see how they shine for you [banana]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


It was night when Quill finally felt comfortable slipping away from everyone, satisfied that his friends were tucked safely into camp for the night and that he could slip away without being missed too much by any of them. On the way out he'd made sure to flick Banana with his tail, gesturing for the shecat to follow him.

He'd been serious about wanting to talk to her, and that hadn't changed. Hell. if anything he was growing antsy to just say it already, and he was glad that he would finally get the chance.

Being kept imprisoned in that place had put a lot into percpective for Quill. He'd realized only after losing it how important Skyclan and his friends were to him, and a part of the tomcat as desperate to express it to them, to bypass his faulty wiring to communicate just how much they all meant to him.

The stars shone bright above their heads as the walked aimlessly through the pine forest, glimpses of the sky peaking through the branches as if to welcome them home. "I missed the stars." he murmured as if talking to himself, chin tilted upwards to admire the sparkling lights through a break in the trees. "Do you think one of those is Daisyflight?" he asked, casting a sideglance to the Banansplash as he walked alongside her, close enough to let their pelts brush.

He'd missed their random walks in the forest.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


.°☀ I'll believe it all

The night had fallen quietly upon the camp of cats and the stars shone through the clear inky sky as newleaf welcomed them with open arms. Having been curled up beside Pigeonsong, there was very little sleep to be had as the nightmare plagued further. So there was relief when a tail flicked their side and a head lifted to see patched tabby fur leave the den. Quillstrike had mentioned earlier about wanting to talk, and she was more than willing to do so but she thought it'd be later on or tomorrow or something. Still, she found herself rising to her paws and padding after the multicolored tomcat.

The forest was silent besides the occasional cricket or cicada sound. Above them reached tree tops full of leaves and let the moonlight peak through the branches to dapple the world in a pale light. It was peaceful and it felt like almost normal. Quillstrike walked beside her, their pelts brushing and she felt heat rise to her ears as it always did around him. Her heart pounding in her chest when she glanced his way as he spoke about Daisyflight being up in the sky.

Bananasplash followed his dual colored gaze upwards for the sky and she gave a soft sigh, "I hope so. I know her kits and Twitchbolt would like to think she is," She said softly. The topic of Starclan was rather strange for her. She believed an afterlife existed but a bunch of cats living together seemed- off. Like the clans didn't get along in life, why would they get along in death? Bananasplash liked to think that they died and came back into the world as something else, someone else, so they can continue to be in loved ones lives.

"How are you?" She finally caved after a moment of silence lapsed between them. Was he okay since the shelter? Did he too have nightmares about it?


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 14 moons, crushing on Quillstrike, Pigeonsong and Chrysalis
    — skyclan warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — quick witted, sweetheart with a bleeding heart, optimistic

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png


He nodded thoughtfully at her words, knowing they were true. It brought his friends comfort to think of their lost loved ones in a paradise like Starclan. "I hope so too." the tom agreed, hesitating for a moment before continuing. "When I was a kid, back before I knew about the clans, I used to sneak out a lot at night to get away from the noise." he admitted, eyes still on the stars as he brought up a past he guarded so vehemently."I'd go out to this big, empty field and just stare at the stars, wishing I could be up there where everything was quiet."

He'd just wanted some peace back then. Something safe and steady, where his parents arguing didn't fill echo through the house and his father could never put his claws on him again. Funny that by Skyclan standards he'd technically been wishing to die, but then again, maybe that wasn't all that far off. Maybe that's why this place meant so much to him now- because he wanted it more than he wanted to be with the stars.

"How are you?"[/b] she asked, and the words felt loaded. Quill hated talking about himself on a personal level, they both knew that. But he was also out here for a reason, wasn't he? To talk, about more than just meaningless bullshit. And that meant digging deeper than he usually would.

"Better, now that we're out." he replied, letting out a long exhale. "Fuck. We were in there for so long that I dream of cage bars now." he said with a bitter chuckle.

"What about you?" he asked, leading them over to a spot where they could sit and watch the sky, taking a seat in the grass beside her.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


.°☀ I'll believe it all

So there was someone else who had the cages in their dreams. She had had a few nightmares about the cages herself and it felt better to know she wasn't alone in that. Quillstrike had been gone for a very long time, a moon, and she gave a soft smile though it didn't quite reach her eyes, "I dream about them too. I can't believe you missed my warrior ceremony," She responded back softly. Her tabby tail flicked behind her quietly before the tom lead them to a place to sit down.

