Seek-ing Serenity || o. Joiners


|| Lemon Boy ||
Apr 27, 2023
@WriteAboutRadish , please wait until they respond! ))

Radio Silence ♥

Tired paws paused as a waft of a border scent caught his nose, wrinkling a bit the youth would look towards the other while scrunching their face a bit and making a few waves and flicks of his paws, a way of asking them 'are you sure this is even a good idea?' Of course, Bumble wasn't one to question the other loner, no, he has always seen the other as his own father figure, someone who took him in and taught him what he knows and someone he trusted. Yet, albeit this, Bumble had even gone as far as picking up some of the other's own traits, such as stubbornness.

His green eyes searched the other, understanding why they have come here today but, Bumble wanted to make sure his friend was sure of this and...pausing they would make more wave movements with their own paws 'I mean, what if they turn us down?' Of course, there was that chance, but he and Blue were both capable of being helpful for Skyclan, Bumble was excellent in stealth skills as was, yet he still had so much still to go far, they knew they could be of service of others.

While the two would wait, the amber tabby's ears would twitch slightly, a brutal scar adorned around their throat, one crossed on his shoulder, and a giant one on his right hindquarters, showing that despite being so young, Bumble had his own fair shares of being in even cost him his own voice, which at times admittingly was quite frustrating since it made communicating much harder but... he has managed so far, either by mouthing words, being expressive, or certain paw waves to try and signal what the tom was trying to say, yet to those who don't realize what it was looked like the boy was just waving his paws in silly motions to get their accompanying friend's attention at the moment.

Bumble continued to train his own focus on the other loner as he awaited a response, they had time since no patrol seemed to be approaching anytime soon so it gave them enough time to discuss thoroughly if this was even a good idea. The two just wanted to live a life that didn't have them fighting to survive, and they were hoping Skyclan could provide such a thing, which was what struck a cord in the young tom's heart.
we must be swift as the coursing river

Blue not only had his own safety to think about but also the young tom that he travelled with. This meant that risks had to be calculated and thought out to every degree, every possibility would be tossed around Blue's head and only when the positives outweighed the negatives was a plan acted on. So, when Blue remembered about some cat colonies he heard about some time ago he thought over the possibilities of joining, of finding a border and trying to convince the cats that the two of them would be strong and capable. He was only hoping now that they had chosen the right border.

When Bumble questioned the validity of this thought Blue took a breath in and started surveying the area "We can't keep running, so this is the best option I could think of. We've been over this, have we not?" Blue nudged the younger cat, trying to reassure him, "If they turn us down," he paused for a second, thinking about a way to say his thought in the least worrying way "What's a few more scars?" he dryly joked. That scar across the boy's neck was one he always felt guilty for, letting Bumble lose his voice, it was one of the reasons he had brought them to the border.

Maybe more cats would be better equipped to protect Bumble, to help him grow, and maybe give him more friends than just Blue, those were all positives in his book. He had also considered that perhaps the colony would only want a younger cat, that was one of the negatives.

with all the force of a great typhoon
Sailing the canopy, a black and white brute catches the scent of strangers and the faint voice of one. A sharp snout pokes from the nettles and cones with a pair of both watchful and hostile metals. He lifts a bark grappling paw to prop himself on the trunk, sitting in momentary silence. Once the brute decides there is no threat, his growlish tone rips into the quiet of the forest.

" that boy is too young to be wearing those scars " a gravel tone, and a quivering pine branch give way to the arrival of the piebald. He slithers in his dive to the ground, landing with crooked knuckles and muscles pressing on sharp shoulders. Skull low but studying the pair with a special scrutiny upon the young amber tabby. Though he wore a hard scowl, his tail tip flicks in an idle reminder he is at a peaceful standstill.

Grey eyes peer through slitted lids, he rotates his limbs until he’s standing a tail-length from the two traveling loners. His own set of claw scores set up his windpipe from the war in the blizzard against Windclan. Those sort of attacks were meant for older cats, why did this kid wear them? What sort of beast goes for the throat on an apprentice beyond a mutt and a coward.

" you ought to be proud of them though. So long as you’re doing right by them. " he comments with the flavor of praise and queries in the same. He lifts his chin to the older cat, " this is Skyclan territory. I'm Thistleback, what brings you this way. " he asks.

