camp season of the witch — questions [ pafp ]

to be reborn , you have to die first .
In times like these, Spiderlily wished he never joined, but where would he be? Moping, no doubt. With a heavy sigh, the ghostly tom padded forward, prey dangling lifelessly between clamped teeth, intending to deposit it in the fresh-kill pile before making his way to Whitelion when a kit came tumbling into view.

He blinked pinkish hues, staring down at the bundle with furrowed brows, uncertain. Now what? He wanted to ask out loud, dropping the vole to settle between paws.

He wondered how patient he would be if he had his own, but Spiderlily was never known to show his aggression. Irritation, yes. But he dared not raise his voice, for he did not wish for his kits to fear him as much as he feared his own, unable to walk but watch with eyes too big for his body.

Shaking his helm, Spiderlily grunted, staring eerily at the soft-fleshed bundle. “What do you want?” He inquired, tone annoyed, wondering why out of everyone he had to fall victim to inquisitive kits with helms too big for their stubby bodies. “Have you come to steal my bones?” He asked, rhetorically.

/ please wait for @tigerkit.
thought speech