sensitive topics savage daughter — failed hunt

it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
/ some mentions of a panic attack ? not a full-out one, but just on the cusp

Littlepaw scampered off in a blaze of derbies, shooting after the terrified mouse like his life depended on it. In a way, his life really was on the line, and he wanted to show just how much he learned since his apprenticeship. He trained, even after he was done for the day, slipping out to practice until his paws bled. He wanted to showcase his skills because he didn’t need a mentor, even if he liked Dogbite, as weird as he was.

His breath rattled, chest heaving with the chase as his skinny frame nearly toppled over, not from the lack of trying, but maybe it was—Littlepaw chose to ignore that, swiping a paw forward, just barely grazing the mouse’s fleeing tail when it disappeared.

The small feline skidded to a halt, his emotions running high from the failure when he felt his breathing pick up, shame running hot. He failed. He’d been so close. If only—Littlepaw gritted his teeth.

He didn’t notice the nerve-wracking shivers as he stared at where the mouse disappeared when he stumbled forward, paws tingling. He needed to get it back. He promised. He shouldn’t have—They needed it and he let it go. He failed. His mind was a maelstrom of rampaging thoughts, Littlepaw snapped, whipping around like something feral at whoever, teeth bared with wide, unseeing optics. “Leave me alone!”

He wanted to be alone. He didn’t need them to see his failure that burned hot across his ears. His chest hurt more than usual, dragging a wheezed gasp between clenched teeth, shrinking further into himself. He was small, but he was alarmingly small now, tucked into himself until he saw stars.

/ mentor tag @Dogbite
thought speech

Success in hunting was not something commonly associated with Applefrost. Hunting patrols were a task she so loathed, knowing she was held to the same expectation as her Clanmates that showed more promise in the skill. Unsuspectingly the white-dusted molly found her time better equipped on checking their borders or defending them with claws and teeth.

Still, she did not object to her placement, not that she ever would. She trusted there was always good reason for where she was directed even if it frustrated her. This most certainly did, already caught in a cloud of feathers from a miscalculated pounce. Starlings were fickle things. She shared Littlepaw's guilt in not being able to return with anything just yet, but her big emotions were balanced with her equally grown form. It didn't overwhelm her the same way it did for the apprentice.

Applefrost flinched slightly when Littlepaw snapped angrily, not expecting such ichor in his tone. She looked around for Dogbite briefly before meeting his gaze neutrally. "I don't think your method here will help you keep many friends." She tried to imagine if she became snappish every time she missed a catch before nodding her head, as if to confirm her own statement.
Never far from camp these days, the frail frame of Dogbite appeared. Watching intently as his apprentice raced around, they couldn't help but wince as the disastrous hunt unfolded.

He knew how desperately Skyclan needed every piece of prey, but he also understood the strain on their pupil. It was a harsh time for the clan, and it seemed to be taking a toll in every way. The older feline had taken notice of the youth's headstrong nature early on. His desire to prove they were independently admirable. Something they saw incredible worth in, but getting through to said apprentice was a whole different whirlwind. Rather than lash out or scold him, they felt a sense of Déjà vu. Not long ago, they'd also been cursing under their breath from missing a measly mouse. When the forest had been lush with life and full of warmth, a day that was hard to forget.

Immediately, they snapped from the daydream as sudden shouting started up, and Dogbite knew he needed to step in. Walking beside Applefrost, he gestured toward the other with a disgruntled headshake. "Sorry..." Quietly, he muttered to the other as he continued to pass on by. Focus solely on the current predicament for the time being. The warrior intended a proper apology, eventually. When looking down, they saw the same drive and determination that had led them to seek the life of a clan cat. He had no intention of snuffing out said fire, but he prayed to someday tame it.

Oh, Littlepaw...

Approaching the shaking tom, their good eye held both understanding and concern. It was a peculiar mixture, and he hoped they could convey the right message. Much like Blazestar had done for him during their first hunt. "Hey, hey. Littlepaw-" They began, crackling voice gentle and firm. "-I know you want to help, and I appreciate your enthusiasm, but remember, it's not just about catching prey." Settling next to the paw, he aimed to scoop them closer to his side so they could talk face-to-face. Unaware of the other's ragged breathing and panicked body language.

Pointedly, he meowed on ignoring the irony of it. "Failing and trying again is part of learning, but so is listening to your body and resting." A crooked smile briefly cradled on their maw but it was short-lived. "However, what's not okay is taking your anger out on others." He paused and aimed to nudge the top of Littlepaw's head, offering a sense of comfort. Here, it was dire, and emotions far more raw.

