scope things out [siennachirp]


take out the gunman
Nov 19, 2022


If you wanted something done right, more often than not you had to do it yourself. It was a lesson that Ghost had learned early on in life, but then again living in a practical hellscape would do that to a person. In an overcrowded city teeming with dogs looking to make a quick meal of any cat caught off guard, one learned quickly that most were either unequiped or unwilling to face the dangers that lay ahead of them. For those like him and his brother who'd held the rank of Soldier, they were essentially frontline fodder that wasn't expected to live much farther past their first year of life. Those that did often proved to be extremely strong and extremely resourceful, a different breed of monster entirely.

Sometimes, Ghost wondered just how truly beastly he'd become.

Before him stretched the moors, but he didn't dare to cross the border and start a war when he had no orders to do such. No interest in doing such either- not yet, at least. The tall tomcat had not yet decided what role he'd play in the events to come, if he played any at all. When he and Nineteen had escaped the coalition the tabby hadn't planned on joining another any time soon, but his friend had other plans. The tuxedo tomcat, practically a brother to him after everything they'd been through, had eventually convinced Ghost to go with him to join the grouping rogues, and now the pair found themselves caught in the middle of a potential takeover.

While going in blind would have been doable, he didn't see the point in doing so when he could gather intel on his own. The clan cats had left a clear scent trail right back to their territory and it hadn't taken much effort for Ghost to follow them past horseplace to find their border.

"Well, at least that tom wasn't lying about the territory." he thought to himself gruffly as dark amber eyes scanned the lush green moors. It was cold out here with nothing to break the gusts of wind rolling through the hills, but he could also scent prey and an abundance of cats, no trace of sickness in the air. So far, it seemed like the group had been telling the truth- about the land at least. As for their intentions, well, Ghost wouldn't pretend to have an inkling about any of that.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

"And I have homework and shit I need to do"
Moorland grass swayed in the wind, and the breeze was chilled slightly with heather being a slightly greyish color. A deep brown body moved across the springy grass and rough stones with gaze of twilight trained ahead. Each movement was calculated, slow and smooth, muscles under a long-furred coat flexing with each pawstep. Legs of dark chocolate hesitated for a moment, there was movement and little eyes peaked up from the heather. They could see the ears of the creature stand up; alert to the slightest of noises. The figure crouched low to the ground, belly fur brushing the heather underneath them, and then that is when it happened; snap.

A twig that laid beneath the deep heather and a dark paw had crossed it thusly. Then the chase was on. Light brown fur bolted for it down the hillside, feet pounding away and a little cotton tail bobbed up and down. Dark paws gave chase to the little creature of speed and fear, prey. A fluffy chocolate tail streamed up behind them as they crested the hill and back down it after the juicey rabbit. The hunting patrol long forgotten and hopefully catching something as good as the rabbit they where chasing down.

Windclan had been peaceful, prey seeming to come back after the recent hawk attacks, and the life they lived now was something of a dream. They had consistent food, boundless chances of friendships, and safety. Siennachirp hadn't live a well life before the advancements of Windclan. A loving home had turned sour with the rise of heat and ashes; the loss of a voice being the ultimate price. The house fire would forever be a part of history, of current day and a reminder that a life could've been lost.

Siennachirp was lucky to have lived through that and now had to pay the prince with asthma, mutism and a new lease on life.

The rush of paws seemed to cease, slowing down further and further till all they could do was trot along with a heavy pant. Lungs burned for oxygen and the rabbit they were once chasing disappears into that of the border between Windclan and the outside world. A shake of the head with disgruntlement, Siennachirp sighed heavily as he stopped in his tracks to catch his breath. He'd have to seen Dandelionwish soon or something for more of that- air breathing herb thing.

Though as Siennachirp stood there, a different scent crossed his nose. Dark face moving towards the west and blinked twilight blue hues in surprise; a cat was standing on the Windclan side of the border. How odd? There was rumors of Sootstar taking in rogues, but that was just a rumor right? Still, they couldn't be here anyway so they went about approaching this cat. They where fairly large in side, well compared to the fluffy brown cat, with dark tabby fur and a strikingly white face. They looked rather health despite being not of the clans and he gave a wave of his fluffy tail in greeting.
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Ghost had been out there for about an hour before his cover was blown. During that time he'd stalked along the border, carful to keep a distance so he didn't accidentally cross it, and from there he simply observed. He took in the land before him, took note of every piece of prey he saw, took notes on the cats he saw off in the distance who were oblivious to his presence- all of it. The group here was healthy and not lacking in cats, territory, or food. Why then, did they want the rogues to join them? Was it really as simple as their Leader wanting more cats to grow their clan, or was their something more sinister afoot? More importantly though, was there even a point in trying to take this place? If their leader and their cats were willing to let them walk in and have it, what was the difference between listening to this Windclan Leader and listening to Gin? It was something to keep in mind, at least until he had a chance to see their queen for himself.

