camp Scott Pilgrim vs My GPA - intro



Upon the banks by the nursery, sat a small mottled shape, his pale misty blue eyes gazing down as the water lapped lazily by. Darterkit was utterly fascinated by the water and he knew he wanted to get in-his pa always told him that true Riverclanners swim and they were the only ones good at it-but there was the horror stories he'd heard that made him hold back. Of the water dragging cats under, the current turning them around, the gorge in its entirety. One wrong lash of his paws could lead to him being another speckling star up in the sky, only able to watch as his family... moved on because he failed. No pressure! None at all.

His tail ticked nervously next to him, his fur-still holding some cottony kit softness to it-rustled gently by the breeze in camp as he continued to stare, wide-eyed at the water, chewing on his lip. He glanced up, looking around to see if anyone was paying attention to him-he didn't want to get in the water without someone making sure he didn't get swept off-before he stood, hesitantly. He just had to get his paws wet, that was it. If he got his paws wet, then he'd see it was fine and then Pa and Dad would actually tell him he did a good job. He'd be ahead on his training aswell, which would be nice. His pa really... really wanted him to be strong and succeed, and he couldn't let Pa down, so he lifted a paw, claws unsheathing as he dipped his toe into the water before jerking his paw back, as though expecting a wave to suddenly rise up and drag him into it's depths.

The lead warrior's eyes had been on the kit the whole time as she groomed her silky pelt to perfection within the rays of sunlight. She didn't feel the need to bud in and tell him to be careful, the kit already was being careful.. maybe too careful for her liking. If he somehow fell in and got swept away, she was watching. Running over and being an anxious mess would only discourage and add more fear of water. Riverclan doesn't need anymore drypaws. I swear if we get overpopulated by them our name needs to change.

A heavy sigh fell from her lungs as she saw him retreat his paw away and lack confidence. I'm not about to see another cat become a drypaw.

Petalnose casually strolled over and took a seat carefully at the kits side, gazing over the waters, "The water is nice today, follow your instincts and kick your legs strongly if you get too deep. I'm here if something happens." She encouraged stoically, dipping her front feet in the water. "You'll get used to it, I promise." She was atleast glad this kit was trying and starting early to get ahead of his apprenticeship. Eagerness was atleast something the patched tabby enjoyed to see, but she wasn't about to have them develop a fear. Riverclan needed more strong swimmers. They needed to disadvantage their enemies and live up to their name and reputation.

( tags ) Yes, it was actually a little concerning that Riverclan was not made up entirely of cats that could swim. All the other clans knew them as cats who were the most skilled at swimming, so it would be heartbreaking for them to hear that actually a good half maybe a little more actually didn't know how to swim or even enjoyed water all that much. Cicadastar might think it would be shameful to showcase to the other clans, so they tried not to expose that aspect of themselves. Cats within the clan knew who could and couldn't swim. The stepping stones were actually quite useful in hiding those who couldn't swim. If they couldn't excel in swimming, then they would excel in navigating another way.

He had been watching over his own kits and the others around. Darterkit was one he had been watching on his break. Break, meaning Otterkit and Silverkit were off causing trouble with some poor unfortunate soul. Petalnose sauntering up to the kit and being gentle was surprising. It's not that he didn't believe it was possible, it was just the fact that he was so used to her cuffing the unruly kits. She seemed more annoyed than pleased with their cast of kits. He decided to watch with fondness. A small smile watching his friend being so soft and patient with Darterkit. He can't help himself from padding over to the pair, giving Petalnose a slight nod in greeting.

It was strange. They hadn't talked since she was promoted. Anyways, that wasn't important right now. He leans down so Darterkit is able to hear him when he softly mewls, "Petalnose is right. Today is a nice day to try and we'll be here to make sure nothing happens. Just look." With that, he moves away from Darterkit and begins entering the water. He makes sure to enter slowly, keeping his gaze on Darterkit. It looks as though he is floating in the water in front of Darterkit, but the reality is that he's standing quite comfortable. An illusion for sure, but the point is to give Darterkit confidence.

With his head above water and the waves gentle lapping his fur he adds, "See? It's okay. Do you want to hold on to me? We'll swim together, and don't worry." He tilts his head towards Petalnose, "Petalnose here is super strong and looks out for us. She's going to make sure we're both safe, okay? So... What do you say?"
Embarrassment floods his pelt as two warriors walk over, large ears feeling hot as Petalnose and Pikesplash approach him, both offering words of encouragement, a flicker of guilt in his eyes as he glances between the two before at the water. If his Dad knew that he was distracting two warriors from their duties because he was too scared to swim, he'd surely be in trouble... but their words were gentle and kind, encouraging him to give it a chance, a real chance. He chews his lip a little more, whiskers twitching, as he listened to them. "But... but what if I'm not good at it?" He whispers, tone almost fearful that since he's admitted it, it'll become true. As much as he feared the water, he feared failure more. He's supposed to be a Riverclanner, like his dads, and if he can't swim like them, then... then what purpose could he have?

His panicking thoughts are cut short as Pikesplash slips into the water, effortlessly, with no fear, and it makes Darterkit's eyes widen in shock and awe. He was so brave! The way the older tom stands gives Darterkit a bit of confidence. He looks down at the water, taking tentative steps forward as both of his front paws dip into the icy water, sending a chill up his spine that made him gasp, eyes widening the size of two pale moons as he resists his instinct to get back out. Pikesplash offers for Darterkit to hold on and the older kit looks up, standing for a minute to consider it as he glances at Petalnose, making sure she would, indeed, make sure neither of them drowned before nodding. Slowly, he picks his way through, raising his legs higher as his body slowly dips into the water as he trudges through it. He's shocked at how heavy his fur is wet when he lifts his paws out of the water, brows knitting in worry, but he pushes on, determined to be brave like Pikesplash. The water laps at his flanks, lazily dragging by and he stops, looking at Pikesplash with a mixture of worry and a need for assurance, feeling the current tugging on his fur. "Is it... is it really deep right there?" He asks, worried. He's atleast a full tail-length from the warrior and the idea it could get any deeper kind of worried him.
( tags ) A smile makes his way to his lips, whiskers twitching in anticipation, and his own head is nodding when he sees Darterkit take his first steps. He suppresses a laugh when he notes that Darterkit is startled by how cold the water is. I forget that it takes some getting used to. To encourage Darterkit he nods, "That's it. You're doing very good Darterkit." Unbeknownst to him, this moment has solidified him as brave in Darterkit's mind. He didn't consider himself as such and many can attest that he was indeed not brave and was very anxious. Maybe Darterkit's perspective of him would charge as they grew older and Pikesplash himself would bear no ill will towards the younger tom. All he was concerned about was making this experience comfortable for Darterkit. He isn't sure if he's teaching the kit correctly if there's such a thing, but he notes that Darterkit requires patience.

He can't help himself from chuckling when he notices Darterkit's worry at how the water makes his fur heavier. "It's okay. Everyone's fur feels like that. I'm here Darterkit, nothing is going to happen to you." He is proud watching Darterkit make it this far on his own. Maybe Petalnose disagrees with the distance, but we all start somewhere. What was most important was that Darterkit made an attempt even if he was terrified. He was brave. Some kittens didn't even want to go into the water and clung to their parents who tried to make them have a feel for it. He's never held much of a conversation with Darterkit's parents, but he hopes they wouldn't be cross with him for stealing this moment from them.

The question he is asked from the kit is reasonable. He notes where the water reaches for Darterkit and looks down to see where the water reaches for him. He lifts his head and calls out to the kit, "Yes it's deep here. When you're a little older it won't be, but for now here is going to be a little scary. You don't have to go this far today though! I'm very proud of you and I'm sure your parents would be too." Reassurance once again. The reason why he didn't lie to the kit was not because he thought he was coddling them, but it was because he didn't want all that progress to be lost had Darterkit decided to rush to him after he reassured him it wouldn't be deep. He didn't want to make them afraid of the water.

Perhaps how deep the water was would be shown when he slowly padded to Darterkit, the water level would be marked on his darkened fur. His damp fur went past the kit's head. "If you want to try it Darterkit, I can hold you by your scruff and take you over there. That way you can get a feel for it, kick your legs and feel the current. Again, only if you want to. I promise that I won't let go of you, ever."

Petalnose was quite suprised to see Pikesplash make it to the scene, assuming the Tom was purposefully being distant with her. The woman couldn't quite pinpoint why and she had been too busy to really settle down and ask him about it. Although, she started to catch on it had to do with her promotion, since the timeframe was the only explanation in her assumptions. Nevertheless, it did lighten her mood seeing him come around. She returned the nod with a small hum of pleasure. She would probably tease him, tell him it was good for him to start coming out of shell again. But this was Darter's moment, and she wouldn't keep her focus off of him.

The splashed tabby's eyes looked down upon him in her spot, listening to Pikesplash's words. She supposed holding onto him wasn't a bad idea, let him get a feel for it. Although, if Petal had been alone with Darterkit she wouldn't suggest such. He could have got the feel to properly use his muscles, and plus she had confidence in her swiftness. If she so saw him start to dip she was fast enough to catch him. She stayed back for now, mix-matched eyes temporarily glancing at Pikesplash but her focus fully snapped when she saw Darterkit starting to be enticed.

But what if I'm not good at it?

"We're all not good it at first, then when you keep practicing you progressively build that skill like a muscle." She rumbled in reassurance, starting to follow close behind Darter as he entered the water. Water slowly started to rise up her paws as she followed, enjoying the satisfaction it brought her on the hot day. She would stay close to the kit, assure a scruff grab if he lost balance. "Good." The tall feline complimented simply, although Pike was right to assume she did want him to go deeper within the waters. However, Petalnose did not say anything in order not to scare him and push him too much.

He looked up at her, assuring she would catch him. She was familiar with the look and she simply tipped her head in the direction of Pikesplash to encourage him to move on and bend her head down his level, "Trust me, I'm quick. I won't even let you inhale the water. You're going to feel like you're floating but pushing against wind. Don't try to panic too much and flail, relaxation is key."