Extra work had kept Dogbite busy with balancing life and trying to stay upright. Leaving the scarred tabby's mentor duties neglected. He couldn't help but feel partially responsible for allowing this mindset to fester. Decidedly, they finished the point with added care and an openness they rarely shared with anyone. "Sometimes, we just have to slow down and adapt to our circumstances. I believe in you, and I know you're strong, so don't let some mouse get the better of you."

That and I have to figure out a way to keep you healthy or soon I'll be burying you. Dogbite's throat constricted violently at the torrent of fear their inner mind could bring. Not wanting to further irritate the current situation, he swallowed the dreary words and kept focus on other things.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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I feel like I walked into something I shouldn't have, a poor Pikesplash thinks as he stands frozen watching with green hues Dogbite comforting and offering words to Littlepaw. A fish between his jaws might be a sore sight to behold, but he has no idea. Apprentices are kits. In a way. Mentors were given apprentices and had to teach them everything they know while checking in on them. If he had to compare the job it was no different from a Queen taking care of their kits. Although the queens in question trusted them with their kits to make sure they would turn into respectable warriors. He himself has an apprentice, whom he's watched become injured and listened to her worries. Catfishpaw will become a warrior soon now that I think about it... Her and Hazepaw. Those two are so close, it makes me happy to know they'll have each other's back. He shakes his head and slowly approaches the skyclanners, flicking his tail in greeting.

What Dogbite says is correct. Sometimes slowing down was required when it came to growth. In terms of Riverclan, they were taught to be patient. If they were restless, they would be unable to catch any fish. From what he understands is this. Littlepaw whom he doesn't know too well, yet he understands the simple fact that the little tom is skin and bones failed a hunt. That was nothing to be ashamed of. Even seasoned warriors failed hunts here and there. He sets the fish down and nods, "You're not alone. Things are hard now. There's going to be more bad days than good, but if you have good friends or even your mentor... Things will be okay. Kits, queens, warriors, elders, all cats, even leaders struggle." Am I talking too much? He turns to Dogbite as if the other tom could hear his question.

"I'm just a Riverclanner, but how I see it is this. You may have failed the hunt, but you know Dogbite? Will always be there for you." I'm gonna cry if his name's not Dogbite. Actually I hope Starclan would strike me down if that was the case. One thing he hopes is that none of the Skyclanners would hiss at him or tell him to mind his own business. Which fair. He was butting himself into a Skyclan apprentices business. He didn't have any right to direct Skyclan apprentices around. That would only pass if they were in danger, but clearly there was no attack happening.
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Littlepaw sneered, emotions running high that they threatened to combust if he didn’t do something anything to combat the ticking time bomb that was his anger. He didn’t need friends. Didn’t want them, so what did Applefrost know? He was just some dumb apprentice with anger issues, but things were foggy and Littlepaw wasn’t sure why he couldn’t just breathe without it sounding wheezy and choked, frustration making itself known even before he realized what it was. Stop it. Stop it! He wanted to tear his own fur out, skin feeling wrong, and a heart that refused to slow down, drawing a pained whine when his mentor’s voice filtered through the haze.

His ears lay flat against his head, nearly jumping away when the other scooped him up like he weighed nothing ( he really weighed nothing ) to stare into his mentor’s optic, stiff and uncoordinated. No. No. No. He was too close—Too close. His breath quickened, optics blown wide, listening to his mentor, but not really hearing it.

He winced, biting the inside of his cheek. Right. Like what Applefrost said, he wouldn’t make any friends with his temper, but it wasn’t like he wanted to make friends or get close to anyone. He had Thistlepaw and his mama and that was the only thing he needed. He didn’t need to be listening to this when he wasn’t interested in stuff like that. He didn’t need rest. If he can’t handle this then what’s the point? He was just—Littlepaw scowled.

Willing to settle down, even if his breathing was ragged and fast-paced, lowering his helm when the other nudged his helm. He mustered a helpless shrug. “Right.” He liked Dogbite. He did. But if he wasn’t willing to do something because of their circumstances ( he didn’t get the big deal, he didn’t need to rest, he needed to get better ), then Littlepaw would have failed his mama and he didn’t want to see the look of disappointment on her face.

Blue optics narrowed at the RiverClanner, slipping away from his mentor until he breathed easier, flank rising with deep, shaky breaths. He couldn’t help but feel hot shame run down his spine that another cat saw this, no less someone from another clan. It made his insides churn and blister. He stared at the ground, brows knitted together, listening impatiently. “It won’t.” He muttered, barely audible. Nothing is going to get better. We’ll starve and I can’t even do anything about it! He shouldn’t be struggling. He just needed to train more. He could do that.

He blinked, startled at the statement. He glanced wearily at his mentor. He wasn’t all that familiar with cats being there for him. His mama trusted him enough to leave the nursery when he was a kit so she must have seen something in him and his siblings. He breathed shakily. “Sorry.” He muttered, loud enough for the three warriors to hear.
thought speech