
i'm wasting time wishing you could hold me
Nov 14, 2023

i have spent too many hours coming up with this plot idea for it not to happen, so i'm throwing this out there to everyone to see who may be interested in this plot! i don't have a set choosing day just yet as i gauge interest, but will allow for everyone who is interested to throw up some notes/ideas! depending on interest and level of interest i'll pick from the notes/established characters and see where things go! if you have any questions/comments not covered by anything below feel free to message me here or on discord!

plot background/detail
kithood: in kithood, these two would have become stuck like glue. nearly every waking moment would have been spent together (sleeping, eating, playing etc), resulting in a very obvious and close friendship. the pair would likely have had many secrets amongst themselves, and may unintentionally appear cliquey (icly only) towards others. they would dream of the day that they became apprentices together.

apprenticeship: the pair would ideally begin their training around the same point in time (depending on the difference in age if any), and be very excited about this fact. they would constantly beg their mentors to train together, so they didn't have to spend time apart. anything one learned in private lessons that the other did not learn themselves may spark jealousy in either character. at some point in time, the pair would have a major fight (perhaps over a crush, one being recognized over the other etc) and the pair instantly grow apart. during this time they perhaps would attach themselves to another cat around the same age to ease the hurt of losing such a close friend.

the pair would do their best to avoid one another, and/or look for reasons to start petty arguments when able to do so. their fight may have been very public (ie inside camp or before a gathering if both picked to go) and potentially earning themselves some punishment as a result (depending on what sparked the fight). the remainder of their apprenticeship will be spent being sworn enemies.

adulthood: as they are named warriors, the pair still continues to find themselves disgusted with their former friend. at some point in adulthood, some event will happen (near-death experience, finally speaking again, forced proximity, etc) that will begin to allow them to slowly mend their former friendship. the pair may or may not become as close as they used to be, however, an effort will be made by both parties in order to become friends once again. at some point during this ordeal (or potentially even previously as an apprentice) both parties will come to realize that their feelings for the other lie deeper than a friendship. should one or both parties reveal their true feelings to the other, they will agree to give things a try and begin to "date." after several moons (or shorter depending on how they get along etc) the pair will become mates. ideally, they would have a litter or two of kittens and start a family of their own.

general notes & thoughts
- i had in mind that this would be a long-term plot ! this is something that i would like to see develop over time, and not be a short-lived plot
- originally i was thinking that this would be a homosexual relationship, but i am not opposed to a heterosexual relationship!
- other ideas included that they could potentially be polar opposites of one another and possibly end the friendship over romantic feelings or one being "promoted" sooner than the other? i'm open to any ideas you may have as well!
WAAAAGHH I hUNGER for a dynamic as adorable as this!!

I can offer up an already established Singekit in Shadowclan or soon-to-be-born Bonekit in the same clan OR soon-to-be Frightkit in Windclan
All of whom don’t have established orientations yet so I’m down for whatever! Oni I loosely see being Homosexual but again, no pressure!

Or I’d be happy to make a whole new character!!

But if you chose Singekit :

- a childhood friend would be a good potential plot line for Sin to get a redemption arc, maybe with CF being his moral compass
- since Sin is actually a very loving guy deep down forming a clique (IC ofc) would be very easy, but losing CF would be dEVASTATING for Sin
- Sin would probably hella backslide after their fight and become a wild douche especially for the sake of getting CF’s attention, especially if the two “break up” because CF forms a crush
- though if the friendship “break up” happens over one getting promoted over the other, it would still make Sin a huge bully- ESPECIALLY because Sin would probably get held back / demoted for his bad behaviors and probably take it out on CF saying they didn’t actually “earn” their rank which could exasperate the fighting hour

- Sin would very much bully CF, at least until the naivety wears off and he realizes what he’s doing is actually getting to CF which could be a lil arc of “we’re not friends and I don’t want to be friends but I’ll do anything to make it up to you” as a bonus thing that could help lead the way to reforging bonds down the line ((I hesitate on the bullying being traumatic tho definitely more just taunting and goading, Sandstorm v Fireheart style but that can be discussed ~))

Some dynamics that could be fun if you don’t already have a personality in mind:
- a preppy mean-girl type that makes these two into a dangerous duo ((maybe their fight is even that CF decides they don’t want to be mean anymore and Sin takes that as they don’t want to be friends with Sin ))
- a easy going type that just tags along with Sin and his wild adventures, usually offering a voice of reason before things get truly out of hand but they’re too ride or die for each other to ever stay away ((have you ever seen Dan Vs? Kinda like Dan and Chris fufu))

- the flower to Sin’s fire, someone who everyone in the clan questions why they would ever spend time with this monster, but they see someone thing in Sin no one else - not even Sin - sees, and little by little flower power over here shows Sin the beauty of the world
Without flower CF though Sin’s fire will burn dangerously hot so that’ll be a fun plot to play when they’re fighting >:3c just the fun idea of Sin missing them terribly but realizing hes more burn than nourishing to CF and that alone would kill him wAGHH

- the book nerd to Sin’s punk rebel, they bond especially with CF always helping Sin catch up on his training since Sin would keep avoiding his duties and lessons, Sun returning the favor by inspiring CF to live a little and take risks
This dynamic would be devastatingly delicious with the friends hip Break Up over demotion arc since Sin would blame CF for being a bad teacher but CF would rightfully remind Sin that he never tried hard enough
Or hell if Sin got promoted instead of CF, CF could be the one to say Sin didn’t deserve it since it was all CF’s training that got him where he was!!

If the choice is Bonekit :

- Bonekit right off the bat is very peaceable and calm, rarely showing emotions unless it’s humor or rage, kinda makes him unpredictable and not a little frightening as he gets bigger
- perhaps Childhood Friend can read Bone like a book and often have wordless conversations, with CF easily speaking for the both of them
- maybe their big fight could have something to do with Bonekit finding out about his Riverclan dad and neglecting CF / ignoring their advice that it’s dangerous to try and visit Riverclan and/or Oni taking out his frustrations and confusion w/ CF
- Bonus tho : even while in their enemy era Bonekit would be wildly protective of CF. So although he would genuinely not want to be around CF he would also get stupid jealous seeing them with another friend/ pick fights with those friends / pick fights with anyone that hurts CF
So it could be a fun drama of them getting almost close to being friends again only for Oni to ruin it by fighting CF’s friends and the cycle restarting

- Oni is loyal to the clan but doesn’t actually care too heavily about promotions and junk, but I can see them fighting anyway since Oni would become scared that CF is putting a target on their back / will neglect Oni / kick Oni out of the clan for his heritage, but instead of discussing these concerns Oni picks fights with CF which confuses them greatly and breaks their bond

Also some personality dynamics if you’re interested heehee

- a nervous anxious type that Oni’s calm presence helps keep grounded, but who’s nervous empathy helps Oni understand how to care about people’s feelings outside of his family’s

- a Fox to Oni’s wolf - sparky, excitable, mischievous, someone Oni has to often bail out of trouble but honestly Oni loves them too much and enjoys their antics way more than they’ll admit to ever truly be bothered by it,

- the bodyguard and the prince/princess, Oni would be the muscle to the brains, they’d make a dangerously strong power couple, almost unbeatable when together! There could be a fun plot here during their Fighting Hour when Oni gets angry that CF is taking risks and CF reminds Oni furiously that Oni was the one who backed away and they. Don’t. Need. Him!!! Cue only CF being able to see just how badly that hurts Oni since he won’t ever express it outwardly AUGHH angst angst angst!!!

