still rubs her fur the wrong way. Baleful ambers lift up as she watches Driftwood and the older Queen that they argue with. Frowning slightly as they snap at the molly who seems immensely surprised. Hmm. Her gaze lingers before Eveningpaw moves toward the feline that scampers away into the underbrush. To her they should own the mess they have created and not hide from it. What did she do to them?

Curiosity grips her then and the dark stained molly gets up to make her way over to Eveningpaw then. Looking through the foliage at the center of the ruckus. "Yeah, what happened?" Truthfully she is more concerned with the issue than the feelings but she can understand the struggles of family
Especially when it comes to parents.

Hardly could they bare snapping, so the two faces that peered to check on Driftwood were only met with blinking eyes tinged with embarrassment. Driftwood took a long breath before answering the curious prods, a light lash to their tail in silent curses of their situation, they couldn't escape it as they hoped.. should have known better, "I'm..fine- don't.. just don't worry about it. It's nothing- just nothing." They dismissed, shaking off their pelt and giving it long strokes to calm themselves,"It's.. personal. I'll be fine. Let me just.. figure it out."

This was a new emotion to experience. Cornered. Flooded. It felt as if their emotions were as uncontrollable as the currents that ripped down river rock. The same way as currents pushed away anything in its way, they had pushed past their mother the same. She got in their way. But.. They weren't sure if they regretted it. Guilty, yes. Although, Driftwood knew she deserved it. It was well past due. They didn't regret it they'd decide, but they weren't sure if they should be so proud of themself. It felt as if they should be ashamed, especially of the attention that they dragged along.

Shouldn't they be comforting the "victim" than the "aggressor"? Maybe they knew who was the victim all along. Or.. just nosy, but Driftwood couldn't blame them. Blame them and that would be hypocritical almost, they knew they'd investigate too. Although, they were going to decide to be selfish.. they didn't have to tell them. No, that was their own decision.