season of the stick - patrol assignments

It's with a fair bit of effort that Flycatcher finally pulls himself out of the warrior's den. It is warm and cosy inside and he can tell by the light breeze that wafted in through the den, that it was much, much, cooler outside. Eventually, he pulled himself away from the comfort and warmth of his nest and padded outside. There were duties he needed to undertake this morning, patrols that needed to be arranged. "ThunderClan!" He called out, alerting the clan to his presence. "Please gather for today's patrol assignments." As usual, he took his place in the centre of camp, awaiting his clanmates to gather before continuing.

"I would like Batwing to lead the dawn patrol along our border with RiverClan and SkyClan. Take Toadhop and Stagstrike with you when you go."

"For the dawn patrol along our border with ShadowClan and WindClan Sunfreckle is leading. Shiningsun, Falconheart, you are to accompany him. Please be cautious along the WindClan border. Things have been quiet lately but we still shouldn't take our chances."

"Howlingstar has asked to lead the dusk patrol to our RiverClan and SkyClan border. Roeflame, Honeydapple, I want you both to join her on the patrol."

"The dusk patrol to our ShadowClan and WindClan will be led by Raccoonstripe. Duskbird and Coyotebite will be joining him. As with the dawn patrol, please be mindful at the border with WindClan."

"Stormywing and Freckleflame are to handle the hunting patrols today. And I will leave it to them to decide who they wish to take with them."

"Moonwhisper, I would like you to host a training session today. I will leave it to your discretion as to what skill you wish to focus on."

// patrols to make
dawn sky: @batwing @TOADHOP @Tybalt [Stagstrike]
dawn wind: @Sunfreckle @SHININGSUN @FALCONHEART
dusk river: @HOWLINGSTAR @ROEFLAME . @honeydapple
training: @Moonwhisper
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Reactions: ROEFLAME .

Daily patrol assignments were a common aspect of Thunderclan's life. Now that she had an apprentice of her own, it was important to model how a good warrior behaved, even if it meant waking up at the worst hours of the morning to receive her assigned tasks for the day. Hearing that she was assigned to Raccoonstripe's patrol of Shadowclan's borders would present her with a good training opportunity to asses some of Vixenpaw's skills. Upon the deputy's dismissal of the group, she finds herself scanning the camp for her apprentice as she addresses the patrol leader. "Ready when you are Raccoonstripe. I'll fetch Vixenpaw to join us just before we head out."

Toadhop doesn't want to stray from the warmth of his nest, but Flycatcher's rise and subsequent call for patrol assignments tells the warrior he must stand as well. He can feel the shift in temperature before he emerges from the den, the brown tabby's form shivering as he pads over to his gathering clanmates.

Luckily, it isn't long before his name is called, as he's assigned to Batwing's patrol toward Sky and River's border. Simple enough, though Toadhop can't say he's looking forward to patrolling in the early morning's frost. A nod is sent the deputy's way, before pale paws pad over to the lead warrior. " Ready when you are, " the warrior greets Batwing with. ​
  • 75352427_5zJK0BNBCWuj2E9.png
    ── Warrior of ThunderClan

    ── Cinderfrost x Grime
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A brown tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by Stonepool
    ── "Speech"; Attack

"Understood, Flycatcher." Shiningsun smirked as he received his orders for the day, and already his gaze was searching for Sunfreckle's familiar pelt. Though he wasn't the only one that the golden coloured tom was looking for, he was also seeking Gingerpaw. "Come on Gingerpaw, let's get ready!" His apprentice needed to conduct more work like patrols, otherwise he feared that he wouldn't progress towards being a warrior.

//apprentice tag @GINGERPAW

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
The cold was sinking it's fangs into everything, and with it, Batwing couldn't deny that seeing his now-apprentice aged kits out in the cold didn't ache his heart a little bit. A hot breath left him, curling white in the air, as patrols were called. Pushing worry from his mind, he stepped forward, knowing there was a job to be done. His head dipped to Flycatcher at the assignment, vision shifting to Toadhop with a solid nod, vision briefly searching for Tigerpaw and Stagstrike as well. "Share some food, then we'll go." He noted.
