camp season the storm // patrol assignments!

" Skyclan. Come here, for patrol assignments " His voice raised above the early bustle, it felt unusual on his vocals, booming and harsh like ripping through rotten bark with stones. He sits where Orangeblossom would for once, so that his voice may carry from below the highbranch of the thorn tree.

" Alright " he paused, " Hunting to the west near the sandy ravine, I want @Dandelionwish to take @Wobbledog , @DUSKPOOL , and @Bananasplash " he orders, eyes shifting to the cloudy sky with the promise of light showers. He eyes the former windclanner with a dance over his teeth of his tongue, choosing him for a patrol lead was a large step in Thistleback's trust.

" to the east, I want @Auburnflame to take @sparrowpaw! , @SMOKEFANG , and @Sweetybee . Be careful of snakes, especially if it rains. " He nods to the patched white warrior before considering his patrols for the borders.

" alright, now- border patrols. To Riverclan, I want @Pigeonsong to take @spiderpaw , @MALLOWLARK , @JINN , and @DAMSEL . Remember, as it stands- we have a fair relationship with Riverclan. Keep that peace. " he warns, knowing Pigeonsong would do just that.

" To Thunderclan, @SLATE - you will take, @Howlpaw , @Wolfthorn , @Drizzlepaw , @Johnny , and @Sootsprite. No banters with the oak dwellers " he names them off and ends with a warning, for his last patrol had ended with scathing remarks tossed back and forth needlessly. He nods to Slate before turning to his next victims.

" And finally, to the Twolegplace. With utmost caution, as there may still be traps in the area. @TWITCHBOLT - you will take @FIGFEATHER , @Talon , @bluejay , and @HEATHERPAW ." he rolls his shoulders and sits back on his haunches. Content with his selection. " If anyone has a question, speak now... be careful and mind your patrol leader. " he finishes with a dismissive wave of his tail.

  • — This patrol was assigned using Skyclan's new generator system & the census!
    Patrol leaders this round are, Dandelionwish, Auburnflame, Pigeonsong, Slate, and Twitchbolt.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22
    Father of Coyotepaw, Eveningpaw, Briarpaw, Damsel, Sunflowerpaw, and Rosepaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

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Leading a patrol? Him?
While Orangeblossom was heavy with kits, her duties had been delegated to Thistleback; the senior among the lead warriors. He was rather fond of the monochrome tom, an odd fellow with a good heart and scary smile; but he was used to those sorts, he'd been friends with Mallowlark afterall. Still, he didn't expect to be tasked with leading one and the pride that swelled in his chest at his name being called was enough to make him smile as he padded forward. He'd been fine in SkyClan, despite his rough start and while he did not feel ostrasized he still had a faint, lingering sensation of not belonging that occasionally reared up. This, however, pushed it down aggressively. The trust needed to let a cat take lead of a patrol, one who was once deemed an outsider and even an enemy at one point. It felt like he was finally a SkyClanner, as silly as it was. It was gratifying in a way he hadn't expected such a small thing to be.
"Yessir!" The chocolate-limbed tom trilled, singsong voice rising up in a cheerful affirmation and his tail lashing in excitement, "Let's mosey along now then, ya'll! Them prey ain't gon'catch themselves!"
With a skip to his step the lanky warrior ambled on to the edge of camp to await the rest of his patrol.

Patrols were beyond common for Sparrowpaw now, a new part of their daily life. They didn't mind it, for the most part. They enjoyed contributing, and they enjoyed feeling like they were needed, even if they weren't always successful in their hunts. One day they would master it, of that they were sure.

With Orangeblossom in the nursery, the duty of assigning patrols seemed to fall to Thistleback. A scary appearance, but far from unkind, they had learned early on. The tabby looked up when their name was called, ears perking and nodding. A hunting patrol to the east, where they would need to beware of possible snakes. The idea of coming face to face with one of the slithery beings was enough to send a shiver down their spine. They would be careful for sure.

The apprentice got to their paws, trotting over to where their patrolmates were beginning to gather. "Ready!" they chirped with a swish of their tail.


Oooh, ThunderClan? He hasn’t really interacted with any of the fellow forest cats, or been that close to the border they shared. The last thing he’s ever wanted to do was aggravate the other clans, or any cat, really. Well, seems like this is his chance to satiate his curiousity, hopefully without anything going wrong…

He doesn’t really know anyone else going on this patrol well, especially not Wolf since he was one of the cats rescued from the shelter. They all interested him, though, seeing as he was a loner himself before joining. He hopes they all get along, though!

Drizzlepaw quickly makes his way over to Slate, smile on his face the entire time. He doesn’t say anything as he’s a little anxious but tries to keep close as the others joining them approach.​

For a moment it had slipped Twitchbolt's mind that Thistleback was carrying Orangeblossom's duty, for the time being; seeing the piebald tom in the deputy's usual spot was jarring, until the rational part of him caught up with the irrational. Ears angled to attention, the bicoloured tom's head tilted at a slight angle as he listened to the lead warrior's instructions. His tail swatted at something; an unconscious spasm. Not hunting, nor would he travel to RiverClan- not ThunderClan, either. His heart felt like it did a loop-de-loop when he was announced a patrol leader. There had to be a catch, of course- he would be travelling to Twolegplace.

Recent experience ran his blood cold, prickling frigid beneath his fur. Though nervy, he would not run away- in fact, he was probably better equipped than most to judge the traps, having been caught in one. Tightening his jaw as he swallowed, the scruffy tom gave Thistleback a sharp nod. If- if he believed in him, so be it.

"Uh- Twolegplace, over here," he called, wide eyes searching for the members of his patrol.

penned by pin ✧
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The call for patrol assignments had Johnny padding over on swift paws, ears pricked forward in interest as his short, stocky form joined the throngs of other cats gathering as names and locations were called out. He heard his own assigned to the Thunderclan patrol, under the leadership of Slate, and at once his sunny gaze went searching for the hulking grey figure.

❪ TAGS ❫ — Slowly but surely, Slate was readjusting to clan life. Although a moon may have not seemed like long for some, it had felt like an eternity for the trapped cats. Having not been able to move his muscles, breathe in fresh air, and hunt had set his progress back a few steps, admittedly. After taking some time to decompress and assimilate back into SkyClan, though, the former rogue figured that he was comfortable enough to start embarking on more patrols. The fear of preying twolegs still lingered in the back of his mind every time Slate left camp, but he would not allow himself to cower for the rest of his life. Next time, he'd be prepared.

His brows raised slightly as he was named patrol leader this time around. Being chosen to possess such responsibility, if only for one patrol, only served as a reminder that SkyClan trusted him to some degree. Part of him struggled to fully consider himself a clan cat; he felt that he would always be a street cat at his core. Maybe this was a sign that others, perhaps, didn't view him the same way he viewed himself.

With a tilt of his head, Slate gestures for the patrol to head toward the camp entrance. "Let's go, then." He doesn't intend to spend all day standing around and waiting for those lagging behind to catch up.
Orangeblossom watches Thistleback curiously from the entrance of the nursery, brown eyes narrow with thought as he calls out for SkyClan's patrols. He's fallen into this role quite well, something she isn't totally surprised about; however, she is a bit bemused by his choice to have Slate and Twitchbolt lead their respective groups so soon after being freed. Maybe it was to try and instil a sense of normalcy into the two again... But whatever his logic may be, as long as all of the patrols came back safe and sound, and with prey in tow from their hunters, she wouldn't have to step in.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3