secrets that you keep - orangeblossom

After the usual lull of hunting, training, patrolling, and eating, Dogbite felt compelled to take a nap. Shuffling through the entrance of camp, they wandered past several chattering clanmates, mind weary and his body spent from a hard morning of work. Alas, the reprieve of his nest was only a few paw steps away. They groaned aloud while collapsing into his nest, paws flinging upward as he rolled into a cozy ball of fur. It didn't take the Skyclanner long to drift off and snooze away.

- - - -

The bark of a distant voice roused the cinnamon feline. His eye blearily glanced around the empty den as they took in the conscious world. Noting he'd slept well past when they intended, begrudgingly they pulled themself from the warm nest. Walking to the mouth of the entrance, eye adjusting to the gloom of the dipping sun. A familiar figure was made out a few fox hops away. Sitting off by their lonesome in the clearing of camp and it was none other than Orangeblossom.

This lured the splotched tabby from hiding out in the warrior's den. Now's my chance! Eager to have a moment with the molly, he trotted over, his tail held high in greeting and his blue eye bright with anticipation. Rounding to the side of the deputy, he politely meowed. "Afternoon." Dipping his boxy head up and down as he sat. "Mind if I sit with you?" The words felt childish when spoken aloud, but nonetheless, he hoped his intent was clear. He wanted to hang out with her now more than ever.

She'd gotten to wander wildly vast territories, far beyond even his own imagination. That's something he'd be a fool for missing out on hearing.

  • ooc ; To kickstart the drama train ❤️ @orangeblossom
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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