Dreams worked in strange ways.

They held not a care for the wants of the bearer, not a thought is spared to their position, present or otherwise. They came and left as they pleased, leaving any poor soul stumbling for a meaning, something to glean. It's always there. A dream is never, just a dream, after all.

A sprawling cityscape is what greets him, row after row of structures made at the paws of twolegs. In every direction, they're there, blocking his view. His head spins at the expanse of shape and color, distance he can hardly judge, it all blurs togetherr, one after the other. and again and again and again -

His eyes narrow against the smog, barely-there, but present, an unpleasant tang in the back of his throat. Too much - He clears the stars from his eyes, breaks for the first clear path he sees -

Another wall. The same line of homes. A loop? His jaws fall slack in an empty question. It's familiar, and yet it's not. Deep, deep into his old home, far past any fences he's hopped himself. Overwhelming, that's what it is. Another way out, another alley - then another, then another. His face twists in confusion. Around and around he goes. Shadows creep along his sides, terror rolls behind him in thick, black waves. He's being followed, he realizes. His eyes squeeze shut, they're of no use - clouded in this never-ending maze.

And then, the feeling recedes.

The shadowstuff fades, that never-ending dread finally ends, calm washes over him. His eyes flutter open, they meet with a bright-blue sky. A tree stands tall beneath it all, all Sprawling branches and thick roots that peek above the earth. There are figures - not quite like before, the dark forms that chased him through the alleys. Kinder souls of different shapes and sizes, something... good.

Something whispers in his ear.

He's awake, now, sprawled across a sturdy branch, the bark flaky and warm with leaf-bare's heat. The sun has gone, but it's not quite night. The sky lies at a low, pinkish-purple. He's dozed off, he supposes.That little thing is still there, a distant song ringing in his ear. He can't quite make out the words.

"Blaise,” there's a pause between his words. His ears angle to hear the singing. "I've - there's something...” He slips from the branch, unsteady paws nearly buckling as he does. He's distant, distracted, his gait almost dream-like as he drifts towards his den. He's never quite understood why Blaise's sat apart from the others - an acknowledgement of his superior heritage, he supposes, though Skyclanners seemed far from the sort to admit such a thing. "I saw - In twolegplace there was...” The song is louder now. His jaw ticks. "Twisting, winding... figures, chasing and then not, and the tree - it was like - like... Even the mightiest pines cannot stand without sturdy roots.

He blinks, slow, the words felt unnatural on his tongue. Had he said that?

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Blazestar blinks tired eyes at the mouth of his den, where Dawnglare looks at him, haunted by something. The pale-eyed medicine cat murmurs that there's something, he says, wastes no time with a proper greeting. "I saw - in the Twolegplace, there was..."

"Where did you see this, Dawnglare?" He tilts his head. He's weary and sore from returning from WindClan earlier, and his head throbs with the enormity of a decision that he seems on the verge of making. The temptation to call off all peace and fly at the moor cats with claws unsheathed, to spill blood for blood - it's there, it's heavy.

But he cannot, and so he broods beneath the elderberry bush, unable to sleep despite the sky darkening with sunset.

"Was this... from StarClan?" His voice goes vague. Twisting, winding figures, and a tree. The way Dawnglare speaks that last line, it's hollow and hypnotic, his mouth a puppet for a greater being.

"Even the mightiest pine cannot stand without sturdy roots."

Blazestar rises to his paws, feeling something prickle at his pelt. Yes, it's how the StarClan cats talk, through riddle. He gazes at his old friend, forgetting himself in the moment - "Val, is that... is it a vision, you think? Do they want us to go there, to that Twolegplace?"

He paces, then, paws treading worn den floors. "But why? The whole point was for us to leave that life behind, wasn't it? It's... it's why we're here now." A sour note to his voice, but it fades. "What else did you see? Anything else?"

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