SEE HOW IT SHINES ✧ feb meeting

She had called for the evening patrols to wait today, and for the daylight warriors to linger if they were able. It's when the first stars blink to life above her head that Orangeblo- Orangestar - scales the gnarled thorn bushel to reach Highbranch for the first time in her life. The leader's perch, a place she'd never set her paws upon out of respect. It's hers now, but only in the way that the den beneath would be too.

"Every cat old enough to catch their own prey, gather beneath Highbranch for a Clan meeting!" There's a small waver to her meow, a second guessing that's rarely been present in Orangestar prior. Is that the phrasing she's meant to use? She doesn't know. Despite attending meetings every so often, one of the first to arrive at her leader's call, Orangestar doesn't have Blazestar to fall back on anymore. No immense leader to loom behind and exact the orders of, to listen to and to call upon in times of unsurety. She's left that role forever, and as such the place at her own side has become vacant. While she has a capable team of lead warriors, she needs to choose a deputy.

"I say these words before StarClan, so that they may hear and approve of my choice." Her eyes drift skyward, to a twinkling star that might just be her predecessor, and then drop to land on a familiar patchwork pelt among the crowd below. "The new deputy of SkyClan will be Twitchbolt."

This is, she admits privately as her Clan's reactions fill the air, an unconventional choice. Roughly half of SkyClan's council is older than the nervous tom, more experienced, and Orangestar herself has always considered him young. She'd questioned Blazestar's decision to have him join SkyClan's council, at first. But he, so close in age to her younger siblings, has a whole life ahead of him that he can use to learn the role of a deputy. Twitchbolt's youth, she feels, is what SkyClan needs to progress.

Speaking of progress... Twitchbolt's is not the only story of recognition she will tell today.

"Dogbite." She beckons the one-eyed warrior to stand with a small curl of her tail. "Step forward. I would like to offer you a place on my council as a lead warrior."

[ ceremonies & activity shoutouts will come next post!
please say a huge congrats to pin / @TWITCHBOLT and taz / @Dogbite !!! and thank you to everyone who applied for deputyship, this was an extremely difficult decision. ]
It was a moment of bated breaths as all cats had been asked to stick around. Clan traditions still seemed fresh, as having to immediately pick a deputy seemed a harrowing task to bare alone. Many of Skyclan's cats held potential that weighed out in their own unique ways. He doubted such a short amount of time was ample enough to make a complete evaluation of every individual skill set, but Dogbite did not doubt his friend. She had been through the proverbial ringer as well as several others. She knew above everyone what and who Skyclan would need most of all to help bring in the new era. A time without Blazestar to guide them through it. The thought pained him physically, but the blow had softened a touch. It amazed him how clans could pick up the pieces so fast to almost a mind-numbing degree. Maybe it was the community or the realization that time would wait for no one.

Either way, it was strangely comforting to know there was always someone nearby willing to lend a paw or an ear. Distracted by his own musings, the pale tom nearly jumped from his coat as Orangestar's voice rang out behind them. Turning around, his scarred face widened with silent awe. Her cry wasn't unfamiliar, but the phrasing and her placement would take some getting used to. Outlined by the branches which once haloed a massive ragdoll now stood the imposing stature of the orange and white leader. Easily, he obeyed the call to attendance and slipped through the gathering cats to take a seat several rabbit lengths from the tree's base. Scruffy neck craned to stare and listen with invested interest.

They couldn't help the nagging curiosity on just who the moggy's chosen would be. What criteria was expected for Orangestar's second in command. Again, her meows pulled his mind back to the present moment. Following her gaze as she blinked skyward. At last, the name fell from scarred lips and a rush of pleasantness ran up their spine. Twitchbolt! It was a choice Dogbite would never disagree upon, but a part of them was intrigued to know the attracting factor. His friend was awfully shy if not jumpy, but he had a wittiness few among them possessed. An observant gaze that often captured scenarios beyond even his own skills.

Having experience as a lead warrior also put the newly-named deputy in a place of padded education to reference from. Relief fell softly across Dogbite's tufted cheeks. He knew this would be a learning curve for everyone but assured knowledge there would be far less friction and 'what-ifs' made him visibly relax. Clearing his patched throat, he put a little extra gusto behind the shout. "ORANGESTAR! TWITCHBOLT! ORANGESTAR! TWITCHBOLT!" Both of them deserved their names chanted to the heavens. To be honored and praised under the watchful eye of their ancestors. As the crowd began to settle, he prepared for the next course of news. Believing it to be a gathering announcement or possibly what would be expected under new leadership.

He had not been prepared for his name to rise above the crowd and fall down onto him like gentle rain. Dogbite... offer you a place on my council as Lead Warrior. His body stiffened and his heart thudded violently in their tattered ears. Did I hear that right? Adjusting his neck, he locked eyes with intense browns and his legs nearly buckled from the weight of such a decision. Eyes every which way had now fallen upon the tabby and he needed to heed the call. Holding back the torrent of 'why' and 'are you sure', he put on a wobbly air of grace. Scruffy head dipping low and rising up again with a bright smile as he rose to all fours. Tentatively, they padded forward, and each step made his stomach tighten with nerves and bashfulness.

Only once before had he stood out in the crowd and that was when Blazestar had bestowed him his name and new apprentice. Back then he hardly knew what to expect being a stranger within a close-knit camp of clan cats. Now Orangestar was dubbing them with a profound sense of duty and purpose. He was among friends and family alike, no longer a stranger, but a Skyclanner just like the rest. Blinking slowly, he glanced to a familiar patchwork pelt with unspoken words of unbridled joy brimming in his blue gaze. Rarely, did he afford himself moments of unadulterated happiness, but today he would make an exception. He couldn't quite pinpoint his student or his siblings from within the crowd but he knew they would be present. That they would bask in this moment with him and he could lean on them later in celebration.

Finally, he stared back to Orangestar with gratitude and platonic love. Patiently, Dogbite waited for the next step into their life. He couldn't help the hopeful prayer shining from the recesses of his consciousness. I hope you're here and proud of me, of all of us, Blazestar. They were eager, hungry even, for their newfound happiness within dark times.

  • I'd like to say this again - but thank you so much for the opportunity and congratulations to Pin/Twitchbolt! I'm beyond excited to play as an integral part of the Skyclan team w/Dogbite!
  • image.png

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 32 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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From where he sits beside Dawnglare, Fireflypaw is a looming presence- head held high and shoulders squared as blind blue eyes stare owlishly into the crowd of cats. He couldn't see any of them, but his love for them all was clear in moments like these: unity. Understanding that his clan would continue to mourn his father, but welcome Orangestar with open paws. He would, too, for Orangestar was like an aunt to him. He blinks then, finally breaking the wide-eyed stare he was giving everyone as Twitchbolt was made Deputy and Dogbite was asked to step forward into the council. He wondered.. How did Twitchbolt feel about this? Was he nervous?​
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*✧・゚ The little kit’s maw splits wide in a yawn, tired eyes blinking slow as she follows after her mom to listen to what Orange—yawn—Orange, Orange… whatever… has to say. She’s so sleepy, but the new leader made them all stay behind really late for some kind of announcement. Sangriakit doesn’t really care, she just wants to go home and go to sleep! She opens her mouth to complain to her mom, but before she can say anything, Orangestar starts talking. She looks so cool perched up there on her tree branch, and Sangriakit would have wanted to climb up there and join her, just for the fun of it, but she’s reminded of the first (and last) time she climbed a tree. She doesn’t want to go up there with Orangestar, she decides.

The mostly white she-cat says she’s choosing a new deputy, and Sangriakit’s tired ears perk up just a little. A new deputy? Who will it be? Selfishly, she thinks that it should be Figfeather or her mom, because that’s her parents, but then Orangestar says Twitchbolt, and a big smile breaks out across the torbie’s muzzle. "TWITCHBOLT!" The shout rips its way from her, and Sangriakit whips her head around to seek out the funny brown tom in the crowd. She knew he was super special! "Twitchbolt is my favorite deputy," she tells the cat sitting next to her, a bright grin on her face. She’s also really excited about Dogbite being a lead warrior, but… Twitchbolt is the deputy! That’s even more important!

It was odd not to see Blazestar there- to be reminded of an absence, and Twitchbolt's eyelids spasmed as he looked up at Orangestar, wide-eyed with quivering skin. His fangs chattered, and he tried to steady his shivering, judders that were always there. It had hardly occured to him that Orangestar would have to pick a deputy, because- because she was their deputy in his mind, before he overwrote it. His head was a palimpsest of corrections, right now- Orangestar was their leader, they had no deputy- it'd be one of the more experienced warriors, someone older- like Duskpool, like Silversmoke, like-

Before StarClan, he watched the words leave her lips. Watched them and heard them, like a flash of lightning, and then the sound of thunder. Like a rumbling storm, it took a moment to hit him. The new deputy of SkyClan will be Twitchbolt. Twitchbolt. And he was Twitchbolt, wasn't he? Cursed name, great name- and it left Orangestar's mouth, and- that was his name. Him, deputy of SkyClan.

He was surprised he hadn't died from the shock.

Motionless aside from involuntary juddering, Twitchbolt stared at her. His eyes were stung by the air. Blink! And he did, and it looked like he was trying to squeeze his eyeballs out. Was his mouth open? Fangs tightened so fiercely he worried they might shatter. No, no- his mouth hadn't been open.

Youth and elder of SkyClan alike both looked right at him. Was he supposed to say something? Anything would be good, right? So long as it wasn't no, you're crazy, what are you thinking- where did this come from? Anything that wasn't a stream of questions, but- but if he opened his mouth, wasn't that what would be coming out? Like- like bile or water, when you coughed it up after nearly-drowning, or something... speaking of which, was he breathing?

Pupils dwarved by green flicked up to the sky- to the clouds, twisting around each other, like cat-tails, like his father's patchy fur, like- and they were watching, laughing, weren't they? Look, he's shaking even now, they were thinking, funny little thing, always a funny little thing. Funny- was it a joke, then?

But she hadn't taken it back. The words, the reality, stewed on his fur. A year of contemplation took place in a matter of seconds. Of course, of course, he hadn't been lying about believing in her. About there being no-one better. He took a breath, took a long, gasping sort of breath that might revitalise him. For faces in the crowd, he searched- Quillstrike, Figfeather, Butterflytuft, Greeneyes, Dogbite... friends, any friends. But every gawking face looked the same. Because they were laughing at him, surely- surely no one thought-

It was Orangestar he looked to, then. Her eyes were dark, determined fire. Light of SkyClan, measured and sure. Looking at him. "If you're sure," he said, trying and utterly failing to knock the doubt out of his voice. Maybe he'd get rid of it, eventually. And what had he said when Blazestar had made him a lead warrior? Something similar, something...

Guilt gripped him, even as cats started cheering, little voices from the nursery- Sangriakit's voice, maybe- Dogbite, loud and encouraging, A good friend, and- by Orangestar's decree (that he just managed to catch over the ringing and the reeling in his mind), a new member of the council. A smile, shaky but sincere, settled on his face. On this he could focus, and- and be happy about, as eyes flicked to find their new lead warrior. Dipping his head in a nod of approval, Twitchbolt let his frayed voice join the cheering, to forget for a moment how much everything had just changed.
penned by pin ✧
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Everyone knew what was to come next. The clan gathered beneath the Highbranch where Blazestar once sat, a few speculative whispers floating in the air. The injured lead warrior shifted uncomfortably in his nest, careful not to irritate his sensitive shoulder, and craned his neck to gain a full view of the meeting. Even so much as gazing upon the powerful bi-colored molly made Slate's gut twist and churn, but he tried to ignore it as he, too, wondered who would be bestowed the title of SkyClan's new deputy. Orangestar could not proceed without a second-in-command at her side.

As the clan awaits Orangestar's word, Slate ponders to himself — would he ever want the highly coveted rank? No one would hold any authority over him other than Orangestar herself. His word would be the second-highest in the land; not even Bobbie or Silversmoke could issue him any smart quips without penalty. Even so, even if all of those benefits were appealing... Slate knew that he did not wish for the larger weight that would be placed upon his shoulders — future leadership. Even as he accepted now that he was a clan cat, not defined by the life he once lived, StarClan may never accept him. He was not as patient and wise as Blazestar had been, not as clever and rational as Orangestar. Slate would be willing to fight at her side and enforce her word, but that wasn't enough... was it?

But who would be competent enough to protect Orangestar, if not him? Almost sickeningly, Slate admits to himself that Silversmoke would be the most reasonable choice. Even if he was annoyingly snippy, and something of an overachiever, he was a fierce warrior with moons of experience over any of the lead warriors. It was a no-brainer, in his opinion.

"The new deputy of SkyClan will be Twitchbolt." The multiple candidates that had been floating around Slate's mind immediately were washed away as his mind processed Orangestar's proclamation. Slate cannot help but scoff aloud, "Twitchbolt? Did I hear that right?" A small part of Slate hopes he hadn't, but he would be a fool not to trust his own hearing. His brows furrow with nothing less than concern.

Orangestar's next announcement barely pierced that thick skull of his; his only focus was on the fact that SkyClan's next deputy was Twitchbolt. Adding Dogbite to the team of lead warriors wasn't a questionable decision. They were level-headed and good-natured, everything that a leader would want in a member of their council. Twitchbolt was the same — level-headed, good-natured, if not twitchy and a bit anxious at times. But a deputy.... That was the leader's confidant, the one who would carry out all of their orders and command the lead warriors, the one who would eventually step up to leadership themselves! What was Orangestar thinking?

Twitchbolt isn't enough for her, Slate thinks. He couldn't possibly be the deputy she deserved. At this moment, Slate only regrets that the new deputy wasn't him.

  • ic opinions ofc! interacting with anyone inside the meddie den
  • *
    he/him; lead warrior of skyclan
    a hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    link to full tags; @ on discord or dm @beaaats for plots!​

Howlfire is surprised to find that it does not sting as much as she thought it would seeing Orangestar take her father's place on the Highbranch and call her first meeting as leader. She wouldn't lie and say it didn't feel odd, because it did, but Orangestar takes to the role easily.

The new leader begins by announcing the new deputy. Howlfire recognises the familiar words, sitting up with interest to see who Orangestar would name as successor. SkyClan had severable capable and dependable lead warriors in their ranks and Howlfire could imagine many of them making fine leaders. There were other warriors too who had potential to step up she thought, if Orangestar deemed them suitable for the role. When Twitchbolt's name is called as deputy, Howlfire blinks in surprise. She considers Twitchbolt a friend but she is surprised to hear his name called out. Not so much due to doubting his ability, but because he seemed so much younger and inexperienced to the other lead warriors. On reflection, that was perhaps why Orangestar had called his name, knowing that he would have time to learn and grow in the role.

Twitchbolt is not the only cat to be called to a new role, as Dogbite's name is called out with an offer to become a lead warrior on Orangestar's council. Another fine choice, Howlfire thinks, nodding approvingly to herself in the crowd. "Twitchbolt! Dogbite!" She cheers enthusiastically.
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Johnny knew he would need to return home tonight- he'd been in camp the night of Orangestars journey to Highstones, and with the safe return of both her and Dawnglare he knew he was overdue for alotting time to his twolegs. They were a patient and understanding couple that allowed him to do what he liked with his time, but that didn't mean he enjoyed worrying them by staying away for too long just because he knew they'd forgive him for it.

As the sun began to dip though, the patched tabby didn't take his leave right away like he should have, knowing that tonight would hold a meeting. It was strange to watch Orangestar climb up to sit where Blazestar once had, stranger still to call her Orangestar when she had always been Orangeblossom to him. So rare it was, that warriors ever had their name changed, and he knew he was bound to slip up sooner or later.

Beneath the strangeness of it all though, was also a burning sense of determination. Their former leader might be gone, but he had faith in Ora to lead the clan in his stead, a feeling he was certain the majority of the clan also shared in.

As the meeting formally began and he settled in to listen, Johnnyflames eyes widened in surprise at the first announcement. Twitchbolt was the new Deputy? So young, and a lead for less time than even Johnny. The obvious choice had been Silversmoke, hadn't it? The tom was older and more experienced, a lead warrior since before Johnny had even joined.

Twitchbolt wasn't a bad choice though- if the younger tom could keep his wits about him when the pressure was one.

Dogbites promotion was less of a surprise, something the bobtail had almost been expecting for a while now. In fact, there were a few cats whom he wouldn't be surprised to see join the ranks of the leads on day.

"Twitchbolt! Dogbite! Orangestar!" his meowing joined the dozens of others, happy to cheer for the cats- to finally be able to celebrte some good after all the bad.

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Chrysaliswing did not cheer, and the man whose tongue so often lashed with the ferocity of an anguine beast did not even speak. Hatred acerbated his heart, and it, perhaps, even poisoned his mismatched gaze as he stared at Twitchbolt. Hmph, I could do a much better job at being the Skyclan deputy than a cat who stutters with every word. Seriously, how is he going to get out patrol assignments with that stupid voice of his? I'll die of boredom before then. The tomcat let out an audible huff, as though he were exhaling thick smoke instead of air. He would have been surprised, but Skyclan had always been a collection of sitting ducks (as much as he loved his home and would protect it until his dying breath).

