sensitive topics save your tears — death [ pafp ]


you are worth it all 07/30/23
May 30, 2023
if it's meant to be , it'll be .
The tri-colored male padded gracefully through the forest, tail swishing as Dovepaw trotted beside him, nosing fallen twigs as they passed them, drawing a crinkled grin from the warrior. I made it trickier this time. He thought with knowing eyes, watching the apprentice bounce from area to area in search of the heavily scented moss ball Honeywish had hidden.

I think I outdid myself, this time. He mused, resting a chin against his paw, humming. It was a perfect tactic to strengthen one's tracking. He was glad to have talked to Whitelion before this, asking what might work best for his skittish apprentice.

Of course, Honeywish would follow the freckled tom, knowing how fearful he got by himself, but even if Dovepaw asked for hints, Honeywish would laugh, zipping his lips with a crinkled grin. One must not reveal their secrets! He'd chirp, trotting forward with a flick of his ear.

He paused mid-step, helm lowered to peer into the bushes, catching sight of three strangers who didn't seem to notice he had caught sight of them. He sighed. Not the brightest bunch out there, are they? He inquired.

Preventing Dovepaw from going further, the warrior hummed, announcing his presence. "My! Is my appearance that good-looking?" He called, lime optics narrowed, standing in front of Dovepaw with such subtly that he barely noticed it himself, chin raised with curious optics. "Must you remain hiding? I fear word would get around that you fancy a clanner!" His voice rose, watching the bush shake, drawing out three rogues of various pelts.

"You were watching us for quite some time when we were most vulnerable." He commented. "It seems I blew you away with my charm, did I not?" He added, whiskers twitching.

"I—No!" One splat, alarmed. "You stole all the prey!"

Honeywish rose a brow, helm cocked. "Did we now?" He inquired.

"Y, Yes! We were just taking what was ours! You were in our way! That's all! We needed a plan!" A second commented while the third remained silent, glaring eerily at the two Thunderclanners.

"A plan, you say? Rather odd, don't you think? You outnumber us and yet you did not attack. Perhaps it is not us that took your prey, but your lack of skills." He spoke, tone icy.

"I suggest you leave. I will not be nice if I have to repeat myself again." He rumbled, tail raising to block Dovepaw's vision. You will get your time, Dovepaw. But it is not this.

/ please wait for @Dewfang ! death will not happen until next post so no warnings for now !
thought speech
There's a foreign scent ahead that makes Dewfang's nose flare in alarm. The hunting patrol behind him had dissolved into faint whispers among the bracken. Dewfang calculates that there is not time to round up the gang together to face what threatened their borders. Thus the stocky brown tom slunk through the forest, calloused paws making not a sound against the ground.

Voices enter his senses and he recognizes one is of their warriors. Honeywish? His ears twitch in confusion. The calm manner in which the warrior is speaking to the strangers perplexed the senior warrior. His blue eyes peer out from the shade of a fern to see Honeywish and his apprentice facing three foreign rogues.

Since Basilwhisker's graduation, Dewfang did not have an apprentice of his own. It would be an ideal situation, to make the younger of the pair race back for back-up. He was faced with a choice now. It did not take much for him to make it. Honeywish was outnumbered, Dovepaw was not trained well enough for this.

The tom made himself known, ears flattened and lips curled back to reveal aged yellowing teeth. "You have two heartbeats to turn tail and run before I rip your ears from your skull." He threatened. Unlike Honeywish, Dewfang preferred to not waste time talking. He was an attack dog through and though. The only sweet-talk these cats would get would be his fangs.

"Dovepaw, turn back and run. There is a patrol not too far back. They will be back-up." He whispered in a hiss to the apprentice. Dovepaw was not his own, but as the warrior with most seniority, he had to take control until a higher position arrived.

you want a battle ? i'll give you a war .
Dovepaw froze, staring owlishly at the three rogues, helm tilted to watch his mentor, intending to stand beside the other until a mouthful of tri-colored fur stopped him in his tracks. Unsure, the freckled tom bounced on calloused paw pads, owlish optics flickering from Honeywish to the others. What’s happening? His skin prickled with unease.

At Dewfang’s appearance, Dove nearly jumped, fur-raising along his spine at the sudden harshness. “B, But—” He rattled on, not wanting to leave his mentor, but wanting to find help like the senior warrior wanted. At Honeywish’s soothing flick against his side, Dovepaw squeaked, nodding his helm at the gentle expression, calming his frayed nerves. Right. He needed to get help.

With shaky paws, the black-and-white apprentice hurried off, glancing over his shoulder with one last lingering look before he ventured further in search of the patrol Dewfang mentioned. “H, Help!” He shouted, voice threatening to break, optics frantic. “R, Rogues—! My m. mentor is—” He rambled, voice uncertain.

Stupid! Stupid! He couldn’t even get help! With a strained wheeze, Dovepaw straightened, owlish optics wide. “There’s s, strangers inside our t, territory—” He gasped out. “P, Please help!”

/ calling out for the patrol @RACCOONSTRIPE
thought speech
Raccoonstripe’s hunting patrol has been lucky today. He just finishes patting dust over a shrew when a cry pierces the air. “H-help!” He recognizes the squeak of the little tom’s voice—Dovepaw is in trouble again. He exhales, his eyes flashing with annoyance and concern. “Little mousebrain probably ran into another foxhole,” he growls, flicking his tail to signal to the others on the patrol to follow him. As Dovepaw crashes madly through the undergrowth, the tabby stiffens, realizing this is more than just the apprentice being chased by a predator.

Your mentor?” Honeywish. Understanding dawns on him, and he unsheathes his claws, his hackles spiking. “Take us there. Now.” He leaps, prey forgotten. “How many are there? What are we running into?” He is stern, his voice lashing like a whip, but he can’t ignore the hammering in his heart. Had Honeywish been ambushed by mange-pelted outsiders? Was he leading his patrol into the ambush?

He snarls, breaking through just in time to see Dewfang’s broad-shouldered tawny shape.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai