Season of Change || Prompt, O

Jul 28, 2022

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

The young warrior had wondered ahead of the hunting patrol she was assigned to, slinking into the shadows as she attempted to find a good spot before the others could catch up to the ebony warrior. Coming to a pause Ravenwatcher would let a soft sigh out before drinking in the scent around her, seeing if she could spot any fresh scent of prey where she was, and when she caught wind of something she began to follow it. Yet something would make her pause, a flash of bright yellow in the corner of her eyes before she turn to look down at some small flowers that the warrior believed she had never seen before within the territory.

This, she never recalled if she had seen these anywhere before the last new-leaf, leaning down the warrior would give a sniff before sneezing a bit and shaking her head. A frown tugged at her lips as she continued to examine this small golden flower that was blossoming in front of her. Her tail swished a bit trying to recall if these were here or not while tilting her head slightly. They were quite pretty of course but nothing she's ever seen before. "New-leaf seems to be full of surprises.." she silently mused before her ear flicked as paw steps approached and she glanced over to whomever it was while using her tail to point towards the new discovery before her. "Have you seen these before?" she would ask curiously.

Alongside plant life, some of that were missing in Leaf-bare have made a return. Cricket songs, buzzing bees, fireflies... write about your character's interaction with these critters
maggotpaw | 05 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple
Maggotpaw has never cared much for flowers. Such a sentimental item, it's use limited to medicine or decoration and nothing more. She cannot eat them unless she wants an aching belly, and they make her nose sniffle when she gets to close. Cold blue gaze is dispassionate as ravenwatcher speaks, her ear flicking in annoyance. "No. But its just a flower - what does it matter?" So what if it is new? Of all the things to find, why a flower?

" Flowers are nice... " Ghostpaw says, picking his way behind Maggotpaw. New things could be scary, new things could be nice... They were mostly the latter though, he thinks. There's still an air of unease he feels surrounding his warriorship. It wouldn't be much longer now... would it? Not quite right, not quite ready... The tingling in his nose draws out sniffling... he peers at the golden blooms beside Ravenwatcher.

And near it, just as golden, was a - buzzing. Drifting... fuzzed creature. Little bug. A bee appreciating the flowers just as Ravenwatcher did. Did they like to smell them too...? Ghostpaw leans in on pale paws, weight slouched forward. Buzzing bee... It knew where it was going, unlike him.

Ribbitleap was only just a kit, last newleaf. Every aspect about life and the marshes he was destined to grow up in was once brand new to him - an infinite array of shapes and colors, experiences and memories to take in.

The warrior sometimes yearns for those days, yearns for the memories the last newleaf had held, the brother who'd been left within that season. Sometimes it feels like he'll never see anything new again. Sometimes he wonders if Leaping Toad would think the same, or if he would've found something new for the two of them to observe in their adventures as warriors.

To his surprise, Ribbitleap has never seen the golden-hued flowers that Ravenwatcher calls attention to. A piece of something new, in a season his fellow warrior claims to be full of surprises. Is that so? Perhaps the brown tabby wasn't looking hard enough.

"I don't think I've ever seen those before," he says to the black and white feline, "Good find, Ravenwatcher." Maggotpaw doesn't seem to think the same, but Ghostpaw might, with his appraisal following behind the grey and white apprentice.

"Do you think there's any more of those around here?" Maybe he can collect some - store them away as a reminder to look for newleaf's surprises.

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Blue eyes flickered towards those who had approached, Maggotpaw showing no interest in the flowers and then Ghostpaw who made a comment about flowers being nice which gained a nod from the warrior before gaze drifted softly back to the golden-hued petals before ears twitching at Ribbitleaps words making her pause to thing, gaze floating around to see if she could catch any other yellow flowers out beyond the horizon.

"Perhaps we can look for more" the warrior commented smoothly, turning to face Ribbitleap with a slight nod. Perhaps collecting some would be an ideal thing to do, they could line their nests or den with the little petals that could potentially bring more color to their camps. "There might be more nearby" she prompted smoothly towards the others, getting onto her paws while her gaze began to scan once more for anything that might catch her eyes.