His tail lashed behind him, like it silently sputtered out what he wished to say to this whole debacle. His feathery fur rippled behind him, almost a rattle warning of what fire brewed within. A kindled woodstock, a blazing wildfire, he remained and stoke the incendiary within his rib cage. Though, there was some sense of pride for Orangeblossom - no, Orangestar - that bloomed in him. It was a lone flower within a garden of anathema and brimstone, an ignition that lived even as its source did not. She was like the remains of the Skyclan he grew up with, and for that, there was some comfort to be found. At least there's one competent cat on the team.

( IC opinions of course, please ignore his evil thoughts lol congrats both wren and pin <33 )
  • Wow
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It glad him to see Orangeblo-star having returned back home unscratched and in perfect health. But he was still missing Blazestar. His death having left a deep scar in the young warriors chest who had admired that seal point quite a bit. It was them who had taken him in and let him live among their ranks so obiviously he felt gratitude towards the tom. Blazestar had been from the very start of his time here. The fact he was gone for good was a harsh reality to come to terms with. So even if he wanted to he couldn't bring himself to feel happy for Orangestar's reign not when he was still grieving. It would take time for him to get used to this change but he would adapt and he was going to serve the red and white molly just as loyaly like he had with Blazestar. He just needed time to process this and mourn the loss before he could move on forward. That was all.

Fieryheart remained silent when the new deputy of the clan got announced. Twitchbolt. That was an unexpected choice. That lead warrior had always been a nervous and anxious tom making him wonder if they could handle the new responsibility that had been put on his shoulders without breaking under all of the pressure. Well, he hoped they could even if he had his doubts. Orangestar had not been starting her reign by making a wise decision that was for sure. But who know maybe Twitchbolt would come to suprise all of them.....maybe.

Dogbite on the otherhand would work well as skyclans lead warrior he was certain of. That tom had proved himself worthy of that position many times over.

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Coyotecrest settles beside Howlfire after leaving from visiting their kits. His chin tips to gaze upon the spot where Orangestar sat now. It was odd to see another cat there. Blazestar has been the only one to perch upon that branch for as long as he can remember. To see the orange and white molly sitting there now would take some time for him to get used to. Regardless, his emerald gaze shifts to Howlfire, gauging her reaction to the reality of a new leader seeking to guide them forward. She seemed fine from what he could tell, but it lingers anyway before trailing back to Orangestar. Both Twitchbolt and Dogbite are given new positions, deputy and lead warrior respectively. Opening his maw he cheers alongside the rest of his clanmates. "Twitchbolt! Dogbite!" He was sure they would both hold their positions well.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / twenty moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
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If you're sure, Twitchbolt manages, and Orangestar dips her chin in a single nod towards him. She's certain of this choice. She tries not to become aware of the note of confusion that her Clanmates expression, a small silence following her words as SkyClan digests her decision; but as Dogbite nods their own agreement and cheers fill the air, she relaxes a little.

"We've some new faces needing warriors to shadow." As she speaks, she would gesture to the pseudo-mentors in the crowd. "Chili, you will shadow Duskpool. Ekat, you will be taught by Dogbite. Zemo, with Johnnyflame. And Fang ..." Fang is injured, she rationalises with herself. It would do him well to rest first. "When Slate is cleared for duties, you will follow him. The four of you will have two moons of training to learn our ways before you will be assessed."

Next, she beckons two toms to the front of the crowd; one ginger-patterned, the other a mottled mix of colours that many SkyClanners bore. "Shiori, Cal, step forward.

"I, Orangestar, leader of SkyClan-"
her eyes lift skyward again, but it still feels wrong- "call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these two cats. They have trained hard to learn your code, and I commend them to you in turn. Shiori. Cal. Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and defend SkyClan, even at the cost of your lives?"

There's a beat of silence, promptly broken by two vows. She has high hopes for these two warriors. "Then by the power of StarClan, I grant you new names. Shiori, for your intelligence and your dedication, you will now be known as Hollywhisper. Cal, for your assertiveness and your courage, you will now be known as Duststorm. I welcome you both as full warriors of SkyClan." Just like Blazestar had done moon after moon, Orangestar would descend from her perch, hitting the ground just like she would from any other tree, and she would rest her chin on each of her news warriors' heads in turn.

"Hollywhisper! Duststorm!" She crows, waiting for the calls of her Clanmates to fill the air once more. She stands, a little awkwardly for a moment, and offers the two a small nod before she turns to return to her perch.

