SEE ME NOW | lazing about (intro)


Mar 28, 2023
Courageous, Hardworking, Loyal; Cats often associated Thunderclan warriors with strong traits. Bravery, however unwise it was, was a hallmark of those that made up the forested clan. From birth to death, tenacity followed at their heels and strengthened them. Houndtooth seemed to defy all expectations when it came to his duties and mentality, and not in a positive way. The large feline was far more content to laze about camp than volunteer for a patrol, exceptionally more fond of doing menial tasks than feeding the clan. He had a good nature, none could deny that, but for a warrior of his stature and strength, he was overwhelmingly disappointing.

As the heat of the afternoon settled into the Thunderclan camp, it was socially acceptable to laze about. The morning patrols had already concluded, the freshkill pile was a few mice heavier than it had been, and the only cats out of camp were those with a bit of an extra drive to work. As expected, Houndtooth was not one of those. He had been resting well in the camp's clearing, having found himself a lovely somewhat shaded spot, and seemed to be nearly asleep. The only sign of consciousness was his slightly ajar eyelids, eyes slowly tracking the movement around him.
Loyal and hardworking she would consider herself, but she wasn't brave. She couldn't stand up for others, or herself. She would rather deal with confrontation with someone else, to help her feel a bit more confident. She was not very confident, except for the knowledge that swirled and filled her brain, she was otherwise lacking the ability to feel proud of herself, or motivate herself.

Her brother, and her mentor helped her though. And as she came in, jaws filled with two mice she had caught, her olivine eyes gleamed at the sight of her brother.

For a while, that's all she had, her brother, and her adopted mother LilacHeart who cared for her when she was first dropped off here. She didn't have much for friends either, mostly keeping to herself to focus on training and proving herself to her clan.

What more could you ask of an apprentice?

She dropped her prey off at the fresh kill pile and would dive over to her brother, giving him a nuzzle of affection in greeting before settling down. "You do anything fun today, Hound tooth?" she purred, not seeming to mind too much that she abruptly woke the warrior up.​
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Burnstorm had a certain perception that he held when it came to warriors, one he had held onto when he had been an apprentice but that had slowly dissolved as he came into adulthood and he realized that the adults were just as flawed, if not even more so in some cases. When he had been a kit he had thought adults were perfect beings. Cosmic and all-knowing. He had been excited to become one and hold all the knowledge of the universe in his paws only to learn that, despite being older, he was still just as lost as before. Still, he never let go of that hard-working attitude. The desperation to prove himself.

Some cats, he had quickly learned, held no such inhibitions, no drive to become better. Houndtooth was one of those cats. He was lazy and preferred to rest in the shade while others went on patrol or did the work. Such cats made Burnstorm annoyed, irritable. Houndtooth would not find a friend in the ebony coated tom. His yellow eyes dart to Barleypaw as she asks the warrior if he did anything fun and, feeling a touch daring he adds "Or just anything at all?" He would be surprised if he had even moved from this spot yet today.

Shiningsun was certainly one of those types who ticked the boxes for what a stereotyped ThunderClanner was viewed to be. Brave, hardworking, loyal to the clan, and possessing a large form with a gleaming pelt that shone almost gold in the sunlight. He was a hard guy to ignore, especially since he liked to get involved with everyone that he could from the young to the old. The tom longed to be the best cat that he could be. It helped him to sleep better at night, in truth.

With the morning patrol finished he did hope to grant himself some respite before he delved into further duties, and that's when he spied Houndtooth, Burnstorm and Barleypaw. Beaming a broad smile, he then marched his way over to join them. "Good day everyone! How's it going?" He greeted as he flopped down on his side in dramatic fashion with the tip of his tongue peeking out past his lips. He noted how they seemed to be interrogating Houndtooth over what he had been doing that day. Even he wasn't sure if the tom had done a single thing yet, so with a sense of curiosity he pricked up his ears so he could listen.

While she did work her hardest and was loyal to her Clan, Evergreenpaw wasn't quite as brave as others in ThunderClan were. She wasn't the type to charge headfirst into danger for her Clan, nor was she the type to confront others about their behavior, far too afraid of backlash and hurting feelings.

That didn't mean she didn't have more negative thoughts about others - well, other than the fear she sued to harbor about social interaction. If she was so afraid of being kicked out of ThunderClan for her presumed failures, then she wondered what sort of fate those who did not perform their duties properly would face. Punishments for severe wrongdoings had been dished out, so she wondered if the lack of any work ethic would do the same.

Hesitantly, she approached the gathering crowd of cats, blinking gently at the scene. She spoke in a soft voice, afraid that if she were any louder, she'd somehow cause a giant scene. "Doesn't it get boring... doing nothing all day?"



sleekpaw & 07 moons & genderfluid & he/she/they & thunderclan apprentice

Blue eyes follow barleypaws movements, the pale furred feline pausing in his steps. It must be nice, she thinks, to have a sibling - an only child with oft absent parents, sleekpaw doesn't really understand what it must be like to have a family you can cuddle up to like that. No, instead they bear only the heavy burden of expectations - every word of praise for their hard-earned achievements diminished simply by virtue of being their parents child.

The apprentice moves again, this time at a much more sedate pace, hovering upon the sidelines of the group as he tucks his dainty paws beneath himself, and raps soft feathery tail on top. Now would be the perfect time to groom her pelt, ever so slightly rumpled as it ha gotten from their hunting session, and she does exactly that - one ear turned towards the conversation as pink tongue delicately swipes away the lingering dirt. Their pelt is their pride after all.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and effeminate apprentice with pale pinkish cream fur and baby blue eyes. sleekpaw comes across as quiet and aloof towards most, though he shows a softer side around the nursery queens and his mentor. she seems to care little for anything outside of training, apprentice duties, and her appearance. they seem strangely silent on the topic of borders however, and even shiftier about anything concerning cross clan relationships.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mistyrose]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

WE'RE GETTING LOST! Killdeercry shared the opinion of Burnstorm, in finding their less work-driven warriors rather... bothersome. As she saw it, the Clan was expected to perform the same amount of work no matter the amount of cats able to work or provide. If filling the prey pile with enough food to feed every mouth was their goal, that expectation did not waver just because some cats were sick or, stars forbid, too lazy to do much else.

That work ethic had shown clearly in her apprentices, and Killdeercry considered herself blessed that Barleypaw was not so much like her brother. That she could train out any temptation of remaining passive when there was work to be done. Evergreenpaw's inquiry would have made her laugh if her mouth was full of stinging nettles she wished to spout at Houndtooth. For Barleypaw's sake, she remained quiet.

"Here kiddo, this should help." She offered a piece of damp moss to Sleekpaw to help his wash. "You worked hard today, I'm really proud of how well you've been able to keep up with Barleypaw." — tags