sensitive topics SAY I'M NOT A SINNER — hurting prey

Apr 30, 2023
When Thriftpaw catches the rabbit, he doesn't kill it.

It's wiry and long, with a thick dewlap that drapes over its splayed forelegs like lichen over wood. Thriftpaw has done something like this once before; he has held down prey with the weight of himself, caught in a strange trance. The rabbit is frightened into a near-complete stillness, broken only by the constant twitching of its nose and the rapid rise and fall of its flank. Thriftpaw knows the feeling, but it isn't sympathy that stops his teeth from its throat. His mind moves too quickly for him to catch the thoughts — scattered, the great many things that he should be doing in this moment.

He should kill the rabbit. He shouldn't be like it: he should be anything but still.

His body, despite or because of his efforts, remains as it is.

Ghostwail hasn't had the time for Thriftpaw lately. She said she was getting him a meal, was trying to comfort him, and then she hadn't come back to Thriftpaw. He was annoyed or he was relieved. Dizzyingly, he was both. But then days passed and Gravelsnap had gotten sick and Ghostwail still let Thriftpaw be, and Thriftpaw finds himself missing her in her absence. She declared him to be her son after being kinder to him than she has ever been and then she just—!

The rabbit makes a sound. Thriftpaw didn't know they could do that. He'd tightened his grip, he must have. The rabbit makes a sound like a wheeze; Thriftpaw will remember that. He doesn't relax his grip, even when his toes ache from holding this position. He drags his claws down the rabbit's flank instead — it stiffens but doesn't try to get away, and its skin parts as easily as if Thriftpaw was passing through grass. He doesn't think of himself as angry. His heart beats like he is terrified, and that is just one more thing him and the rabbit have in common.

When at last he ends the rabbit, teeth gripped to the back of its neck, it is only moments later. He hadn't held it long, he thinks. He reminds himself: he hadn't held it long. Thriftpaw hadn't done anything wrong. He was just —?

He —? (liked feeling scary to something, liked feeling big and important and dangerous, but he doesn't have the words for that.)

Thriftpaw drops the rabbit, looks away from the red scores marking its pelt, and ignores the very same color staining his white paw. Guilt blossoms in his chest, and Thriftpaw has met guilt often enough now that he knows how to fold it into nothing and press it somewhere else in his mind. He doesn't need to think about it. Thriftpaw hadn't done anything wrong.​
  • Nervous
Reactions: revelations

The tom is a shadow. He seemingly appears just paw-steps behind Thriftpaw.

”Entertainment over?” A sarcastic frown tugs at his lips before brushing past the cream apprentice to look at his kill. Terror still glows in the depths of its eyes, even as the life drains from them. ”Broke a crows wing once. Watched it stumble around.” Harrierpaw very evidently, did not find guilt in this matter. He saw the prey animals of the moorland as nothing more than food, the idea of them having lives, goals and objectives of their own like he did never crossing his mind.

By his age he’s heard cats theorize of course. “Think the rabbit has his own clan to get back to? Think he has kits that’ll grieve for him?” It was foolish talk, why feel for a creature whose life’s purpose was to fill your belly?
  • » Harrierpaw
    » WindClan Apprentice
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

honeypaw & 09 moons & trans. male & he/him & windclan moor runner apprentice

Honeypaw has never put much thought into actions like this - sometimes his hunts are as bloody and messy as a battle, and other times as neat and tidy as though his prey has only fallen asleep - a clean snap of it's neck or spine rendering it motionless. The stout figured boy pds over on pale paws, grey eyes flitting back and forth between the two before settling on a warm smile. Thriftpaw might've been an outsider once, but sootstar has seen... well, something, in the yellow furred tom, and so honeypaw treats him as he would any other windclan born and raised. "Nice catch, I bet that will feed quite a few mouths," he simply says, praise falling easily from his lips. He's not the worlds greatest hunter, though he manages to pull his own weight at least - no, his skillset is in fighting, in battle, and so such a catch certainly leaves an impression. "Have you caught anything yet harrierpaw? I haven't been able to catch wind of anything except Thriftpaws bunny,"

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • [bimg]url here[/bimg]
    a strange looking feline with nearly every shade of red upon his coat, and a badger-like mask of white upon his face. honeypaw is usually quite friendly and outgoing, an upbeat sort of personality; but when faced with those outside of windclan his demeanor is brutal and scathing.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#fed053]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


i'm no good man, you won't forget—————————————————
Hunting was something Goldenpaw struggled with, so when the other apprentices he was hunting with became distracted he was fine joining them. What he hadn't anticipated was the scene they were distracted with, Thriftpaw held a rabbit down, toying with it before finally ending it. Goldenpaw's amber eyes looked on in disgust , not wanting to look away from the scene. He had become timid around death, dreading the final blow during every hunt, but he did it all the same. Yet in the scene before him he couldn't fathom wanting to draw the whole ordeal out. It made him uncomfortable.