  • — temp apprentice tags @eveningpaw @TERMITEPAW

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

The medicine cat is floor - bound, somewhat an oddity, for whenever he saw the chance, he much preferred to soar betwixt the branches. Less chances to muddy her sacred ground – to lock into a gait and end up with paws crushed full of muck and bug blood. It reminded him of treading alongside pale picket ways, leaping from surface to surface, the scrape of material was the same, and yet not. Sandy, flaky things instead of the hard wood covered in ivory flesh...

Oh, too avoid the domino tones of that bristling pelt, though. After all these moons, this one was still an enigma. No longer regarded with quite the painstaking cruelty. No, This one was much lower to his priorities, now. Instead, Dawnglare may regard him with curious lake eyes and a quivering smile, even if he knew not the right place to leave it. Oh, does his spine chill so strangely in the presence of Blaise lately, and subsequently, those who preside by him. In actuality, Closeness to anyone brings sickness rising in his guts. Any but him, that was.

Strangers – Stranger, they've come here. Wasn't that... something. He already sees that they are scum, but perhaps he would wait to say. A smiling gaze drifts to the lead warrior, jittering with whatever madness it is he sews. Right by them. There's tingling where his own flesh had once been torn and mended again, now hardly a sliver tucked between thick piles of alabaster on his chest. He can still feel things, at times, perhaps the tickling of a ghost over his soul. A scar was nothing more than an unfortunate mistake; an ugly misgiving.

The tom leans forward, standing on the tips of his toes. He regards the strangers with an odd glint in his eyes, brows furrowed and only the barest hints of teeth peeking through a puckered smile. " Oh, have you come far? Best leave, or you'll just be gone again... " His voice lowers on the last note, not conscious of much sensitivities, but rather, uttering a secret.

His eyes are drawn to the scars torn across the younger of the two. Perhaps as healer, he is naturally inclined, or perhaps it is rather eccentricities. Yes, wasn't he glad his own sinew tearings were not so ghastly. His eyes widen, pointedly looking upon the golden tom's neck. " You bear your own flesh collar, though! Perhaps safety is within your reach. And what will you do? " he asks, gaze flashing to the other. His gaze blatantly narrows, assessing them for a moment. For what, though? Just for what? " What for you? What from you? Wealth? Knowledge? Power? "

Radio Silence ♥

Soon enough Blue gave an response to Bumble's question and the youth nodded as he listened. He had been unsure of the situation but trusted the fellow enough to believe what he said was to be true, and they had been trying to find a way...a much safer way to live with out the need to fight for survival, and a soft dry smile tugged at the tom's lips at Blue's comment about more scars.

Then, another would appear, one who moved through the tree like that of a squirrel and Bumble's green eyes watched in amazement before the ebony and ivory furred stood few lengths in front of them, even going as far as to comment about the scars he adorned and Bumble could not help but shift slightly. Everything was in the name of survival, so a few scars were hardly anything of a surprised for the apprenticed-age cat, but he knew the guilt Blue carried from what the scar had carried and Bumble made a slight wave from their paw, 'I did what I had to for survival' he even went as far as to mouth the words, yet silence still carried through the wind, making it clear that the young tom had deeper scars than that which he bore.

Another would appear, one that seemed to make no sense at all by his words but had seemed to find something of interest in his scars he wore with honor and not shame, albiet what they had cost him, and even started questioning what the two would do for safety and Bumble clicked his toungue a bit looking at Blue before looking back at these two strangers, one who seemed to have his mind intact, while the other seemed to have lost what he even had...

Once more the tom waved his paws in funny gestures while he mouthed words with no sound coming from his chest 'I'm a good hunter...I can provide that much, as well as my strength' he attempted to express to the two with the best ability he could, and if any was lost into translation, Blue would help out with that since he had come to...rely on the older tom to be his voice in a way. He pulled an awkward smile on his lips before awkwardly placing a paw on his throat and shaking his head as if to explain he could not speak to them with his own voice.

eveningpaw follows thistleback in his descent from the trees. she lands softly, paws making no more than a soft thud as they met the ground. she glances over the pair, and older tom stood with one much younger. however, the scars that covered him did not suggest youth. her tail curled over her paws as she watches, listens. her father says that the stranger should be proud of the hairless flesh, she couldn't imagine being happy about one breaking up her plush fur.

