scared of letting go | lakemoon

Fresh from having a farewell with her family, Lilybloom seeks out the form of her beloved mate. When she spots her, Lilybloom picks up her pace and pads close to her side. "Lakemoon," She greets warmly, brushing up against her. Lilybloom is content to sit beside her for a moment, just enjoying the peace for now before her voice breaks the silence again.

"You know, a small part of me wishes you'd stay,"
Lilybloom confessed. "Though I confess it's for selfish reasons such as keeping you all for myself." She knew even if she begged and pleaded, Lakemoon would not change her mind on this. "Promise me you'll be safe, won't you?" Lilybloom requests, looking at her mate earnestly. "I know why you're doing this but don't take any undue risks."

@Lakemoon .
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LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
The soft call for her had been expected, the tabby waiting patiently nearby while she let Lilybloom say her goodbyes to her kin.
Leaning into her affectionate greeting, sapphire optics seem to be almost brimming with emotion when they finally focus on her tortoiseshell love.
Lakemoon only purrs in reply, dipping her head to rest against her mates cheek. She let the silence hang, the warrior knew there was more to come.
You know, a small part of me wishes you’d stay.
Lakemoon only nods lightly, letting her continue.
"I promise, I’ll make sure we all get home safe." Lakemoon finally murmurs, leaning away from her mate to look in the direction of Iciclefang and Fernpaw, wherever they’d be nearby, before the entirety of her focus is once again on Lilybloom.
Reaching an alabaster paw out, the molly would attempt to cover Lilybloom’s with her own.
"You hold the fort down here, hm? Make sure Mudpelt doesn’t get too lonely." She can only imagine how the older tom must be feeling with both his son and daughter venturing off into the unknown.
Without waiting for an answer, Lakemoon shifts once more, but this time to curl herself around her mate in a loving embrace, tail wrapping around them as if to hold them tight.
"Don’t miss me too much, I’ll be seeing you again soon, my flower."

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Lakemoon promises her that they will all come home safe and Lilybloom smiles softly. It helps settle her somewhat, though Lilybloom almost wishes she hadn't. Given the very nature of this journey, Lilybloom knows there are too many uncertainties, and too many chances that the cats might not come home. "I know you'll protect them with everything you've got," Lilybloom told her. And she believed those words wholeheartedly, knowing Lakemoon would do everything she could to keep her RiverClan clanmates safe.

Lilybloom laughs a little when Lakemoon asks her not to miss her too much. "I'll miss your presence in our nest, but I'll enjoy the space to stretch out," Lilybloom teased. "And yes you will be seeing me again. Because if you don't come back to me, I'll never forgive you."