That would have to wait for another day, though.

Having gathered a sufficient amount of intel, Ghost was literally in the process of turning to leave when a figure crested the hill just to the left of him. He froze instinctively, deep amber eyes locking on the feline with an unreadable expression, gaze sharp. He was ready to react in whatever way was deemed necessary, weather it be to bail or fight he didn't really care. But the seconds stretched on, and when the cat simply stood there staring him down in silence Ghost wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

Finally, the other waved their tail at him.

Suspicion was running rampant in the tomcat. Why didn't the other cat say anything? Call for backup?

Your still trying to play by the coalitions rules. And this isn't the coalition. he reminded himself sharply, mentally kicking himself for not remembering that the other groups didn't function like his old one did. There was every chance this clan, who seemed to want for very little as far as material possesions went, didn't mind strangers approaching their home so long as their intentions weren't poor. This other cats body language wasn't saying anything hostile, and while it was weird they were being so quiet Ghost didn't exactly feel threatened by the fluffy stranger.

So, deciding to test the waters a little more, he flicked his tail back in greeting.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

"And I have homework and shit I need to do"
Waiting there felt like an eternity passed by, was this cat friendly? There wasn't a real chance to meet any of the rogues up till now- though the realization still struck him. Siennachirp couldn't talk to the guy, could probably gesture wildly about something but they would never be able to have a conversation. Dark patterned ears twitch a bit in disappointment; where was Duskfire when one needed him? He'd be able to translate for the sienna colored cat, but he was far into camp. Then they spotted it; a tail flick in a return greeting.

The rounded, fluffy cat perked up a bit and gave a little squeak sound in delight, before clearing his throat from the pressure against his burnt vocal cords. Siennachirp gave a small huff and lifted his chin up in the air; his lack of voice would not deter him from making a friend! The deep chocolate cat trotted down the hillside and towards this grey tabby cat with a ghost of a face- dipping his head upon approach politely.

Then the rounded cat lifted up his paws, sitting back on his back ones, and gave a little wave with his front white paw. Siennachirp used his paws and tail to try to communicate, and yes or no questions also where helpful with communicating. Though this tomcat wouldn't know that and it is what made being on his own so difficult. Usually Sand or Dusk where around to help him, but of course they had their own lives as well so they couldn't be there at every moment.

Vibrant blue hues moved from the white face of this tomcat to the ground for a moment before Siennachirp took a claw, carefully drawing in the dirt a picture of a little smilely face. That was good right? Maybe the ground would be helpful for a short conversation?
✦ ★ ✦


Mask fixed firmly in place, Ghost was unreadable as he watched the other cat for a respose. Of course, this 'response' didn't come in the form of words. Instead the feline let out a squeak of excitement before trotting down the hill toward him, and the tabby couldn't help but stiffen a little. To be be frank, Ghost wasn't used to having cats approach him like this. His entire life had existed in the Coalition and back there his reputation had always made sure that others kept a respectable distance from him. It seemed he wouldn't have the luxury of that here, and he straightened up a little to show off just how truly large he actually was.

Alone or not, if this cat tried anything funny they might not live to regret it afterward.

Ghost wasn't entirely convinced this encounter was going to go sour, though. The other cat nodded politely to him before plopping down to sit, lifting a paw to wave at him. Dark amber eyes narrowed slightly at the gesture, still unsure as to why they weren't saying anything. Ghost was naturally quiet himself and could understand the desire to say little, but even he knew when to open his mouth and speak.

He watched as they drew a little smiling face in the dirt before his gaze returned to them, and then finally, for the first time, Ghost would speak.

"You don't use your words, stranger?" he asked, voice rough and thick with the british accent bestowed onto him from his father.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

"And I have homework and shit I need to do"
The stranger seemed stiff, apprehensive of Siennas' approach, and it was to be expected. Rogues normally weren't friendly creatures and often than not an approaching cat meant hostility. Then this grey tabby cat with the white face spoke up; voice was thick with an accent and rough to the sound. Well, in a way he didn't use words so suppose that is a yes so the deep brown cat gave a nod in agreement. Then lifted a paw to his neck and drew a claw across it to show his voice didn't work, and gave a soft trill noise in response. It has been many moons since Siennachirp was able to talk and he techinically could, but not without extreme pain in his lungs and throat.

