oneshot SEE THE NIGHT AS A LESSON ☾✩ prompt

nightbird had tossed in her nest since she had retreated. it had just been announced that an attack would be sprung upon riverclan, howlingstar would stake their claim to the rocks they had argued over for what felt like moons now. the restlessness seeped into her bones making them heavy, too heavy to sleep it seemed. any battle was to be riddled with anxiety and anticipation, this would be no different. however, it would never feel normal to return to the warriors den a little emptier. that was, if she were to return at all. her head shook, a forceful attempt at removing the thought. no doubts could be had, there was no other option but to win.

it was more stubborn than she could at first admit, a nagging feeling tugged at her despite her efforts. but with this seed now planted in her brain, sleep could not be had. she stood and stretched, making her way out of the shadowed corner of the den. her paws were light as she moved over sleeping warriors, weaving through them effortlessly. as soon as she was outside she was able to breathe clearly once more, but now the fatigue evaded her. a walk would be in order then, just something to stretch out her legs before returning. nightbird moved quickly as she exited through the tunnel and into the territory.

the sky was relatively silent, dark clouds were beginning to cover the moon but there was no scent of an oncoming storm. her paws carried her deeper and deeper into the territory, before she knew it tall trees of pine littered her view. she took a moments break, lapping from a small stream by her paws. a yawn passed through her lips, perhaps it was time to return. but the night seemed to have other plans. voices could be heard above the rustle of leaves, her fur spiked in an instant, eyes dancing around to find who it was.

she first believed there to be an intruder, but they were far to uncaring to lower their voices. she maneuvered through overgrowth before silver eyes landed on two figures, entwined at tail and hip, just over the border marked by oak. the very spot where blood was shed not long ago, sat two lovers gazing at the cloud covered sky. her ears flicked backwards. only one she had recognized, vineclaw, a tom only slightly younger than her. his brown fur was pressed up against that of a skyclanner. had they no respect? her tail lashed, eyes narrowed into sharp slits. to outright defy the only law the clans shared, possibly the only thing they could agree upon.

her opinion of the rule held no significance, she submitted to it by choosing to live in thunderclan. there was nobody forcing her paws to remain in the forest, she reaped the benefits of clan life, therefore would follow it's rules as long as they remained untyrannical. it was not difficult. but you could not have both, nobody was to be above the law that tore families apart.

there was no silence in her step now, she ripped through the territory with pinned ears and a lashing tail. "you both are a disgrace," she spat, receiving two wide stares. they quickly untangled limb from limb, but the damage had already been done. "have you no shame? on the same field where life was lost, you cuddle under the stars!"

"wait! we can explain, it's not what it looks like!" a scrambled cry from vineclaw, but she was not about to be begged for her silence and cut him off with a hiss. "then do it," silence followed from both the thunder and skyclanners alike. it was exactly what it looked like, he could not sway her mind so easily with words. "show me then if you cannot speak, they are trespassing. have you forgotten how we fix that? i'd be happy to show you," the words were icy, seeping cold into the pelts of the code-breakers. no blood would be drawn though, the skyclanner scurried off as her claws flexed into the ground. a hard gaze was now slammed into vineclaw. "do you think i'm blind to your disloyalty? if howlingstar were to find out you would be cast to the damn dogs."

"please don't tell! i'm begging you, i'll do anything!"

"i'm not interested in harboring the secrets of a traitor, i will also not do the dirty work for you. you will confess, or you will go," her message was clear. the warrior had not a single hair of care for any boundaries she may be overstepping. thunderclan would be better off without this sniveling coward in their ranks, regardless of how vineclaw wished to be stripped of his name. with that she head back to camp, regardless of if the tabby were in tow or not.
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