sea, swallow me // tansyshine


moonlight on the river
Jun 1, 2023

  • GENERAL — ♡ — ♡ ˎˊ˗ baby mine, don't you cry
    tansyshine, previously 'tansy' during her time in the marsh group
    tansy after the plant, shine after her bright personality​
    cis female, she/her
    ↪ bisexual, female leaning​
    34 moons, ages realistically
    thunderclan, permaqueen
    made [ 6.01.23 ] at 32 moons
  • APPEARANCE — ♡ — ♡ ˎˊ˗ baby mine, dry your eyes
    tall, cinnamon she-cat speckled with white and light blue eyes
    ↪ tansy doesn't necessarily tower over most of her clanmates, but she's pretty damn tall, standing at a rough fourteen inches from her shoulders. her base coat is a brighter cinnamon hue, speckled with splashes of white, freckling some of the cinnamon in places. with long fur, she's often well groomed, but lately it seems like her fur has become more and more wild. she has ice blue eyes, a pale sky color, that are typically dull- lacking the everyday shine they used to have.​
    smells like wildflowers
    sounds like here
    has multiple scars from the great battle underneath her fur
  • PERSONALITY — ♡ — ♡ ˎˊ˗ rest your head close to my heart
    POSITIVE TRAITS: motherly, loving, proud
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: quiet, reserved
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: grief-stricken, overprotective
    ↪ once an outgoing and enthusiastic woman, tansy has retreated to the nursery, a shell of who and what she used to be.​
    currently struggling with grief from losing her kittens & losing coalkit
    ↪ list MBTI type here...
    ↪ xviii. the moon | lilacs and soft purples | lilies, orchids, forget-me-nots | flower symbolism​
  • RELATIONSHIPS — ♡ — ♡ ˎˊ˗ never to part, baby of mine
    ↪ no siblings​
    hardcore crushing on lily pad, formerly mates with sunflash
    ↪ mother to crystalkit, littlekit, rainkit, coalkit, shardkit, tigerkit
    mentored by lily
    ↪ currently mentoring...
    ↪ mentored...​
    LIKES: crookedgrin, wrenflutter, lily pad, shinepaw, sunfreckle, howlingstar
  • INTERACTION — ♡ — ♡ ˎˊ˗ little one, when you play, don't you mind what they say
    medium-difficult when fighting, has a lot of experience
    will start fights, will run away if its in her greater interest
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★★★☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ SPEED: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★★☆​
    what are they like mentally when interacting?
    quiet & hard to verbally get a conversation out of
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★☆☆☆☆​
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( ☆ ) interaction ( ★ ) development
little lamb ( ☆ )
cant heal whats broken ( ☆ )
queen of peace ( ☆ )
good news is on the way ( ★ )
greek tragedy ( ☆ )
moonlight on the river ( ★ )
stumble and fall ( ☆ )
rest your head close to my heart ( ★ )
i set a course for winds of fortune ( ☆ )
next to me ( ☆ )
choking on flowers ( ☆ )
baby hotline ( ★ )
that was just hope ( ☆ )

──── tansy finally feels decent enough to leave the nursery with crystalkit
──── howling calls a meeting after her son, gray, dies - tansy reflects
──── whitelion teaches tansy the basis of chess; her and shine play against him
──── lily pad & tansy talk and reflect about various things, enjoying each others company
──── tansyshine breaks out of her shell to play pretend with various cats and a kitten
──── as a storm rolls in, tansy reflects and talks to her clanmates
──── tansy goes to snatch berryheart for flame and fly after they were injured by the boars
──── a lost kitten, coalkit, is taken in and given to tansy to take care of; she adopts him
──── june meeting, wolfwind is promoted to a lead warrior and tansy celebrates with lily pad
──── lily pad and tansy take a walk after the boars leave, star-gazing together
──── tansy brings sunfreckle a gift and lends an ear incase its needed
──── tansy asks howlingstar to become a permaqueen and is granted her wish
──── an abandoned kitten is brought to camp, tansy takes her under her wing

born to lily and thistle of the marsh group, tansy grew up happy and loved. she was trained by her mother, lily, in hunting, and trained by her father, thistle, in battle. tansy eventually grew up to fight in the great battle, where both her parents took their final breaths, and where tansy herself had gotten roughed up. in a haze, tansy followed emberstar to thunderclan, where she eventually met sunflash. now, the two of them weren't in love, and should have healed first, but shell-shocked they took each other as mates. as the months went on, arguments grew more frequent until tansy finds herself pregnant. sun, who never wanted kits in the first place, begrudgingly asks tansy if they could stay together for the sake of the kits. hesitantly tansy agrees, until the kits are born. they're born sickly from the stress tansy had been under, but she names them: crystalkit, littlekit and rainkit. eventually rainkit and littlekit pass just days after they're born, and its tansy's final push to call off being mates with sunflash once and for all.

now tansy raises crystalkit as a single mother, keeping him away from sunflash who made it very clear he wanted nothing to do with the remaining one.
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  • 69486748_y5cR04vw5JVHy1O-removebg-preview.png
    -> tansy ,, tansyshine
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 34 months
    -> permaqueen of thunderclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy cinnamon solid with low white and ice blue eyes
    -> “speech, a789cf” ,, thoughts
    -> bisexual ,, padding after lily pad ,, mother to many
    -> smells like wildflowers
    -> image by @wrendoings [ disc ]


[slide=info][fleft][IMG width="182px"][/IMG][/fleft]-> [S]tansy[/S] ,, [B]tansyshine[/B]
-> cis female ,, she/her ,, 34 months
-> permaqueen of thunderclan ,, former marsh grouper
-> fluffy cinnamon solid with low white and ice blue eyes
-> “[COLOR=#a789cf]speech, a789cf[/COLOR]” ,, [I][COLOR=#a789cf]thoughts[/COLOR][/I]
-> bisexual ,, padding after [abbr=played by petra]lily pad[/abbr] ,, mother to [abbr=tigerkit, crystalpaw, shardkit]many[/abbr]
-> smells like wildflowers
-> image by @wrendoings [ disc ]