see the hope within yourself & termitepaw


Dec 22, 2022

"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

Tufted ears laid back against a large, square head as green eyes stared ahead at the far wall of camp. It had been offically a few days now since the little slip up, and he was paying the price ten fold for it all. There shouldn't have been an utter about having such a thing as a mate. Though what else would've convinced Moon to come join the clan? A groan of annoyance with himself left his maw and he put a large paw over his head as it started to throb. Less thinking, its what got him in trouble in the first place. Ashenclaw lifted his head from his paws and looked around camp, it was fairly empty here with patrols now gone for the day.

Cranning his neck, he peered over cats heads for a black and white coat; Termitepaw. Maybe some training is what he needed, or spend some time with his apprentice for a little bit. Ashenclaw hardly knew anything about her and he desired a close relationship with the young cat. Like what Thistleback had with Quillstrike and there was no way for it to happen if they didn't at least talk or something. Maybe he could help Fireflypaw and Dawnglare with herbs or something- something productive.

Something to get his mind off his own actions.



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( 𓆣 ) Termitepaw isn't doing much, when her mentor makes his way over. She's absently nibbling on a thrush, sat apart from any of the other cats, as she generally prefers to be. Her mind is elsewhere, as it generally prefers to be. Today, she's wondering what the inside of a Twoleg nest looks like, something she's never seen before. She's heard they're huge, which makes sense because twolegs are huge. Bigger than the camp, maybe. Maybe there's one out there bigger than the forest, and if you went into it you'd get lost and never come out. How do they even make nests so big?

Termitepaw startles a bit when AshenClaw says her name, nearly chokes on her thush. She blinks up at him, stares in silence for several heartbeats. He's a daylight warrior, maybe she should ask him?

...No. No, she should definitely not do that.

She wants to make a good impression on her mentor, not just ask him foolish questions like a starstruck kit.

..He's staring at her. Oh, right, he'd said her name. He's probably waiting on a response. "Mmm...?" hums Termitepaw in questioning, continuing to stare at him. What does he want? Was there a patrol she forgot about, or something?

"You'll Never Be Unloved By Me"

Right, he had to have a reason to bother her. Ashenclaw gave a hard swallow and twitched a tufted ear slightly, "Uhm, do you want to go do some exploring or something? We could train a little bit too," He offered the young she-cat rather awkwardly. He cringed inwardly at himself and gave a soft inward sigh, "Or is there anything you'd like to be doing?" He gave a slightly tilt of his head as he offered for her to give a suggestion of something to do. He'd be more than happy to follow her around while she expierenced the world or something. Apprentices did tend to need warriors to leave camp anyway.

The large tomcat shuffled at the ground a bit, "I could show you twolegplace?" That was something interesting right? Something hip and cool that a young cat like herself would be interested in right? He was hoping for it really, he just wanted to be able to bond with the she-cat. They where going to spend a good amount of time together until she was twelve moons old- better to have a good relationship than something strained right? Ashenclaw sighed at himself- god he was pathetic.


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