He had shared with her that he use to look up at the stars to get away from the all the noise of his life outside of Skyclan, and she couldn't blame him. Bananasplash knew little of his past but from the bits and pieces she got- it hadn't been a good one. She looked down at her mismatched paws for a moment before back to the tabby cat beside her, "I use to watch the stars when I was little too. Dreaming of what was outside my fence," She smiled at the fond memory though that smile still didn't reach her deep green gaze.

Bananasplash settled down beside him with her tail curled around her front paws and she looked up to the sky. How was she? Where did she even begin? "I-I'll be alright. Eventually," She honestly spoke. It would take time and healing to get over her abandonment and the shelters memories, but maybe not today or even tomorrow- she'd be okay someday.

"I don't know what to do with myself anymore," The pale warrior finally confessed to the patched cat, "Am I a warrior now? Am I still a daylight warrior? What will become of my name and place..," Bananasplash looked from the stars above to the chimera cat beside her with a soft look across her pale white face, "I was so worried I would never see you again,"


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 14 moons, crushing on Quillstrike, Pigeonsong and Chrysalis
    — skyclan warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — quick witted, sweetheart with a bleeding heart, optimistic

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png


"Yeah, I was bummed about that. Would have been fun to watch your assessment- I heard Silversmoke wouldn't let you touch the ground. Harsh." he replied, knowing that each warrior had their own way of assessing apprentices. Quill had been made to 'keep away' from Thistleback with a piece of prey he'd found- the very bluejays whose feather he once was adorned with. They'd battled it out in Tallpine, but had ultimately been cut short when Thistle nearly fell out of the tree.

"Of course you'll be okay. Your strong." Quill relied confidently, as if it had never even been called into question.

"And nothing has to change- not really. Blazestar hasn't made Slate or Johnny change their names so I'm sure yours is fine. You'll just.. live in camp with us instead of going back to your twolegs." he replied, sounding equally as confident about this as well. "Besides, this way you'll be able to help Orangeblossom with her kits, too, right Aunt Banansplash?" he said, giving her a friendly nudge to try and cheer her up a bit.

When the conversation turned toward something more serious though, Quill nodded quietly. "Yeah, same." he admitted, tail flicking nervously by his paws. "At first it was okay- boring, but like, nothing was happening. I thought we'd just have to wait there until Skyclan showed up to bust us out and then we'd all go back home." It had been frustrating as hell, but he hadn't been afraid. He'd watched the patterns, had listened to the shelter cats talk, and the only threat had been being adopted by twolegs.

"But then they took Daisyflight." And he realized that it wasn't just a waiting game. There were consequences and lives were at stake.

Just like that, Quill could lose all the things he'd come to care about.

"I thought they might start taking the rest of you into that room too. That's what I dream about the most- being in that cage, watching them take you all away, one by one." And not just the cats who who'd been in there with him. Blazestar, Thistleback, Deersong, Basilpatch- they were all there too, carried away into that room to join Daisyflight.

"That's kind of why I wanted to talk to you tonight. " he admitted. "All of the shit at the shelter put a lot into perspective for me, and I just wanted to say thanks. You've always looked out for me, and outside of Twitch your the cat I spend the most free time with. I've never really said it, but your important to me and if one of us disapeared tomorrow I'd be bummed out if you didn't know."

It felt odd to say, but also... good? It had been weighing on him a lot lately, all the things he'd never said or done, and it felt like a bit of a relief to finally say it. He knew that Banana cared about him. She was always talking highly of him and seemed happy to spend her time dragging him off on little adventures, and she deserved to know that he noticed; that she was appreciated.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


.°☀ I'll believe it all

There was an eye roll at the memory of her warrior ceremony- keeping off the ground wasn't the hard part and she barely got by the skin of her nose. Silversmoke had to have been the worst cat to have been picked for her ceremony but she hoped she had proven to him she was a warrior like him nonetheless of her heritage. Quillstrike then stated that of course she'd be okay and called her strong. Was she though? She didn't feel very strong when she was crying into Pigeonsongs' shoulder the other night or when she had broken down in the cages days before. Bananasplash though nodded in agreement, she'd be okay at some point just not today.