"... We have been informed by Sunstride that Sootstar no longer leads WindClan." This is old news by now, but she wants her Clan to know for certain. "Just because Dawnglare and I were able to visit Highstones safely does not mean that they aren't plotting anything. Be vigilant, and keep each other safe. Dismissed."

His chanting for Twitchbolt and Dogbite is just another voice in the crowd, but he hopes that it conveys his well wishes for them in their new positions regardless. It's going to take some getting used to, but he supposes that everyone will have to adjust to things being different alongside their grieving for Blazestar.

And another thing to get used to was when a clanmate received a new name... Shiori is good about it, often thinking before speaking, but it still took some time for it to truly sink in mentally. But today it's not just a Clanmate's name that is changing. It's his own - and Cal's of course, too.

As he steps forward, he begins to wonder... Are his mother and his sisters watching him from whatever non-StarClan afterlife they ended up in? Cal had told him he was sure of it, that night they watched the stars together. That much he remembered. But it doesn't change the fact that he doesn't actually know - he'll never know what the family he never met thinks of him becoming a warrior, of what Ume thinks of him becoming a warrior. But he has Cal and Duskpool, and that's enough.

"I do," he vows, and he's not sure if it's nerves that are making him feel strange, or whatever ailment he seems to have. But it matters not, because he no longer bears the name Shiori, and Cal is no longer Cal, but instead they are Hollywhisper and Duststorm. He'll need to think of a new nickname to use, at least in front of other Clanmates. But it's a thought for later.

For now, he looks to the tom beside him, and silently smiles.

At the order of dismissal, he is keen to return to the warrior's den to lie down for a bit. Perhaps today has been just a tad too eventful for him to fight away the exhaustion dwelling within him.​


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Reactions: Orangestar
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
Duskpool sat further away from the gathering lot, nestled near the entrance with a languid flick of his wooly tail curling around enormous paws, mangled ear twitching curiosity. Twitchbolt, eh? He thought, dark lips curling with a dip of his helm toward the newly named deputy, molten depths flickering. Good job, kiddo. I’m sure you’ll do just fine. He thought. He respected Orangestar, interestingly, the old warrior was curious to see what the other would bring to this new era.

A conversation that felt like eons ago was brought to the surface, burning molten softening a fraction, scarred flesh impassive. Believe in yerself, eh, kiddo? He turned briefly toward Dogbite, dipping his helm in acknowledgment as clanmates shouted their names in celebration.

Duskpool had never been particularly interested in higher positions, content with existing as a warrior growing older as the moons go by. He’d never once dreamed of anything else, ambitious as he was, the warrior wasn’t interested in power, but in striving to protect and defend his clan. His attention peeled away from the two, focusing on Orangestar at the call of his name, burning molten flickering to Chili, nodding to their recent addition, intending to pull speak to her after the meeting when his attention snapped to Shiori and Cal, pride surging upward as a ghost of a smile danced across marred lips.

He nearly had the breath knocked out of him in bittersweet reminder, of memories long gone, washed away in innocent bloodshed, of broken promises and a heavy heart, of memories he would never get back and wondered just how different things would have been if he returned. He snorted. Always with the what-ifs, huh, old fool? He thought, watching his son with a soft expression, unhindered by a mask of impassiveness, but an abundance of pride. I’m so proud of ya, kiddo. Yer mom would be too if she were here.
thought speech
this is who i am . nobody said you had to like it .
Cal was never one for … celebration, even if it was deserved, watching Twitchbolt and Dogbite, offering whispered congratulations while sitting beside Shiori, tail tucked around his paws in quiet contemplation, good or bad, the fawn tabby wasn’t sure.

It wasn’t long before his name was called upon, padding alongside Shiori to receive their new names. His gaze lingered on Tatteredlight in the crowd, grinning cheekily, helm bobbing in silent encouragement brought a half-hearted smile to the tom’s face. Is this what you felt, little brother? He thought, tearing his gaze away to stare at Orangestar, a name that settled oddly on a sandpaper tongue.

By some miracle, they made it, referring to Tatteredlight and him, beaten, but the two shared an uncannily stubborn resilience. If that was bad or not, he supposed it depended on the situation. We made it. He thought, expression flickering between relief and surprise, masked, but still readily seen within golden hues.

