
★ some rain must fall
Oct 19, 2022
Nighttime was far from SkyClan's domain, yet Grizzlyridge finds himself bound to it nonetheless. Something about the silence calls to him– maybe it's the loneliness of it all that reminds him of nights stretched out in the plush comfort of home. His twolegs breathing, steady in-and-out; the quiet whir of their wind-maker in the stillness of their shared den. His pawprints had left divots on their bedding as he checked in on them throughout the night. It was peaceful– it still is, in his memories. The time he had spent with them is a quiet place to sit. It is a nest made just to his shape, with all of his favorite scents. It is home, even with the grand distance between them now.

It has only been a few short paw-steps of the moon since most of his clanmates had returned to their dens. Whether or not they were in camp or with their twolegs, only a few lonely souls seem to linger as Grizzlyridge blinks at the dark sky. Jealousy rises, bitter, up the back of his throat, but he swallows down the sudden dryness. It seems a struggle, night after night– I miss them, I want to go home; I am home, this is it.. There was no imagining another life, without these cats and the bonds that he has forged. Since Rain's leadership, he has done all that he could to stick with those that had earned his heart those few moons ago. It wouldn't do any good to regret the turn his life had taken if this is where it led.

With a low sigh, the seal point turns his eyes from the treetops and across part of camp. The water that babbles past the elders' den soothes his worn paws as he steps into it, and his dry throat when he ducks his head to drink. Perhaps he should make something of the night, if he was so intent on wasting it. A hunting party? A late patrol? They were not creatures of the night; he doubts they would find anything of note. Perhaps he was safe, then, to simply linger and enjoy the memories that come. With a flick of his paws in shallow water, he tosses a small pebble to the air so it can splash back down with a raucous clatter. That, he thinks, is something he misses greatly about his twolegs: they had always laughed at his obsession with gravity, or with defying it. Now there is only him and this pebble.

So he does it again, and again. One more time.

  • floabie_by_tausune_dffvyqj_1.png
  • GRIZZLYRIDGE. world-weary warrior of skyclan.
    ──── uses he - him - his, may accept they - them - theirs.
    ──── about four years old.  a former pine group member.
    ──── homoromantic homosexual, but this may develop.

    a large, broad-shouldered highlander cat with lightly tufted curled ears and large paws made larger by extra toes. a solid seal point with only a small white marking on his muzzle and deep blue eyes.
  • "speech"
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

The moon is a sliver, but it washes SkyClan's camp in a lonely blue-silver that sings of melancholy. Blazestar's mind is tangled, frazzled, as his coat gets after too long without a dedicated grooming -- the dangers that lurk beyond his borders, in the scheming minds of a blue smoke miles away, in the prey bones stinking of sewer rogues -- they all gnaw at his body like fangs attempting to crack bone.

He's admittedly become worse since his children had been born. Now they are old enough to travel to and from ThunderClan's camp to SkyClan's, and even that short journey could be perilous. Soon, Emberstar would begin their apprenticeships, and they would leave Blazestar and Little Wolf's watchful eyes forever.

Enveloped by the pale glow, Grizzlyridge sits near the elder's den, batting something small around in a rare flash of whimsy. Blazestar can see in the slope of his shoulders, the glow in his eyes, that the other tom is lonely.

"You'll be a worthy opponent for my kits," he says, a smile's ghost upon his features. "Do you mind if I join you? I'm having trouble sleeping myself." He exhales. His breath plumes like duck feathers, soft frost.

- ,,
𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒

The soft splashes of a dropped stone would gently pull Deersong from her sleep. Aqua eyes fluttered open and blinked sleep away as she yawned, lifting her head from where they rested on Thistlebacks' paws. Detangling herself from her mate in a way she hoped would not rouse him, the molly would slip from her nest and leave the den, looking around camp for the source of the sound.

A notice of amusement would leave her throat, sounding much like a coo of a dove as she made her way over to her clanmate and leader, "What's crackin' you two?" Her mew would be soft, not wanting to disturb the peaceful night air. "Your aura's are looking less than fab." She would muse softly, her head tilting in its whimsical way that was familiar with the lead warriors' mannerisms. Settling down into a comfortable sitting position, Deersong would watch the tossing of the rock as if the motion put her into a trance and an airy smile would be placed on her face.

Wasp prefers the heat of the sun on her back and the breath of color it breathes into the world when it reigns over the forest in the sky. On the streets, it had been a different story - all of that heat radiating off of hot, smelly asphalt, reflecting off of monsters, heavy and hot in her mouth. It was then that she had preferred the night, the gentle cooling touch of concrete on her paws, the soft chirp of crickets, and the chittering of rats. But the forest gets very cold when the sun does not touch it, and the heat is much more bearable. She prefers to go to bed when the sky gets dark, but tonight she's restless, worrying about Hornet, wondering if he's still cooped up in a cage or if he's found decent upwalkers to care for him by now. Damn the catcher for taking him...

Shaking her thoughts away, she finds her attention drawn to a group of SkyClan cats who seem to be discussing a patrol. She approaches, figuring an outing would be just what she needed to clear her head so she could sleep.
"If you're all goin' out, can I come?" she asks, fire-flecked tail pluming out behind her.

  • WASPFLAME —— she/her, 12 moons, skyclan warrior.
    —— a pretty, sleek red and white she-cat with blue eyes.
    —— link to bio, toyhouse. penned by regina.

Once, late night conversations were a sign of his children's thoughts running around with or without them, and if it didn't wake him, it'd wake Nora and then him. It was always one thing or another, especially when Lemon and Lime were younger, but after Thorn's weird sleeping habits he was prepared. Perhaps this is why the murmur of voices and echoing of disturbed water wakes him so easily, pulling the old tom into the waking from the dreaming. He gives a stretch, padding out with careful paws so as to not wake Leopardcloud. 'Strange, it feels normal still, to be woken like this.' Burr thinks to himself as he emerges from the elder's den.

"Normally only the owls are chittering this late, and kits who think their parents cant hear them." He whispers, a chuckle rumbling from the back of his throat as he ambles over with his awkward gait. "What has the moon seeping into all of your bones tonight?"

header by lleafeons on DA, fancy via chérie​