private sea monsters swim ✧ petalnose

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Maybe... there was a chance at luck striking twice.

It had been not that long ago, right? When that Fox-faced boy had nearly stuttered across the border in pursuit of a tasty prize- a rabbit with lucky enough feet to have escaped the moors? She'd tried to give it back... even if she'd had the killing blow she offered that twangy-voice a debt. If giving him that cotton-tail had fed him to keep him alive another day, her life had been repaid. A stubborn kid... to have insisted to refuse that kindness... but she'd be remiss to say it hadn't been a pleasant surprise.

Casting a wayward glance towards the ambling shape of a mottled lead warrior, she is certain that Petalnose's bony stature could use something as hearty as a hare for dinner. And it could probably feed more than one mouth, unlike the minnows she found again and again in the shallows in the shadowy river. "Worried WindClan might be planning something," she murmurs- it isn't a surprise to anyone and she's sure the sentiment is shared.

A malicious smoke figure lingers on the horizon, a gray blot against the light of StarClan that she quarantines from her neighbors. She loathes her for it... and finds her a coward to have evaded the wrath of the clans at the last gathering. A fool, a treasonous witch under the eyes of Silverpelt.

"Do you think we might see a rabbit on the bridge? I think we're fast enough to catch one... I saw a nice, fat one many sunrises ago too." Having casual conversation with Petalnose of all cats was... exceedingly hard... it was easier to just discuss work and leave it at that but. The searing critique of a stranger serves as a reminder of her isolation within her clan... her loneliness. "You've got great reflexes, could definitely scare it right into your paws," she offers the compliment but it is anything but smooth... a bit painfully obvious of schmooze despite her good intentions.



Peculiar in behavior it was to be singled out but Petalnose had followed suit without a complaint. Frankly, she followed in silence. One wouldn't know she was there without a head turn in her direction. Conversations she at times started out of curiousity, ones that built meaning and understanding of character. Her curiousity gifted her friends and a lover, but at times it also lead her into mistakes. It lead her into arguments. Even trauma. At times she'd talk and occasionally she wouldn't say a word. Unpredictability, it was a blessing and a curse. It led her even confused on how she viewed Lichentail. So neutral she had put when Aspenhaze had asked about working with the new deputy. There was good and bad she saw.

Silence was broken and she casted a slow tipped glance in the blue points direction. Exhaustion touched the corners of her eyes and she blinked slowly in process, "When are they not..?" She grunted, a disgusted look forming on her face as she casted her gaze past the bridge. Surprised she was to see them not stirring trouble across from it, spitting repetitive insults and petty glances. The neutral tones of Windclan towards her within the patrol after the rouge invasion made her feel suspicious. It seemed she had been in the right to be. Her intuition hadn't failed her this time even it being weak.

When the question arose she drank in the air to investigate and then her tail motioned in direction of the scent. "Seems one has been here recently or is here now... I should hop on the ledge or hide in the reeds nearby and scare one towards you. Any other ideas?" Petalnose wanted to be as successful as she could. She knew she had caught a rabbit before alone but during the season she knew teamwork would be the best. Anything for her clan. They couldn't waste a chance. Literally she took the conversation, but serious she had mistaken it to be. So the compliment threw her off slightly, processing the tone as her stare layed upon the deputy once more.

Petalnose snorted a bit in humor, but a smile was lacked, "How I wish it worked that way..." Maybe then she wouldn't have to suffer every passing hour. Maybe then she wouldn't have to worry about the season. It ticked on longer when things became challenging. "Our abilities are near same. With some teamwork I believe this will be a successful hunt. Let's just hope they didn't grow bigger brains than our dear windclanners."

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It was a fair enough point... WindClan had ever been a thorn in their side as opposed to ThunderClan's more.. bipolar nature. Friendly one moment then slaughtering you upon half-dampened rocks the next. At least the rabbit-eaters were kind enough to keep it consistent. She smiles thinly at the comment, knowing they're both a bit tense to say the least. It would be a failure on their part to let those slippery snakes slide past their noses wouldn't it?

Maybe she was being a bit too obvious with her cheeky praise but for once Petalnose doesn't snap to attention, jump her with a baying howl that she isn't weak and doesn't need to be coddled with flower-soft words. She snorts, actually, amused by the suggestion that Lichentail would label her nimble. The deputy grins, a cheesy smile to hear the two-toned molly laugh despite their hardships. Thank goodness for that... that they could move on and be friendly rivals rather than at-odds den-mates.

But... it would nice to catch that rabbit, for real. Looking up at the bridge with a small glare, she wonders if the wooden arms above them are steady.. or if they wobble like a tree's limbs in the breeze. She can't recall a time they'd wavered but.. maybe the additional weight of a full-grown cat could change that. It would be good to test it, if only to be aware for tactical use should WindClan try something funny.

"You flatter me to say we're about the same," she purrs, scrunching up her nose as if it is a drastic lie (it really isn't.. they wouldn't be where they are without some semblance of skill, right?). She eyes up the bridge, squints down its length to see if there are any shadows hidden amongst the fog- she wouldn't want this to start a petty squabble with some self-righteous patrol if it could be avoided.

"If you can get up there safely... let's give it a shot! I'd love to see the look on Smokestar's face if we could bring such a rare catch back to camp."


The playful retort made her roll her eyes with a shake of her head, "Oh, please.." but further she wouldn't speak on and waste time, the serious frown tightening her maw as she examined and thought. When was it last that a cat had jumped upon them? Her head craned upwards to observe the ledge with squinted eyes and a quiet hum at the statement, "Let's try to make him proud. Better to give it a go than have growling bellies."

Carefully she rounded up her thin body, tail swaying two and fro before she took the spring upon the ledge.

//rolled a 5 for wobble severity

Petalnose had caught herself upon it, claws sinking slightly into the wood to stable herself. But limbs shook at the instability. Uncertain it was to determine the cause; withering muscles or the ledge itself. The feline's gaze casted over at the drop below over shaking legs. "F..Funny.." It was a frustrated growl underneath an imbalanced voice. She was sure her comrade would get a kick out of it.

Petalnose soon noticed there was no winning the challenge, pouncing back off into the fluffy layer of snow. "Maybe I was going overkill..You.. the deputy. Have any better ideas..?"

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The hesitation at the wooden pillars that held up the bridge were a cause for concern.... when had she ever backed out of a challenge? The moment of thoughtful frustration... the murmur too low to hear in clarity. She tried not to make it obvious she'd witnessed it, turning her gaze away quickly to examine the surrounding area as if prying for clues. A few steps this way, a useless sniff at the ground...

Petalnose leaps back and suggests that as deputy she should have some better idea on how to catch the rabbit off guard.

"Uhh.... Our coats are pretty light.... maybe we can blend in near the plants and just wait for a bit? Yours will match the branches of the bushes and trees really well," she points out, calling back to a time Boneripple had given her some... tutoring on stealth and how to be better at it.

"I'll try scaring it right into your paws when it finally creeps over here for something to drink..."

Not entirely hopeless but not necessarily a new, original idea. They were better at birds... fish... not these mammals with skittish feet and wide eyes.