The discomfort he felt rose to his throat in harsh thoughts, "Hey Thriftpaw, instead of being a freak and wasting time maybe we could just keep hunting." he had only directed the comment at Thriftpaw, but Harrierpaw didn't escape the burning amber stare for his own comment on the matter. He didn't understand why either of them would do it, and frankly, he didn't care to find out. He masked his discomfort at the toying with a lack of efficacy, which while it was true it took time away from catching more prey, that wasn't really what he disliked about the little display.

He finally turned to Honeypaw, "I have already scented anything either. Maybe if there wasn't so much blood in the air." he said as one last jab to Thriftpaw's inefficacy.

rude words i said, i'm still a mess————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
The moor runners are hunting just above her. Bluepaw’s own paws are stained deep with dirt, browning the soft gray tones of her coat, but her curiosity brims over and she shoves her way to the surface. Grit flicks from her whiskers as she shakes her thick fur. Harrierpaw is here, so she pulls herself the rest of the way from the tunnel, giving a toneless mrrp of greeting before sitting beside her littermate. The object in question is Thriftpaw’s rabbit. She can see the disgust etched on Goldenpaw’s face—and she can feel electricity in the air between the apprentices, as though there’s something tense and taut held between them all.

Bluepaw fixes Goldenpaw with a blank green look. “What has he done wrong? Has he not already hunted more for his Clan than you have?” She smiles, and it’s devoid of anything and everything. She has no love for Thriftpaw, and in fact finds the nervous young tom strange, hunted, but—but genuinely, a kill is a kill. As her brother says, haven’t they all injured a catch and watched it prance about brokenly for a bit? It is normal. The self-righteous way Goldenpaw’s eyes sear into Thriftpaw causes her dusty fur to ruffle.

  • bluekit . bluepaw
    — she/her, apprentice of windclan
    — bisexual ; single
    — long-haired blue she-cat with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — art by Meg
Embarrassment heats Thriftpaw's folded ears as Harrierpaw shares his own story about a crow. He knows exactly what Thriftpaw was doing — he's done it before, and doesn't have any of the twisted or tangled feelings that would otherwise make him hesitate in sharing. Thriftpaw doesn't understand how Harrierpaw could be like that. Thriftpaw is starting to understand himself as someone full of questions, but noticing hasn't made him capable of stopping.

"Why would you do that?" Thriftpaw asks without judgement — in part because he doesn't understand his own motivations.

Honeypaw's praise is a balm that Thriftpaw hadn't known he needed. He exhales and relaxes marginally, even chances a glance at the rabbit before turning his attention back to Honeypaw and nodding his appreciation. It's Goldenpaw who says what Thriftpaw had been quietly thinking — says what he assumed everyone to be quietly thinking, and yet he is almost immediately rebuffed by Bluepaw popping out of the ground.

"It isn't like — it's not like killing something is ever gentle," Thriftpaw argues, and begins to groom the blood from his paw with a casualness he hadn't known he possessed. He glances at Goldenpaw, swallows the residual guilt that clings to the inside of his throat, "And, and maybe you'd be able to scent something else if you were a better hunter."

It's too much. Thriftpaw knows it is too much the moment he says it. His eyes widen, almost comically so, and his mouth clenches shut.

"Sorry!" Thriftpaw shuts his eyes tight and turns his head away, "That wasn't, ah, I shouldn't have said that."​
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Reactions: Marquette
Snakehiss has never given much thought to the sentience of prey. There was little time to waste on such trivial matters when the sole purpose of the small creatures was to fill the bellies of cats. Playing with one's food, whether that meant dillydallying during the hunt or picking at its lifeless corpse, was not thought to be "proper" by his parents. Therefore, he had been taught to only swiftly make the kill and enjoy the spoils.

That being said, Snakehiss does not find himself totally disagreeing with Goldenpaw's sentiment. The patrol had happened upon the golden-furred apprentice standing over a limp, cold rabbit with bloody scores down its skin; uncharacteristic of a typical catch. Cygnetstare had done something similar, he recalls, where they practically dissected a mouse for no apparent reason other than their own entertainment. At least the thing's guts weren't spilled and making a mess all over the ground.

A wry smirk quirks on the edge of his lip, viridian eyes brightening with amusement at such a display. The young warrior snorts through a mouthful of ouzel feathers, "Looks like the kit has finally grown fangs." Not that it really made a difference in Snakehiss's eyes. Thriftpaw had been yet another scruffy outsider that Sootstar had taken pity upon, another pawn for her army of mindless cats ready to do her bidding at a moment's notice. He didn't matter, nor did most cats in this clan. Snakehiss had been educated from day one on who was important to keep on good terms with and who wasn't, and certainly none of Sootstar's pitiful strays were important. However, he would be lying if he claimed that seeing the younger apprentice talk back to the cocky Goldenpaw wasn't entertaining in the least.

Bluepaw joining in on verbally cornering the tom makes Snakehiss snicker — finally, an instance where he isn't catching someone else's flack.

    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack

    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
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