The patched tabby cat then spoke about being Aunt Bananasplash and she couldn't help the grin that crossed over her maw, "I'ma have them call me Aunt Nana no matter what my name is by then," She spoke determinedly with a nod of her head as if affirming her own words. She was so excited for her sister! Little nieces and newphews running around was what she needed most right now. Just something to look after and care for cause she didn't have much of that in her life. Still, she was proud of her sister and Ashenclaw, they were going to make great parents.

At her comment about never seeing him again, he agreed with her that he too was worried for that. Bananasplash perked up her ears for a moment as the wind twisted by and ruffle the feather tied into her shoulder, tickling her whiskers and made her look in that direction. Quillstrike continued onwards with how it was boring and it was a waiting game, until Daisyflight was taken back. Then it was a matter of life or death and she couldn't help but agree. There had only been a short time of her being there, but it was still a terrifying thought. That any of them could be taken back there never to be seen again. Couldn't even have a body to bury.

A soft look crossed her deeper green gaze as he spoke of nightmares he had of them all going back there, one by one, and she reached out a white paw to place over his. Bananasplash couldn't imagine that. She tried to not let it get to her as much as being trapped did, but she also hadn't been there when Daisyflight was taken. To say she understood would be a lie, so she could offer the mere soft comfort of holding his paw.

Then things took a turn she hadn't expected it to take; Quillstrike stating how much she meant to him. Bananasplash opened and closed her mouth like a fish on dry land a few times before her cheeks flushed a bright crimson color that showed through the whites of her face. A paw moved away from the patched tabbys to tuck under herself as being flustered filled her pelt, and she didn't know how to respond. Her gaze moved from the floor to Quillstrikes' face before this hint of a real smile played across her lips, "A bummer?" She teased softly with a slight nudge of his shoulder.

Bananasplash paused for a moment before scooting closer to him so that her pelt intertwined with his, "You mean a lot to me too, Quill," She murmured a grin twirled onto her lips that she couldn't surpress any longer, "You're one of my best friends, my partner in crime- a pain in my butt," The pale tabby she-cat gave a purr amusedly, "I'd be sad too if you disappeared one day and you didn't know that I love you-"



There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 14 moons, crushing on Quillstrike, Pigeonsong and Chrysalis
    — skyclan warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — quick witted, sweetheart with a bleeding heart, optimistic

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png


He was pretty sure it was going well. Quill was no wordsmith, but Banana was grinning again and scooting closer, so that had to mean he'd said something right. All of this was new territory to the chimera, who had only ever treaded similar grounds the day he'd very bluntly informed Twitch that they were best friends. The difference was that Twitch had already known because Quill made it damn obvious he wanted to be around them. But he wasn't sure he'd ever made that clear to Banana because he'd never actually put in the effort. He didn't stalk after her like he stalked after Twitch. Didn't spend his spare time grooming tangles from her fur or glaring at anyone that looked at her wrong. So it became necessary to saty it out loud- to lead her out under the star so he could say it to her face that he'd be sad if she wasn't around anymore.

He wasn't quite expecting things to go as far as they did.

"I love you-"

He glanced down at the shecat pressed to his side, surprise clear in mismatched orbs as she cut herself off in a look that seemed to say 'oh shit', and Quill realized she hadn't meant to say it. And that seemed to clarify it- she didn't love him like a friend, didn't love him like a brother, because you didn't panic over a slip up like that.

Did he love her back?

He wasn't sure how he was supposed to tell. His parents hadn't exactly had a healthy relationship so it wasn't like he could compare how he and Banana acted to how they'd acted. And Quill had never been in love before. What were even the qualifications? He tried to think of all the things a tom was supposed to look for in a mate; looks, chemistry, feelings. Banana was pretty, even a blind cat could see that. They got along well, too. Hell, she was probably the shecat he was closest to aside from Butterflytuft. And feelings? She was definitely important to him, and there wasn't much he wouldn't do to make her happy or keep her safe.

That's how Thistleback feels about Deersong, right? he reasoned, suddenly feeling a little spark of hope. He'd never considered himself the kind of cat who'd have a mate or family. He didn't think he'd ever really be worthy of it after everything he'd gone through, but here Banana was, saying she loved him, that he was important to her, and it made something in his chest ache to accept what she was offering.

"Yeah, exactly." he said, tail curling around her to pull her against his side. "So, I love you." he said, leaning down to press his nose to hers.

