The black and white she cat is glad when they move away from the others to somewhere more private, somewhere where she doesn’t have to look her estranged uncle in the eye and see what she perceives as hatred he feels for his former clan reflected in his eyes. So deep, like pools, they would haunt her nightmares later but Granitepaw would be there to pick up the pieces later she is certain of it. He always was.

Trying to put the visions in her head of claws tearing through her flesh aside she shakes herself to find eyes on her, waiting for her to speak. Right. She had come here to teach and teach is exactly what she plans to do. "This is - this is b-burdock burdock rooot" she stammers, her voice faltering a little in the middle of her sentence but she recovers quickly. She had purposely not stripped the root of its leaves so that the pair could see it and smell it so that if it grew on their territory (she didn’t know it doesn’t) they would be able to identify it. "It-its good for for in-infection especially uh r-r-rat bites" then nervously she lets out a small laugh, light and tinkling "b-but I sup-suppose you guys would be - would be more w-worried about fi-fi-fish bites eh? You you got an herb for that?" she jokes, trying to lighten the mood a little bit before she continued her lesson.

// just an introductory post to get the thread started she’ll tell him more in my next post!

Gloompaw had slacked in the brief, momentary dive into warrior training, oftentimes skipping out on sessions and hiding away in order to avoid the inevitable day she'd have to shed her drypaw status to make her mentor happy. Less out of a lack of desire to hunt and fight and moreso being accustomed to having none of those responsibilities. With Beesong, she wanted to learn. She had to. Warrior training was more defending yourself, and this new training was defending others. There was more than just her own life on the line.

She watched intently as Starlingheart shook herself out. Her eyes flicked down to the burdock, memorizing the long, narrow strand of the root. Infection. Tucking the knowledge away, it turned inside her mind, repeated over and over. Sometimes she was forgetful, brain full of other things, but she needed to save this. Mouth moving silently, she breathed the name. "Burdock root."

At the joke, Gloompaw cackled, a bit too obnoxiously for the gentle humour. Abruptly, she paused, jaw pressed into a serious line as she questioned Beesong, "Wait. Fish can bite?"
beesong, similar to starlingheart, is glad to be away from prying eyes as well as the oppressive presence of cicadastar. alone, with his apprentice and shadowclan's healer, he can breathe just a little easier. and, more importantly, he can give starlingheart his full attention. an opportunity to expand his knowledge shouldn't be wasted with worries of tiptoeing to avoid upsetting his leader.

beesong settles across from starlingheart, far enough to be as comfortable but close enough to properly analyze the herbs she'd brought as well as hear her clearly. the first herb she pulls from her bundle appears to be a root of some kind, the leaves still attached to the spindly structure. beesong leans closer to take in its sharp smell, trying to memorize it as best they could. burdock root, starlingheart calls it. good for infections, particularly rat bites. they don't recall ever seeing or smelling anything similar to this on riverclan's territory... it's a good thing, then, that riverclan doesn't run into rats.

still, they turn the information over in their mind. burdock root, infection, rat bites.

starlingheart tries for a joke, and it works for gloompaw, at least; his apprentice bursts out into an obnoxious cackle beside him. beesong's humor is more guarded, but starlingheart does manage to draw a snort from him. "unfortunately not," he replies, voice dry as if he wasn't returning the jest. "when we get bit by fish, we have to pray to starclan it doesn't get infected." wildly exaggerated, and cats didn't even get bit by fish often enough for it to be considered an issue. but nothing about beesong's body language conveys that he's joking at the moment.

gloompaw suddenly grows serious, turning to beesong with eyes as wide as a full moon. fish can bite? the incredulous question has the healer biting back a laugh. "anything with a mouth can bite," he retorts to gloompaw's question, revealing his teeth in a wry smile as if to prove his point.

As her joke lands she has to keep herself from laughing herself though a smile does tug at the corners of her lips and she allows it to take shape, her kind green eyes narrowing as she tries to keep a chuckle back though now she also can't help but wonder if Beesong is serious and if fish really do bite. She supposes he's. right and that anything with a mouth could.

Moving on, she pulls out the next herb from her small collection. "D-dandelion" she says, her paw on the yellow-flowered herb. She pushes it forward so they can both inspect it and smell it, memorize it. Does it grow here? She is not certain. All she knows is she promised to teach them what she knows and she intends to deliver. "It-it's leaves can be chewed and-and used as a-a painkiller" if it had any other uses she does not know them.

"G-goldenrod ne-next" she says, repeating the process by pushing the anise-smelling plant forward for them to once again inspect. "Ch-chew into a pulp and sp-spread it on wounds to speed speed up the healing process" She is all too familiar with this one. She remembers desperately trying to apply it to her brothers wounds, hoping that she could speed up the healing process and beat out the infection to no avail. It was all she knew how to do at the time though.

The next thing she would teach them about is possibly her least favorite. She flinches at the memory of the taste and smell of honey, always intermingled in her mind with smoke and death. If not for the fires that ravaged their marshlands they wouldn't have to go to the thunderpath. Marrow and Slither never would've wandered away. Her mother would still be alive. "H-honey is g-g-good for uh good for sore th-throats" she stammers more during this one, it upsets her too much to think about it for too long so she quickly moves over it. They would figure out the rest. She wouldn't be much use if she started crying now.

Next were oak leaves. She had yet to see any oak trees in RiverClans territory but shes sure that they could drift over the border and RiverClan could take a few. "Oak-oak leaves are good good for chewing up and put-putting on wounds to-to stop infection" another herb she unfortunately was very familiar with, she had to use it often afterall.

Horsetail was up now, she would be glad when this was over. Speaking was always an effort but shes glad these two seemed to be patient with her. She's glad she doesn't have to do this in front of a bunch of strangers. "Ho-horsetail is good for in-infection and stopping bleeding" She doesn't quite know how it works but it does "Chew chew it up and put put cob-cobwebs over it for it t-t-to work" similarly to every other herb she has shown them she lets them inspect it, sniff it. It smells terrible but its taste is surprisingly not all that bad.

Finally, they were coming to a conclusion for their lesson. "Wood-wood sorrel is like uh like goldenrod i-it helps helps wounds scab up f-faster" the plant was probably her favorite. She likes the shape of its leaves and the pretty flowers that adorn it. It was sour too, probably one of her favorite tastes in an herb.

"D-do you guys have any-any q-q-questions?" she says, green eyes looking at the two medicine cats respectively. She is excited for her turn to sit back, listen and learn.

beesong listens to starlingheart, his smile falling to be replaced with a thoughtful purse of his lips. she continues the lesson with dandelion, a herb that he'd learned from honeytwist what seems like an eternity ago. it's not useful information to him, now, so he doesn't bother with scrutinizing the herb as he had with the horsetail.. "the flower can also be used to soothe bee stings if you chew them into a pulp and apply them to the area," beesong adds, seeing an opportunity to exchange his own knowledge in between starlingheart's stuttered words.

they fall silent once more as starlingheart continues. goldenrod is used for speeding up the healing process. that, they didn't know. but when they shift their gaze down to take a good look at the slender yellow flowers, burning the sight and the anise-like smell into their memory... they realize that they've never seen this herb on riverclan territory, either. another disappointment, but they catalog the information anyway. who's to say? they could always trade herbs for goldenrod if they need to in the future.

honey is next; another herb that beesong already knows the use for. he catches the increase in the intensity of starlingheart's stutter, and he's reminded of the fire that swept across shadowclan's territory moons ago. the black she-cat must be intimately familiar with the sticky golden liquid... beesong's own jaw clenches at the memory of thunderclan's territory ablaze, a ghost of sizzling heat dancing along his right side.

oak leaves are good for stopping infection. beesong is gratefully distracted from the phantom sensations by starlingheart's wavering voice. riverclan doesn't have any oak trees, but they remember the leaves scattering across the forest floor in the dead of leaf-bare when they lived with rain's colony... they don't need to gander at the oak leaves to commit to memory like they did the others. if they ever ran out of marigold, starclan forbid, they could ask dawnglare for some of the extra leaves.

horsetail, in a similar vein, is used to treat infection and stop bleeding. it's another plant that he doesn't recognize at all, its long, bristly stems are an unfamiliar sight... and beesong thinks he would remember a horrid stench like the one the pungent plant gives off. but like the rest, he tries to memorize its features as quickly as he could and breathes a quiet sigh of relief when starlingheart replaces it with a better-smelling herb.

wood sorrel. it has heart-shaped leaves and white flowers arranged with five petals each. it functions similarly to goldenrod, starlingheart explains. beesong also doesn't recall ever seeing on riverclan's territory, which seems to be the pattern with all of starlingheart's knowledge... a bit of a waste, they realize while biting back a huff. but at the very least, they know more than they had before.

