pafp Seasons of Emotion // stuck inside


in your shadow
Sep 4, 2024
//please wait for @DOEBLAZE

Wet. Why was it so wet? Snowy wanted to scream his frustrations at the clouds above as he found himself confined to the nursery thanks to the weather. The feeling of mud and water against his delicate paw pads was simply too much, and even his desire to follow the adults about through the camp was outweighed by his need for comfort. Besides, he had been warned not to trek mud through the nursery, especially through the nests.

A sigh of defeat escaped him as he retreated from the nursery’s entrance so he could return to his nest with the intention of remaining alone. Right now he didn’t want to play or talk to the other kits, he hadn’t held that urge since the day he had been reduced to tears by the stump when Oleanderkit had asked him a sore question. It had him feeling wary and sour, which in turn had left him preferring the company of the adults who didn’t peel back his layers in search of painful spots.

It was beginning to look like a foul day as he sulked in his nest, that was until he spied a visiting Doeblaze. In an instant his ears pricked up and he stumbled out of his nest in order to catch the she-cat before she could leave again, a sense of desperation in his blue gaze. ”Hey Doeblaze! I… uh… have a question?” Oh darn, he needed to think of one otherwise she might just walk away. Frantically he looked at her up and down for inspiration, his focus soon settling on her lack of an eye. ”Um… er… what happened to your eye?” It wasn’t until he blurted out the question that he came to realise that he was perhaps being insensitive. Too late now though.

Rain taps the backs of her ears like a friendly paw as she jogs through the entrance of camp with Cloudypaw hot on her heels, both of them eager to escape the dreary downpour that has been plaguing SkyClan so frequently as of late. He makes a beeline for the apprentices' den at her nod and she slides one of the two birds hanging in her jaws onto the pile. The other, a plump little junco puffed up like a stormcloud against the leaf-fall chill, remains cinched in her maw as she lopes easily towards the holly-sharp mouth of the nursery. It's with a faint wonder that she registers the smell weights the scales heavier towards good memories than bad, towards keeping a memory alive rather than letting it take life from her.

" Hey-o, " she trills to the general residents as she ducks in, squinting in the milk-scented dim for Butterflytuft. Instead, she's met by little Snowy, one of the foundlings, bobbing amost frantically at her paws as if afraid she might be swirled back out into the rain. As kits are wont to do, he says he has a question, and she nods (slightly drowsy from the day and the rain) and mrrows, " Shoot. "

Oh. The slightest wince passes over her rainsoaked features. The bad memories start to soak in along with the water (bloodstained snow, chilled paws, ears on fire) ... and then the cold is whisked away by a warm breeze. A different memory, only a few days prior, gathered around with Hollypaw and Howlfire, Twitchbolt and Lupinesong, reminiscing on silly memories. The way his fur swallowed a paw's touch, or the way he towered over most other SkyClanners. It had been like breathing a little of his flame into the leaf-fall chill, warmng the air around their words. The dreariness of today could use a little brightness.

" I lost it in ... a fight. After someone I loved very much passed away. " Her voice is soft and solemn as she sets the junco down and sits, curling her shortened tail against the fluff of her folded leg. Her face pools with a mixture of grief and pride, reverence and joy, each word slow and carefully chosen. " His name was Blazestar. He was leader before Orangestar, long before you were even a thought in your parents' minds. " Doeblaze's maw crooks into a small, cautious smile, as if afraid the sparks gathering in her chest might dissipate. " He was ... very kind. Patient. "