Nerves set his veins on fire, pooling nervousness that seemed neverending as Shiori spoke, followed closely by Cal’s own vow, “I do.” No longer would he be Cal, burdened by things he never dared to admit, reborn as Duststorm, still the same, but different. He glanced at the other, returning the gesture with his own, sinking back into the crowd with a chuff, snorting softly.

At their dismissal, Duststorm nudged Hollywhisper’s shoulder in a silent question, helm tilting toward the warrior’s den with a raised eyebrow. Nap time? He whispered silently, conveyed by the slight curve of his eyebrow crinkling upward.
thought speech
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It feels… strange.

Greeneyes grew accustomed to the molly’s call in times of patrols, so he can’t help the jolt of confusion when her voice arises in call for a meeting instead before he remembers. Even their traditions, even means for a sense of normalcy have shifted in the change of power. The ordinary is not quite anymore, something to grow accustomed to again.

Still, he moves to settle beneath the Highbranch, head lifting to look up at Orangeblossom — at Orangestar — as she holds her first meeting as SkyClan’s leader.

Her first order of business is to seek out her replacement. Greeneyes finds himself surprised at her choice. He’d figured Orangestar would choose someone like Silversmoke or Slate, in all honesty, but excitement arises at her choice either way, malachite gaze shifting to seek out the brown and white fur of his friend, his former nursery-mate. “ Twitchbolt! Twitchbolt! “ Greeneyes cheers for the tom. Though he finds himself wondering how Orangestar came to her decision, he thinks he would’ve chosen him, too.

Next, she grows her council, and Greeneyes’ gaze darts to another familiar face — another friend of his, albeit their closeness still new. “ Dogbite! Dogbite! “ The older deserves it as well, he knows, and the ginger tom can’t wait to share his rank with another friend.

New faces get warriors to shadow before Orangestar beckons Shiori and Cal forward for their own warrior ceremonies. “Hollywhisper! Duststorm! ” he chants for the duo while Orangestar retreats to her perch above to share her last pieces of news: an update on WindClan. Though he’s already heard Sunstride’s news, he listens closely, a nod following her words as the meeting is dismissed. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
With Orangeblossom's- no, she was Orangestar now, call for a meeting, Softpaw found herself eagerly venturing out to claim her place beneath Highbranch. While the new leader's meeting may only be composed of mandatory matters such as naming her replacement as deputy, she was still happy to be present and support the new leader. After all, the leader of the clan was only as strong as their clanmates.

"Orangestar! Twitchbolt! Dogbite!" Cheering alongside her clanmates, the apprentice would try extra hard for her voice to be heard above the rest. Despite not holding a close connection with any of these clanmates in particular, that didn't mean he couldn't cheer them on with everything in her.

Next, Orangestar dove right into important matters. The newer recruits needed warriors to shadow, and Softpaw would nod along with her choices. All of these newer cats seemed to be paired with respectable warriors. Softpaw was sure they would make fine warriors in due time. "Hollywhisper! Duststorm!" The final round of promotions went to Shiori and Cal, who now were full warriors of Skyclan and had fancy new names to go with it. Again raising her voice to join her clanmates, she would cheer on the new warriors, and give them a nod of congratulations should either of them catch her gaze.

Orangestar's final announcement was of recent events in Windclan. Surprise caught her gaze as the clan learned that Sootstar (fortunately) was no longer in power. Sunstride was now in line for becoming leader, and hopefully that meant that peace was going to be restored to the forest. Sunstride wouldn't plot anything horrible, would he? Surely he was better than Sootstar. Nodding with her leader's dismissal, she would venture out to find her mentor for the day's assignments.


Figfeather’s eyes widen in complete surprise. Without a doubt the marmalade she-cat had been anticipating Orangestar would take her pick in one of the older lead warriors. Past the shock envies sharp claws grip into her heart, as it would’ve for any cat picked for the honorable role. Who wouldn’t be jealous of the cat to receive such a high honor?

”Twitchbolt!” She yowls, ”Dogbite!” She proceeds, pushing past the bitter pang of jealousy to celebrate the deserving cats. It would take some getting use to seeing both of them in their new positions, but she trusts Orangestar’s wisdom as she entrusted in Blazestar’s, they’d serve SkyClan well.

”Hollywhisper! Duststorm!” More cheers erupt from her throat, blending in with the sounds of her clan-mates for the two new warriors. Their new clan names were fitting of each of them.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mentoring Wolfpaw
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » Sire to Sangriakit & Coffeekit
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing