- Oct 17, 2022
- 509
- 92
- 28
He finds Turtledove (he has been rolling the name in his mind until it smooths all over like a stone, making sure he never gets it wrong) a little before she is due to start her vigil. The night is cold and thick with the smell of Leaf-fall: it smells like an ending. It is, to his surprise, more sweet than it is bitter.
"A word, if you will," he tells her, nodding towards the edge of camp.
The hour is late enough he doesn't have to go far to find a quiet, secluded spot to have Emotions in. He sits primly, kneading the ground a little, still antsy from the meeting earlier. His mouth constantly wants to pull into a smile; he lets it now, although his first words are a little grim for the expression.
"When I was young," he starts quietly, "I had a brother named Turtle — Pond Turtle. You do not look or act much like him — you are much older than he ever got to be, for starters — but…" He turns his head, swallowing hard. His voice stays level, mostly out of habit. "You are a little similar, nonetheless. Brave… Strong in more ways than one."
He looks back at her then, his smile fading but his face remaining soft and his whiskers tilted, all of his fond. "Turtledove," he says softly, "I do not have kits. I never had this chance. But if being your mentor for these past moons is the closest I ever come to it, then I will consider myself infinitely fortunate." He clears his throat, awkward, and huffs a faint laugh. "Smokestar would have cuffed me over the ears for saying that."
It's true, though, in a way. He watched her grow, gain in confidence, her boundless energy maturing into steadfast determination. He watched her rise to every challenge. He does not know what it feels like to be a parent like Lichenstar or Willowroot are, but he'd like to believe it feels a little like this: pride and affection, joy at the thought of all the things left for her to do.
(And crushing anxiety, of course, at what might happen to her, but tonight is not the right time for it. He'll have this particular breakdown in the privacy of his nest.)
"You were a better apprentice than I could ever have hoped to be trusted with, and there is no doubt in my mind that you will become the best of all of us. I could not be more proud of who you have become." His eyes narrow, playful, and he adds (quickly, before the feelings have too much time to settle:) "Also, I have a gift for you — a promotion present, if you will."
"A word, if you will," he tells her, nodding towards the edge of camp.
The hour is late enough he doesn't have to go far to find a quiet, secluded spot to have Emotions in. He sits primly, kneading the ground a little, still antsy from the meeting earlier. His mouth constantly wants to pull into a smile; he lets it now, although his first words are a little grim for the expression.
"When I was young," he starts quietly, "I had a brother named Turtle — Pond Turtle. You do not look or act much like him — you are much older than he ever got to be, for starters — but…" He turns his head, swallowing hard. His voice stays level, mostly out of habit. "You are a little similar, nonetheless. Brave… Strong in more ways than one."
He looks back at her then, his smile fading but his face remaining soft and his whiskers tilted, all of his fond. "Turtledove," he says softly, "I do not have kits. I never had this chance. But if being your mentor for these past moons is the closest I ever come to it, then I will consider myself infinitely fortunate." He clears his throat, awkward, and huffs a faint laugh. "Smokestar would have cuffed me over the ears for saying that."
It's true, though, in a way. He watched her grow, gain in confidence, her boundless energy maturing into steadfast determination. He watched her rise to every challenge. He does not know what it feels like to be a parent like Lichenstar or Willowroot are, but he'd like to believe it feels a little like this: pride and affection, joy at the thought of all the things left for her to do.
(And crushing anxiety, of course, at what might happen to her, but tonight is not the right time for it. He'll have this particular breakdown in the privacy of his nest.)
"You were a better apprentice than I could ever have hoped to be trusted with, and there is no doubt in my mind that you will become the best of all of us. I could not be more proud of who you have become." His eyes narrow, playful, and he adds (quickly, before the feelings have too much time to settle:) "Also, I have a gift for you — a promotion present, if you will."
——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
- @Turtledove
— Snakeblink • he / him. 57 ☾, riverclan warrior
— a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
— gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo