camp Saturn Devouring | Morning


Mar 7, 2024

Horsepaw was still adjusting - there was a lot to adjust to and she’d admit it a bit overwhelming. This life she’d chosen was so opposite to everything she knew and lived by, she knows it’s much better when she’s laying in a warm den against the warm pelts of peers she otherwise would've never had. She doesn’t have to hide anymore and expect snapping jaws and barking to rouse her from sleep - she just has to expect her mentor. He seemed a bit strange but he was a far more friendly face.

She’d woken up early, dawns light dappled the camp in beautiful hues - matched with the melodic sounds of birdsong it felt so dreamlike. Her paws are still unsteady as she walks from the apprentices den, every step is unsure and her eyes still dart around regardless of her brain nagging her to remember these cats weren’t going to hurt her that she was apart of them now. She finds her way towards the prey pile slow and steady, the aroma makes her drool - a patrol must’ve returned she can still see some of them sharing tongues and chattering. She eyes a squirrel on the top of the pile, plump and unlike anything she’s ever caught. She’s used to eating crowfood and sickly prey, she took whatever she could get - and sparingly did she get much at all. She’s still so skinny she’d be that way for a while to come.

She snatches the squirrel by its neck, she’s still not used to the order of things she’d learn the clans customs in time but she’s only thinking with her all to empty belly. She carries it to a shaded area close to the apprentices den and lays it at her paws. She doesn’t spend much time staring at it, there’s no preamble she tears into it hungrily and messily more rabid dog than cat. This was amazing! This was the best thing she’s ever eaten, the best feeling she’s ever had! Even her mothers catches had been meager, she’d always fretted to them to not over indulge - to understand prey was limited. But she forgets those lessons, she’s a starved kit after everything. She’d been so humble since she joined hadn’t let her hunger over the moons get the better of her. She does this peaceful morning, she can’t help it.

By the time she slows she’s covered in her preys blood her nose and muzzle soaked and her chest and paws don’t fair much better.

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    Horsepaw She/Her, Skyclan apprentice, 8 moons
    A brown tabby she-cat with green eyes.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​
Ekat isn't fully aware of it, and neither is the young apprentice, but she and Horsepaw are cut from the same cloth in a way. Most especially their upbringing, as they had both waited at the edge of SkyClan's border not too long ago on the chance that they'd be accepted into its ranks, and no longer have to face the harsh cruelty of nature alone. At least, it still feels as though not much time had passed for Ekat since she'd been padding through the snow alongside her father, wondering if they'd be sleeping beneath the cold, open sky that evening. In reality, it had been more than two moons, and it won't be much longer before Ekat is named a warrior of SkyClan — if Orangestar decides she's still worthy of such a title, that is. And the difference between her and Horsepaw was that Ekat hadn't really been alone, she'd stood at the border alongside Zemo and hadn't faced the merciless leaf-bare all on her own, not as Horsepaw had.

But still, the apprentice approaches the fresh-kill pile with uncertainty, skittish like Ekat even though the older she-cat has made the hollow her home for a few moons now. Even after that time, it still feels strange to be around so many cats when Ekat would've found her surroundings to be a great danger before. It brings a bit of comfort to her, too, as it does for Horsepaw — neither of them are alone anymore, they are part of the Clan, something bigger than themselves. A concept which, for loners, was completely foreign. But Ekat is still anxious, hardly ever speaks to their Clanmates unless she's approached first. Even now, Ekat isn't exactly keen on speaking to Horsepaw, her paws tremble as she meanders over to where the apprentice devours her meal. But she'd seen the younger she-cat pick the squirrel from the fresh-kill pile after the hunting patrol had recently arrived, before the nursery-dwellers and elders have had their chance to eat.

Ekat certainly doesn't plan on scolding the apprentice, and she plans her words carefully before she ever opens her mouth to be sure she doesn't sound like she is. She only wants to let Horsepaw know, or remind her of SkyClan's manners — because she's certain if she'd been scolded for doing the same after recently joining SkyClan's ranks, she likely would've been too mortified to ever eat again. And she at least knows that Horsepaw is a former loner like herself, and when that was their way of living, it was every cat for themselves. Ekat had had to learn, too, and sometimes it feels as though she still is. "Uh, hello," the she-cat greets awkwardly as she sits beside the apprentice, curling her tail around her paws and trying to avoid looking at Horsepaw's damp, blood-soaked ones. "Did you have a good meal?" Ekat asks with a short chuckle. It definitely seemed as though the apprentice had enjoyed it. "Just remember that SkyClan warriors and apprentices do tend to eat after the other cats, to be sure they've had their fill first." She hopes she sounds gentle, tries to give Horsepaw a small smile. But her adrenaline is running high from speaking to the apprentice for the first time, and the planning she'd tried to do beforehand was swept away in it.​

Figfeather was not nearly as patient as Ekat. While she appreciates the newer she-cats gentle reminder the tri-legged warrior swoops in to deliver a sterner lesson.

Horsepaw’s muzzle was coated in the blood of her prey from fast eating. Figfeather can sympathize with feeling hungry, but as Ekat already informed apprentices and warriors had to work for their share. The tall brown tabby would need to make up for this somehow. ”She can complete extra chores after her training with Mallowlark to make up for it.” Figfeather’s words could be taken as a suggestion… but the serious expression on her face implies it was more of an order.

”It’s getting warmer, cats are getting thirstier. You can take moss to the stream and wet it to bring back to camp.” The red tabby continues to instruct, making a mental note to inform the black-footed warrior of the task she had assigned to the apprentice.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
"Hm.." His facial expression is one of distaste as he looks over to the new apprentice, ears flicking back. He could hear the sound of chewing, which must mean they had to have taken something from the fresh-kill pile. While Fireflypaw was normally the sunny type in personality, rule breaks were something he found to be harder for him to understand. Figfeather arrives soon after Ekat reminds Horsepaw of the warrior code, telling Horsepaw that she'll make up for it with more chores, and Fireflypaw is sated with that.

His expression softens soon after, the hefty tom making his way over to the group to dip his head to Figfeather and Ekat in greeting. "Mallowlark should go over the warrior code with you just a few times so this mistake doesn't happen again. Our clanmates depend on us, right, Horsepaw?" He smiles to the younger cat, no bitterness in his tone at all.​