The pointed cat then drew into the dirt again, spelling out Sienna then gave a chirping noise to introduce himself. That fluffy tail waving behind him excitedly. Conversations were hard for him due to loosing his voice, so there was a lot of ways he learned to communicate. Whether it be yes or no questions or drawing pictures, he always got his point across some how.
✦ ★ ✦


He grunted in acknowledgment as the other seemed to confirm they couldn't speak, leaning forward slightly as they began to write in the dirt once more. Sienna. That was their name, then? "Ghost." he replied, knowing his name would mean nothing to them.

The cat seemed eager to interact with him, friendly to a degree that would have been better suited for Nineteen to handle. The black tomcat may have been a touch insane but they were a hell of a lot more social than Ghost. Still, the grey tabby found himself presented with an oppurtunity he might as well take advantage of. He'd come here for information after all, so maybe he could get more of that from Sienna.

"You live here with that group- Windclan. Have you been with them long?" he asked, the words a bit gruff but not unkind. He was no master conversationalist, but he'd interrogated more than a few cats in his day. This was just a less severe form of that, more casual. He could handle that.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

"And I have homework and shit I need to do"
Ghost stated that grey tabby cat, and it was a rather fitting name to say the least. A little happy trill came from the dark pointed cat and he gave a small head tilt at the question, well that wasn't yes or no. He paused for a moment before lifting a paw to show a so-so gesture. He had been with Windclan since the grace period of loners joining, but it wasn't that long ago as Wind was still fairly new.

Siennachirp moved to the dirt once more and wrote down a 'you?' with a question mark. How long had he been a rogue? Did he enjoy it? Was it something he'd leave for Windclan if given the chance? There was many questions, none of which he could voice, but it was something at least. Ghost seemed to want information from him which he was happy to give up. The dark point cat then drew in the ground a yes and a no before looking to Ghost with curiousity. Maybe this would help him realize he could only answer yes or no questions?
✦ ★ ✦


A while, he thought to himself as Sienna gestured back to him in response to his question, quickly taking note of the fact that the rogues weren't the first outsiders that Windclan had taken in. And from the looks of it, Sienna wasn't any worse for wear after doing so. It didn't really confirm anything for Ghost outside of the fact that the Windclanners weren't starving or living in anxiety with anything- not this one, at least.

Another word in the dirt, and the reply comes easily despite only being a half-truth. "Always."

Amber eyes flashed down once more as Sienna began to scribble something else- yes and no- and he nodded slightly in understanding, letting his haunches sink down so he could sit despite remaining wary. "Not born here then."he mused aloud as he regarded the other. "They treat you good, though? You don't look like your any worse for wear."

Sienna was well fed, injury free, and wandering the edges of the territory on their own without back-up anywhere to be seen. They didn't have any fear in approaching a total stranger and seemed to lack any hostility toward him. Either Sienna was a damn good liar or those Windclanners had been transparent with them about wanting them to join, though he still didn't know exactly why they wanted the rogues to join. It didn't seem as if there were any predators they needed help with, nor was there any tension from Sienna that suggested the borders were being contested by outsiders or the other clans.

rogue - male - 25 months - single - a very tall, muscular tabby with dark gray fur and white markings. heavily scarred with dark amber eyes

"And I have homework and shit I need to do"
Gaze colored like the blue twilight watched the larger tomcat settle down onto his haunches, so he did the same. Settling down comfortably and looked up at the other when he continued to talk. While his voice was rough and grouchy- he felt like they could be friends! Would he join the rogues in coming to the clan? Siennachirp wasn't sure about the whole thing, but if Sootstar thought it was the best option for the clan then who was he to argue it? Duskfire and Weaselclaw also seemed to be one for the plan, and Duskfire was one his best friends.

Ghost then spoke again, and placed a paw upon the 'yes' spot on his little board. Siennachirp was from that of the kittypet life, but his past wasn't something he liked to think about as well. It was depressing and not something anyone should have to relive by explaining it to others'. The dark point then moved a paw to the 'yes' marker again as Ghost said he looked pretty good for being a wild cat.

Windclan helped a lot with keeping him so plump, that and he has always been on the heavier side of things. That and being a long-haired cat didn't help either but that was besides the point. Siennachirp gave a smile and gestured to Ghost, prompting him to talk about himself. Surely he had more to him than just being a rogue?
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