scramble my head like an egg & apology

Shes slipped out of camp, away from the prying eyes of Dandelionpaw, away from the injured, away from Pollenfur and if one were to come in to her den that night, there'd be none to help them other than a sleepy Dandy. Regret fills each aching step as she picks the last few lavender stalks from the moors, a heavy sigh. It had been hard, coming back to camp at the height of her breakdown, resisting the urge to snarl at her clanmates with bitter anger, but it had been even harder when she had come to be. What have I done? She had thought and by then she had made up her mind, because tonight she'd bring these flowers as an apology, acknowledge the pain Bone had been through, and if Bone didn't forgive her, then thats fine.

Honey knows shes done wrong.

She moves across the thunderpath like lightning, two-toned eyes flit over the black pavement in disgust. Ever since she was small, Honey had hated the scent of these things, have hated them ever since and her fur prickles uncomfortably as she takes her seat, lavender still in her mouth. Here, she'd wait for either Bonejaw herself to find her or for a Shadowclan patrol to rip her apart. Either seemed nice enough.

// @BONEJAW set the very next night!


The molly hasn't been nursing her wounds. No, she's let them be becsuse they are reminders for her. The idea of wanting to leave this life a vicious thing. Others not caring about her suffering. The pain of losing nearly everything and even her sister over and over again. Perhaps that is all she needs, a shoulder to cry on. Someone just to acknowledge that yes, she hurts. Yes, she breaks. Yes, she is just like everyone else. But instead she is forced to suck it up and pretend that it hasn't happened. That it doesn't matter and it kills her inside. Taking in a moment as she wanders the small tunnel near the Thunderpath the molly smells something famiiar. Pausing she parts her muzzle, confusion wavering in her snuffed out orbs.

But then she advances, as quiet as the night around her. With silent ease only known to Shadowclan she sees Honey, watches her for a moment before she frowns. "What are you doing here now? I'm sure you made your thoughts clear at our gathering so what more is there?" She keeps distance between them. Spotting the lavender and a tinge of confusion lingers in her gaze. What is that for?