The words were just as terrifying to say as they were envigorating, like the drop on a rollercoaster that sent your heart flying into your throat. The idea that he could be loved and wanted in that way, that a shecat as smart and pretty as Banansplash wanted him- he barely knew what to do with it.

What he did know, was that he could see a life with Bananasplash. They got along, they cared about each other- it was the smart thing to do, if he thought about it. He could take care of her, could give her kits if she wanted them, could show her that she didn't need her stupid twolegs to feel like she had a home. And Quill, he'd be happy too, because this was what cats his age did; they fell in love, settled down, and started lives of their own, and suddenly it was sounding really good to him.

"So does this.. mean we're a couple, now?" Quill asked with a raised brow, still lacking all the social etiquette in the world as he regarded the girl he'd just confessed his feelings to. "Or am I supposed to bring you flowers first or something?" he added playful, grinning down at her.[/i]

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

  • Love
Reactions: Honeysplash

.°☀ I'll believe it all

Bananasplash expected to be rejected. To be told that it was a just friends feeling and not the romantic nature she intended in her words. She opened her mouth to take back what she said or explain that it was a friendship love or something to quell the situation- but then a tail curled around her side and pulled her in. The cream tabby cat flushed brightly as she lifted her head to look up at him, watching as the moonlight reflected in a gaze of pure sapphire and fiery yellow. She never noticed how he had flecks of his chimera tabby pattern in his muzzle, nor that his gaze had dark spots of blue.

I love you.

The words sent her heart soaring, and she could've imploded right then and there as he touched his nose against hers. Bananasplash could feel her heart hammering in her chest and she felt like she might vomit out of pure anxiety.

He chose her.

Twitchbolt be damned, he really was just Quillstrikes' best friend after all and all those feelings of jealousy over the twitchy tomcat melt away. Then there was a question posed to her- where they a couple now? Bananasplash paused for a moment and looked down at her paws for a moment. Then gave a snort when he offered to bring her flowers or something and she shook her head, "Yeah I guess we are a couple, huh?" She agreed with him, "I mean any girl would like to be asked to be someones' mate, but I suppose this is very..Quillstrike of you"

The pale tabby purred softly and nuzzled her muzzle into his neck fur, "And I mean that in a good way,"


There's nothing I won't understand .°☀

  • //
  • BANANASPLASH named by her mother Alice and for her spirit and confidence
    — she/they, 14 moons, crushing on Quillstrike, Pigeonsong and Chrysalis
    — skyclan warrior, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — quick witted, sweetheart with a bleeding heart, optimistic

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png


He was nervous, but in a good way. Here, unexpectedly, a new chapter of his life was being written right before his very eyes, one he never thought he'd ever see for himself. After watching the disaster of a relationship that was his parents and then seeing how many other cats his age were dealing with the same shit, starting a family hadn't exactly been high up on his list of priorities- hell, it hadn't even made the list to begin with. His entire childhood had been spent being told he was a piece of shit that nobody wanted, a fucking mistake that ruined lives by just existing. So Quill had learned to stay quiet. To ask for nothing and to expect nothing in return. His only priority had been to find some peace of mind, but now that he was away from all of that bullshit and had found what he was looking for in the form of Skyclan, it appeared there was room on the list for things like 'finding a mate' and 'being wanted'.

And that felt good.

"Yeah, I guess we are a couple, huh?" she agreed, and the words brought a stupid little grin to his muzzle.

He couldn't believe that after everything he'd seen and heard and felt, that he was going to be allowed to have this. Quill knew he was a good warrior; he was strong and fast and worked hard, but he'd never expected or wanted anything more than that. He'd been raised being told his chimera pelt was ugly and weird, that he had a shit attitude and was an unlikeable bastard, that nobody even wanted him around.

And here Banana stood, telling him that none of that was true.

It twisted and pulled at something in him, warming the arctic oceans of his heart so quickly that it almost hurt with how nice it felt.

"I mean any girl would like to be asked to be someones' mate, but I suppose this is very..Quillstrike of you. And I mean that in a good way."

In a good way. "Obviously." he agreed with a playful edge as she nuzzled into his neck, enjoying the closeness and leaning into her touch. "But I wouldn't have asked just any girl."

"This is good- us, I mean. I'm glad we came out here tonight." he said, tone growing softer, more thoughtful as his tail kept its protective hold around her.

It was good. This was a smart move. The right move.

He loved Bananasplash.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.