camp seeing those trees | spar




With another successful hunt under her belt the molly found herself agreeing with the new season. Surviving off of the meager mice that were skinnier than bones had been rough. Some nights neither her or her former mate had found anything. Perhaps because of his hesitancy to look for their kits and lack of food is what drove her to leave him all together. Though she has no regrets because she knows that she can survive on her own if necessary. Her jaws part as she drops the bird and mouse upon the pile, not too keen on eating any frogs or lizards just yet. Maybe one day she will try it but for now she will stick to her feathered friends for the moment. Licking her maw she shakes herself before glancing up at the others that roam camp. Her paws shift and she debates and thinks. She supposes it is time to actually brush up on her fighting capabilities. Honestly she doesn't like the idea of being rusty with what she knows. Though she isn't the type to use her claws unless necessary. Even so she knows the true colors of this place pretty well and she doesn't doubt how some will grab at the chance.

A look of amusement passes through her gaze before she calls out. "Anyone care to join me in a spar just outside of camp? I'd like to brush up in case of...emergencies." She speaks rather lightly of it before she turns to head out of camp. With her guard in tow of course though she hardly has conversation with them. Personally she sort of enjoy Adderjaw when the other is guarding her. Oh well.

So I walk alone down the darkest roads

There were days or times where Ravenwatcher thought of how it would be if she lived on her out outside of the clan but the small reminder of how bitter and cold leaf-bare was made her grateful to be within a clan, it wa not only her pulling through the effort to make sure they had something in their bellies. Dark blue eyes slightly closed as the young warrior began to drift a bit, enjoying the welcoming warm air that newleaf began to bring with it, her ears pricking slightly when she heard Snowmask, the new warrior call out to spar.

Now, she was no fan of fighting, to her it was a task and she rather just watch others, however hearing the new warrior's words made her hum a bit while a yawn parted her jaw before they closed and she licked her maw getting onto her paws as she approached the she-cat with a nod. "Might as well" the warrior stated smoothly, a tired and yet bored look displayes on the void's face.

chilledstar's ears perked up at the word 'spar.' their claws gently kneaded the ground before they pulled themself up, yawning with a big stretch and a shake of their pelt to knock anything that didn't belong out. they lifting their paw, licking it a few times and then drawing it over their muzzle. they could use a spar. they may have been leader, now, but they needed to stay sharp on their skills. sure, they sparred with geckoscreech, but she was only one cat. they needed to be prepared for all types of fighters.

"i'm comin' too. the more the merrier, right? we can never be too prepared."