private SAURFANG | Weaselclaw

(RETRO: to Dandelionwish's escape)
The spar today between Weaselclaw and Snailpaw had gone more disastrously then she'd expected and damn had her expectations been low but who could've expected Snailpaw to pass out after the first swipe was thrown. She knew they were gonna get their ass kicked and knew Weaselclaw was strong as formidable as one might expect for the mate of Sootstar; but it didn't make what happened any less unbelievable. Snailpaw was fine in the end, though she's not naïve or hopeful enough to think they planned to fake him out no they had truly keeled on over and that make her worry how Weaselclaw must think about the apprentices as a whole now. Snailpaw she wanted to say was an exception; a bumbling mousebrain who was more suited for lazing around and finding nice places to relax then being a warrior if they had a rank for that they'd have been a warrior by now however she can't say in good faith some of their peers aren't just as pathetic.

She isn't like that though, she's strong and has always showed promise in combat and it makes her ashamed that Weaselclaw's spar was with someone like Snailpaw who'd never have been able to give him anything close to a challenge and wasn't fun enough to beat up either. They were just sad, it was like kicking a kit, she prays to the stars it doesn't make him look down on all of them so well she decides to seek him out herself. She could be what Snailpaw wasn't, she could be a good sparring partner and well she also wanted to learn from the warrior. He surely had plenty to teach!

Her paws lead her over to him ❝You know I was expectin' Snailpaw to get his ass kicked but not that quickly❞ she doesn't waste time in her hobby of putting down her peers ❝Sorry you had to waste your time with them❞ she would flex her claws where they stand ❝I'm sure they didn't get your blood pumpin or anything, no excitement with them I know that for sure! Umm if you want since you have time...❞ somehow she finds herself feeling nervous in front of his gaze, she really didn't want to embarrass herself, she'd take a deep breath and puff out her chest to grip onto whatever shred of confidence and bravdo she can find. ❝If you wanna can we spar? Promise I'll put up a good fight❞