searching for the beginning [ember]

Jul 20, 2022



Dusk hadn't had much alone time since joining Windclan. Sootstar didn't trust him yet and he was still considered lower than the actual warriors of the clan, and Hyacinth made sure to keep him busy under a watchful eye. It wasn't something he necessarily minded if he was honest. For one in his life he finally had more to do than just meet his basic needs for survival, and it was kind of nice to not always be in his own head. He could deal with the clipped words and scrutinizing glares, because at the end of the day Dusk could bleed patience if it was for something he wanted bad enough. And right now? Right now this was looking a lot better than what he'd come from.

That did not, however, mean things were smooth sailing for the large bengal tomcat.

While he had gained confidence in the fact that he could convince the group to eventually trust him to not betray them, that still didn't solve any of his other problems. He felt like he was so far behind everyone else he talked to. Even the youngest kits in the clan had lived fuller lives than he had, and the more he watched the cats around him the more he found himself yearning for what they had. But how did you go about obtaining something you couldn't even put a name to? All the time he felt the restless, overwhelming need to do something, to stop wasting his time, but what the hell was it that he wanted to badly?

That night, with most of the cats asleep in their nests, Dusk had chanced slipping out of camp. It was the first time he'd been entirely alone since joining, and he wasn't really sure how he felt as he padded across the moors under the stars and moonlight. It was peaceful out here at night the warm air undercut by a cool breeze that seemed to wash away the tension his nighmares had settled over him. His paws led him toward the border, because if he was going to be out at this hour he'd might as well do something useful.

windclan warrior - male - 17 months - homosexual - polyamorous - single - bengal