say you'll be mine | kits

A cold air lingered outside and attempts to venture outside had been put aside in favour of remaining within the nursery. Howlfire couldn't help but chuckle at how fast her kits had hurried back to the nest, their talk of exploring camp quickly falling apart when they actually felt how cold it was.

"You know, one day soon you won't have the nursery to run and hide in," Howlfire reminded her kits gently, giving an affectionate lick to whichever one was nearest to her. "Don't worry, I'll always be here for you though." There was still some time yet but her children were almost four moons old which meant that it was almost time for them to become apprenticed. It was a natural part of any clan and something Howlfire had been greatly excited about when she was that age, but now that she actually had kits she couldn't help but worry about them."Are you excited to become apprentices? Any guesses on who your mentors might be?"

@BLAZINGKIT @wolfkit @Hawkkit
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER — Blazingkit had let out a soft brrr as he bolted away from his sisters and into the nursery already shaking the snow from his paws that had started to get cold, his fuzzy pelt prickling in every direction as owl sized eyes turned to his littermates with a big grin on his maw though it falters when he hears Howlfire speak mentioning how they wouldn't always have a nursery to run to. A part of him about to ask why but it dawns on him that they'd all be apprenticed soon and it makes him excited yet a small tinge of sadness knowing that he wouldn't be able to curl next to his mother anymore like they always did every night. "Don't worry, I'll always be here for you though." She reminds him and its comforting to know that he would always have his mother and he wonders quietly if she'll be sad to not be able to curl up with them anymore too. "It'll be so chilly," He decides to squeak out with another fluffing of his kitten fur and a more dramatic brrrr almost appearing like a little bird hatchling with fluffed out feathers.

He sits down on the nest tilting his helm to the side listening to her next question about being excited of becoming apprentices and he could feel his chest puff out "Yeah! I'll be able to explore the forest and climb everything! And uh... The biggest tree ever!" A true Skyclanner could pull that off with their own eyes closed he bets and if not, it would surely be him. His guess on his mentor? His snout scrunches up in thoughtfulness and his head tilts to the opposite side, he thinks about who would mentor him. "Grandpa, of course!" He says finally with a nod of his head knowing that if he was mentored by Blazestar surely he would be the third greatest cat in the forest, the first being grandpa and second being his mama.

  • Untitled248_20231022220251.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    4 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    easy to befriend; will throw a tantrum if you call him filthy
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
"Umm ... if Blazingkit gets pop-pop then I want Orangeblossom!" It makes sense in her mind just as quickly as she'd said it. Since Hawkflame the Really Super Awesome was Blazingstar's deputy in LionClan, then her mentor should be the SkyClan deputy. The scary-looking she-cat is a lot frownier than Hawkkit is, but some of the older apprentices say she isn't so bad so maybe she'd be nice to Hawkkit too.

... But then who would Wolfkit get? Their littermate seemed mostly content to be a warrior in their games but Hawkkit watches him now for a moment, considering in her eyes. She deserves a good SkyClanner. Maybe Wolfkit would get Blazestar! But saying that would make Hawkkit face Blazingkit's wrath and she doesn't want to have to defend herself right now, so instead the torbie chooses to focus on the other thing Howlfire had said.

Is she excited? Of course! But there's an element of the unknown that makes Hawkkit feel faintly unwell when thinking of it. And they won't be able to hide in the nursery, and Howlfire won't be there waiting for them when they're done for the day, and while they'll get to hang out with Coyotecrest more often it's just not the same. With a sniff, her voice wavers when she continues, "I don't wanna sleep in my own nest! I wanna stay with you, mama."

Howlfire chuckles in amusement when her kits begin to think and declare which of the SkyClan cats they'd like as a mentor. "Neither of you would want me?" Howlfire questions, feigning looking hurt. She had never had an apprentice of her own and it would have been exciting to mentor one of her own children if she got the chance, much like she had been mentored briefly by her own mother once upon a time. "I suppose if you two have your hearts set on Blazestar and Orangeblossom, I'll have to mentor Wolfkit then!" Howlfire declared. And she flicked her tail over Wolfkit as she spoke, giggling as she swished it away and out of range of a bite in retaliation.

When Hawkkit starts sniffling, Howlfire's gaze rests upon her daughter tenderly. "Oh, little one, no matter how far you and your siblings may go, you will always be with me," Howlfire mewed. "And you never know but you might like having your own nest! It'll be a lot more roomier for you." Howlfire was trying to make it sound more appealing but she recognised for a young kit, the idea of no longer having a mother or siblings to curl up with when they rested was a bit of an adjustment. Had Howlfire had those worries when she was that age? "If any of you ever get lonely you can put your nests next to mine and your father's."