dawnglare's comment causes her ears to tilt back, a prickle running down her spine. "that's not funny." her tongue feels sharp after the quiet hiss, matching perfectly with her pointed gaze. their numbers were thinned after the twolegs had plucked skyclanners from their home. every day they lost more, grew weaker from the cull.

returning back to the duo, pale gaze was still hardened slightly. the younger one moved his mouth in the formation of words, yet nothing escaped. eve admittedly wasn't paying close enough attention to decipher it, but would still give them a soft smile. it hadn't seemed like the world had been kind to the warm furred tom, perhaps that was why he did not speak with words but rather calculated movements of his paws. she glanced to thistleback, waiting to see if they were to be brought back to camp. it wasn't difficult to understand that they were likely here for sanctuary, most that showed on the border were. she didn't doubt they would be granted it.

we must be swift as the coursing river

Blue milled over the event that transpired when Bumble got that scar, it was quite the statement piece, and it seemed others felt similar. As a voice broke through the forest's noises Blue stood to attention. The stranger's interest to Bumble's scar put a rock in Blue's stomach and he shifts his body ever so slightly in front of the younger tom, a poorly masked defensive position. But, much like the cat in front of him Blue's body stayed at ease, only his positioning of it would suggest any discomfort. He met the eyes of Thistleback and nodded his head in a greeting before speaking "I'm Blue and this is Bumble-" before Blue can finish his spiel a blue-eyed cat comes from the trees as an interruption.

His eyebrows quirked as he looked from Thistleback to this new cat, attempting to question the strange behavior. But, once the curious cat set his eyes on Bumble and made a comment about the scar in such a bluntly poetic way Blue's tail slashed side to side in agitation "Alright, I think we have discussed the boy's scar enough," his words were stern as he met the eyes of this strange cat he was starting to take a disliking too "Bumble and I are here because... it is proving harder than I once thought to care for him on my own." the admittance of what he considered failure was not easily wrung out of him but, it had to be said if he hoped for any sympathy. "As I am guessing you could figure out Bumble was made mute through our time together. While it is a small challenge at first to understand him it gets easier over time. As for wealth, power or knowledge, Bumble here says he is a good hunter and strong. I wouldn't disagree with that." He gave a small smile to the boy as he made sure the cats around them knew what he was trying to tell them, hopefully if Bumble was allowed to stay it wouldn't take long for the other cats to become Bumble fluent. He took a step back as if to offer Bumble, "I can also offer my skills in hunting and fighting. But, if you do not have space for us I implore you to still take the boy." He hadn't discussed this possibility with Bumble but it was one that he had considered, and as he subconsciously held his breath he hoped that his friend wouldn't put up any fight, and an even bigger part of him hoped that this wouldn't be where the two split paths.

with all the force of a great typhoon
" what Dawnglare lacks in forward and coherent spoken thought, he makes up for with his healing skills " He introduces with a wave of nose toward the large willowy singsong loon.

With the patience of a corpse, unmoving beyond the catch of light his colorless pits for eyes seemed to refract in subtle tandem with his breaths. He listens, tall sharp white nicked ears taking in the loner’s troubles. With the understanding of a father, a lead warrior, but ultimately- an orphan who didn’t have much luck in his youth either.

" as will be expected of you, of course. " he begins, they both offer to pull their weight and with a narrow set of eyes Thistleback glances to his daughter. " like my daughter Eveningpaw, the boy will fall under training to become a warrior of skyclan. Your names will be changed in a way to reflect your new lives as Skyclanners, we follow a religion that will prove itself to you within your time spent with us. " he informs, " We have a code, a way of doing things here. We take care of our elders, we respect our higher ups and we do not lay a claw on our clanmates. If you have problems, you may come to me. I am a lead warrior here, but our leader is Blazestar. Our deputy, Orangeblossom- you will have a chance to introduce yourselves. " he speaks eloquently but quickly.

" In exchange, you will have cats to call family, shelter. Food. and the safety of trained warriors. However- should times get tough, you are expected to fight with us or starve with us. Does this still sound like something you two can commit to? "

" If so. Follow. Watch for silver twoleg traps. I’m sure you’re familiar with their tricks " he turns on his heel to lead the pair through the forest. " If either of you have questions, my daughter is perfectly capable of answering them. " he invites with a glance to Dawnglare, inviting the large medic to follow as well with a flick of tail.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png