Though it was no great crime for her to feel childish, Featherkit remained unaccustomed to the feeling. She worried, she couldn't deny it. Sleeping was difficult anyway, but when she could only see one parent, when she didn't know where the other was... it crawled in her gut like a snake in its death-throes, and made her feel sick. It was the same bramble-under-the-skin feeling that made him want to retch out all of his fear whenever his mind got a little bit over-creative at night, sculpting shapes in the shadows that weren't really there.

It was too late for a kitten to be up, but without the soothing smell of herbs and all of the warm bodies she was used to lying alongside, she could not hope to be comforted to sleep. Instead, sharp eyes of winter sun, cold in her ever-set-scowl, scanned the hard-to-parse undergrowth for a rosetted pelt and kind blue eyes. There was nothing there, though. Nothing there but unfamiliar horrors beyond this perimeter- he was sure of it. He'd seen it.

He'd seen cats crumpling after finding out Weaselclaw was dead. He'd seen those rogues and how quickly Rivekit had been swept away from them, how easily they could have hurt her. And Featherkit knew his father was strong, but still- still she worried that, if she indeed glimpsed his familiar pelt between the shadowed plant life, it would be soaked with blood.
✦ penned by pin
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Insomnia didn't often plague Softkit, and experiencing it as she was now, she hoped it wouldn't become a reoccurring event. She wanted little more than to be asleep at Spiderlily and Vixenkit's sides, dreaming of the future, but instead she found herself peering out into the camp that was bathed in the dark of the night. Softkit wouldn't say she was scared of the dark, or the ThunderClan camp, but there was a certain haunting factor to it seeing it as it was now. The kit suppressed an involuntary shiver, and looked around, her pink gaze finally coming to rest on another small figure nearby - not one that was particularly familiar, but then, Softkit wasn't the most social kit that there was.
"What are you awake for?" Softkit murmured as she approached the other kitten, steps quiet and unheard in the night. The other seemed uneasy, his gaze holding no warmth, but Softkit was undeterred in her curiosity. "Is there something on your mind?"

Truth be told he was alright with the WindClan kittens being here, they were hardly as threatening as the warriors of the moors even if a few of them had already developed quite the scowling features. Sunfreckle observed the russet-colored child in silence, she looked almost like they could have been from one of his own litters with that bright burnet coat but it was much more subdued in hue than any of his own kittens had been - Sparkwing was the spitting image of himself just with his father's eyes and Emberkit was much paler...
The thought catches him and he smiles in amusement to himself, forgetting that his cream kit was not his by blood but by love. The red tabby shifts where he is, Pigeonkit is snoring and snuffling against his side while Sunshinekit remains more silent and calm in their rest; his green gaze wanders to the chatting children and he keeps his focus on them for a moment before offering a gentle smile.
"Who is your friend, Softkit? Are you one of the WindClan deputy's kits then?" He asks, already knowing the answer but poking a bit of pride into the question; being the children of a deputy was rather prestigious.

Something- someone bothersome cut through the noise, and narrowed eyes of yellow found the kitten who'd sidled up to his side. Parting the drapes guarding his solitude, she'd stormed in and blocked the light of tranquility with an ugly silhouette; Featherkit didn't take kindly to the interruption, wrinkling his nose as if the pale molly had personally insulted him. "Your leader won't let me see my father." Featherkit's pelt bristled like a row of pinfeathers, a bramble-mirroring mane.

The WindClan deputy's kit, said a large red warrior, and Featherkit fixed Softkit with an unimpressed look. If a warrior knew, why wouldn't she? Kits were trapped in camp enough to start learning about the world. She nodded slowly, trying to read the tom's expression but coming up empty. Frustration slithered under her skin. How was that fair? "Yeah, I am," he hummed, tongue clicking against milk-fangs.

Featherkit swallowed. He couldn't let his gaze move away from that undergrowth, or else- well, how could he be sure either way? Sunstride could be out there, dead. Dead like Weaselclaw had died, and someone would stumble into camp and say it and everyone would cry and pule...

"I don't know where he is." It was a sudden admittance, and rather irrelevant, but she said it anyway.
✦ penned by pin
don't try to rush your enemies .
He hadn’t been near determined to avoid WindClan since HowlingStar agreed to shelter them, even taking his apprentice off to train, but really Oakfang didn’t expect a kit to harm anyone. Naturally, looks can be deceiving. With a hum, the brown-smoked warrior padded closer, glancing at the WindClan kit. “Your father is as safe as he is with the rogues running wild.” He hummed.

To step into the beast’s den. Oakfang couldn’t help but wrinkle his muzzle in disgust. Maybe he’d take Marigoldpaw on a little expedition. “How about this, mhm? Perhaps then it’ll ease your worries.” He began with a flick of his tail. “I can pass on a message to him when I go for a visit to Sandy Hollow.” His lips curled, staring expectantly at the other.
thought speech