If you choose Frightkit :

- she’s born with little empathy and daddy issues right off the bat
- first she’ll start off pretty difficult to understand and she has a bad habit of doing what she wants first and worrying about consequences later
- but once she grows older and realizes that what she does hurts people she’ll become rather reserved and nervous, very people-pleasy for the sake of blendingnin

- angst could ensue either because CF is loyal to Windclan while Fry has a stubborn love for the Duskclanners still thanks to loyalty for her dad
- or angst can ensue when CF sees Fry do some really nasty and mean things and questions their whole friendship

For dynamics Fry could get along with anyone
Some fun ideas would be a moral compass friend, someone with ambition that Fry both admires and resents out of fear of them leaving her,

Maybe another little frEAK like her that has a lust for battle and the two are just bEASTS on the battlefield together, planning and strategizing outside of it?
Fry would be devastated to lose CF to a promotion though and just randomly cut them out and refuse to explain why she’s never talking to them again which builds resentment by confusion and lack of communication- all because Fry is too scared to admit she’s afraid CF won’t love her anymore as a child of Duskclan / that CF won’t be the same since they’re going to be more focused on leading the clan than having fun with Fry

Maybe a detective type that sees Fry for the secret villainess that she is and they often banter and squabble like a married couple ((if you’ve ever seen Total Drama Island Im thinking Heather and Alejandro >:3c )) but secretly admire each other’s wit and try to one up each other
And that continues during Fight Hour with the competitions getting progressively worse and worse
Fry definitely would try and find other cats to distract herself with by would probably also incessantly complain about CF alluding to the fact that she won’t ever be able to get them out of her thoughts!!! The struggle of love and hate being two sides of the same coin is REAL!!


Anywaysssss thanks for reading my ramble!! Your plot sounds awesome and I’m sorry in advance for how rushed and badly written my pitch(es) are!! I’m half asleep and on mobile ;P so I may edit this later with more / better written ideas late <3
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hey guys! just checking to see who is all still interested in the plot, as i know some of you were considering coming back with an idea for a character!
(alt names: echokit, mistlekit, cinderkit. depending on clan)

up over the seas, i saw thunder
so clearly ill at ease

CLAN | open to any clan except windclan! the clan will determine the name

blue tabby with low white
carrying ??

Willowkit's fur, his namesake, is long, wispy and droopy, made up of hues of silver and blue stripes with notable white markings on the bridge of his nose, his chest, and all four paws. His eyes are a deep sea green, always wandering and curious.

  • Charismatic and outgoing, Willowkit is a friendly acquaintance to many - though he finds his only true friendship in [Placeholder]. Inseparable, two peas in a pod, Willowkit spends every waking moment with his best friend, and though he may give a passing smile to the other kits, he feels content putting all of his effort into [Placeholder], despite the cliquey implications it brings.

    Approaching apprenticeship, Willowpaw is unhappy at first to spend so much time training separately from [Placeholder] - though, he adjusts quicker to this change than his friend, all thanks to an easy bond with his mentor and the welcoming aura of the apprentice's den. His charisma will really begin to shine through during his apprenticeship, as he learns to get along with the cats he trains with - he makes a name for himself as being friendly and outgoing, a source of laughter and happiness for other apprentices. Between his new friendships and his efforts in warrior training, he may struggle to make time for his childhood friend, who he feels is becoming overbearing - and this exasperation may be a source of a rift growing between them, leading up to an inevitable explosive fight.

    After their fight, Willowpaw continues his life as normal - all except for the purposeful and blatant exclusion of [Placeholder]. From nasty looks, to fabricated rumors, to public outbursts, he becomes entirely committed to making sure his former friend stays out of his space. With a newfound rivalry, he plays into a more confident and hotheaded personality - boastful over every little success, possibly developing a flirtatious streak, anything to strike more jealousy and insecurity into [Placeholder] - and inevitably causing petty arguments.

    Upon earning his warrior name, possibly before [Placeholder], Willow- quickly finds that his mask of a boisterous personality doesn't impress the older warriors, and soon finds himself ostracized, losing the fame he had built for himself as an apprentice. Although he holds some semblance of confidence around his apprentice-hood clique, after some level of humbling from the older warriors, he learns to mellow out and embrace the friendly and outgoing cat he once was, abandoning the petty flaunting as he realizes his overbearing personality was forced by spite.