starlingheart asks them both if they had any questions, which beesong answers with a curt shake of his head. once gloompaw gives her answer, it would be time for beesong to start his own lesson...

the first herb they push forward is the peeled bark of an alder tree. "alder bark. it's chewed to ease the pain of toothaches." they aren't sure if shadowclan territory has alder trees... they aren't sure if shadowclan territory has most of the herbs they've brought. but beesong has agreed to teach starlingheart all they know.

next is a clear, sticky liquid gleaming on a moss ball. "birch sap is drunk to help with headaches."

blackberry leaves are next. beesong nudges the prickly, toothed leaves closer so that starlingheart could see. "blackberry leaves. you chew them into a pulp and place them on bee stings to soothe them."

a small flower with four yellow petals replaces the blackberry leaves. beesong scrunched up his nose at the acrid stench the celandine produces, too reminiscent of a freshly marked border. "celandine. you crush the flower and trickle the juice into eyes that've been damaged to soothe them."

beesong is thankful to trade the horribly scented yellow flowers with one that smells far better; chamomile. they brush the white petals of the flower absentmindedly... one of their favorite herbs. "chamomile. it's eaten to soothe the mind, very good for cats in shock."

chervil is the next herb on the list. beesong pushes the large, fern-like leaves into the space between the healers. "chervil. you can extract the juice from both the leaves and the roots. you drink the juice to help bellyaches, or apply it to wounds to cure an infection."

chickweed. beesong pulls out the tall stem of the plant, adorned with almond-shaped leaves. "chickweed. eaten to cure greencough if catmint isn't available."

the delicious scent of cob nuts has their mouth watering as they nudge it forward. "cob nuts are chewed into an ointment and applied to slow-healing wounds to soothe them."

coltsfoot replaces the cob nuts next, the flowers bearing a striking resemblance to those of the dandelion that starlingheart had brought. "coltsfoot. you chew it into a pulp and apply to cracked or sore pads." beesong would have no knowledge of any other uses for the yellow flowers.

the next is a combination of bell-shaped flowers and thick brown roots. the roots are the only part of the plant that could be used, as far as he's aware, but he figures it would be useful for him to bring the flowers as well so that starlingheart could better identify the plant in the future. "comfrey. the roots are useful for many different things; you can chew them into a poultice and use it to soothe wounds, wrenched claws, and inflammation, as well as treat itching and burns." beesong's nose wrinkles at the last tidbit of information. like coltsfoot, the cinnamon tabby would be unaware of another use for the roots.

"daisy leaves." beesong pushes forward the dark green, oval-shaped leaf. "you chew them into a paste to treat joint pain."

dock is next. its tangy scent is far too familiar to beesong now, they realize as they nudge the large leaf closer. "dock. you can chew the leaves up and place them on scratches to soothe them. or you can line a nest with them to ease the pain of wounds while sleeping. you can also rub them onto sore pads."

elder leaves take the dock leaf's place. "elder leaves are chewed into a poultice to soothe sprains."

and then, feverfew. beesong appreciates the soft leaves of the daisy-like flower as his paw brushes over them. "feverfew... as its name may suggest, it helps bring down fevers. it's also good for relieving pain, especially that of headaches." with how often riverclanners are getting injured or sick, beesong is surprised he still has feverfew to spare.

the fuzzy stem of goatweed is pushed forward next. "goatweed is eaten to ease grief."

next, mallow leaves. "mallow leaves are eaten to soothe bellyaches."

another herb that beesong has become intimately familiar with; marigold. the bulbous, yellow flowers are almost too commonplace in his arsenal. "marigold. you can chew both the leaves and petals into a poultice to prevent infection, stop bleeding, or treat inflammation in joints."

next... mint. despite the pleasantly aromatic scent of the serrated leaves, their stomach churns. " you can rub the leaves on dead bodies to hide the smell of death." the information lies heavy on their tongue, and they swallow it down with a self-soothing hum.

the round yellow flowers of tansy are a welcome distraction. "tansy. it can be eaten to cure coughs and soothe throats, as well as help with wounds. do not give it to pregnant cats, though."

watermint comes next. "watermint. you chew it into a pulp, and then it can be eaten to soothe bellyaches."

and finally, willow bark. beesong hums as they tap the peeled bark. "lastly, willow bark. it can be eaten to soothe pain."

beesong leans back, then, bobbed tail twitching as he readjusts his jaw... he isn't used to speaking so much in a short span of time, there's a dull ache settling in his jawbone. "questions?"
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