    During this time, though he still feels disgusted with [Placeholder] after their fall out, he will gradually begin to separate from the cats who enabled his petty behavior, and recognize the loneliness that's been bothering him all along. By this point, he no longer strives to cause pointless arguments with [Placeholder], and may even give him passing glances or leave awkward comments (like praising them for successful hunts). It is not until one fateful event, however, that forces them together, that he finally finds it within him to apologize for his behaviors, and admit his wrongs in the original argument itself - and offers to start mending the friendship they once that.

    CON ●●●●●○○○○○
    DEX ●●●●●●●●○○
    INT ●●●●●○○○○○
    WIS ●●●○○○○○○○
    CHA ●●●●●●●●●●

    from the start, willowkit is remarkably friendly towards others, though with such a commitment towards [placeholder], they may appear more withdrawn than they seem, limiting interactions with others to casual conversation, smiles, and passing comments. as an apprentice, willowpaw will become noticeably more outgoing as he begins to interact with training partners on a day to day basis. this will unearth more of his outgoing personality, including frequent joking, exaggerated storytelling, more in-depth and interested conversations, and compliments towards others. in his late apprenticeship, post-argument with [placeholder], he will begin to blatantly try and ostracize his former friend - by this point he may become a bit of a bully, spreading rumors and starting petty arguments, and becoming more boisterous in an attempt to strike insecurity in [placeholder] such as boasting, flirting openly with others, over-achieving, and self-complimenting. as a warrior, he will gradually begin to mature and mellow out, abandoning his petty tendencies and embracing the kind and caring cat he once was.

  • Here are some ideas that I have that could start the argument that drives a rift between the two cats in this plot!

    JEALOUSY: One, or a combination of all of these, may spark an argument between the two! This might also give you some ideas for your own character in the plot, but I am open to changing or voiding any of these ideas if you had different plants for your character!
    — Willowpaw exceeds in the fields of training that [Placeholder] does not. [Placeholder] might have a delayed ceremony for a number of reasons, whereas Willowpaw is recognized for his hard work and gets his name on time.
    — As a social butterfly, Willowpaw begins to embrace his outgoing nature and seems to befriend everyone with ease, even forming a close bond with his mentor. Perhaps [Placeholder] struggles to form these bonds, or is comfortable with Willowpaw as their only friend as they once were as kits.
    — Willowpaw focuses hard on his training - between that and his new friendships, he isn't spending as much time with [Placeholder] as he did when he was a kit. While he still loves and cares for [Placeholder] and still views them as a friend, they may feel left behind, neglected, and/or jealous of Willowpaw's new friends and responsibilities. Willowpaw dismisses their worries time and time again, treating it as if it's no big deal, but eventually calls them selfish or snaps at them for being 'overbearing' which leads to their fight.

    — Willowpaw develops a crush on someone and doesn't tell [Placeholder] or vice-versa; this may be the first secret they have ever held from each other. This may be the start of many things they don't tell each other, such as what they learned in training, what secrets or gossip they've learned from other cats, etc. At some point, either party could get upset with each other for the thing not said, inevitably starting an argument of it's a one-sided concern.
    — Willowpaw, in his naivety and friendliness, befriends a cat from outside the Clan, possibly developing romantic feelings about this. Upon finding out, [Placeholder] feels that he is being disloyal to the Clan, and especially to them, and reports it back to the Clan. Willowpaw could be outed publicly, or find out that [Placeholder] told on him (maybe he knew that they witnessed it) and start a fight with him publicly.
    — Willowpaw and/or [Placeholder] break a rule or lie to each other, which gets them into some sort of dangerous situation. Upon making it out alive, accusations are thrown each others' way, and an argument begins.

  • — I really like the idea that they are polar opposites! My plan for Willow is for them to be the extreme end of boisterous- rowdy, confident, hotheaded, flirtatious, but I am willing to make adjustments, and I am just as much okay with your character having a similar personality!
    — All these plot ideas can be adjusted to fit your character's personality! I wrote them under the assumption that they would be opposites, but again they are completely open to change! I am also open to any other ideas you may have!