Nov 14, 2023

warm orange eyes glanced briefly to the moon, eyes blinking under its light. a two-toned frame crept through the shadows of the camp, eyes desperately searching for their target. with training having gone utterly south that day, the tom was eager to find some way of reducing the stress and frustration he was feeling. anything at this point would be a welcomed target. someone to take his frustrations out on to spare himself the trouble of being left alone with his thoughts. soon enough, his desperate eyes would land upon applepaw, narrowing as he stalked over to where they stood. it was late, most of the clan would be winding down if not already falling asleep. the comfort or respect of his clanmates in this particular moment was of little concern to murkypaw, and should things be shut down rather quickly he'd find himself having no remorse for his actions.

"what exactly are you doing awake? don't you think you should follow in line with everyone else and be sleeping by now?" hopefully, his lead of a verbal attack (if it could even be considered that) would be enough to steer the conversation in the proper direction. if all went according to plan, he'd find applepaw becoming increasingly more irritated with his words, and potentially more open to a sparring match. without waiting for a proper response, he'd raise a brow as he flexed his claws into the dirt beneath their paws, tail flicking behind him in annoyance. "or do you have to wait and do as your told? do you need permission to go to sleep now? or is there something else going on to cause you to reject sleep?" eyes narrowed, finally giving the other apprentice an opportunity to speak. take the bait. you know you hate me, everyone does. fight me. show me how badly you want to TRY and teach me a lesson. do it. i dare you.

  • ooc : no need to wait for @APPLEPAW ! ​

  • — open to minor/healing powerplay
    — murkypaw / shadowclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / tags

  • Wow
Reactions: Floppie
She finds it difficult to sleep tonight.

When the sky is lit, and the clan bustles, Applepaw can always be distracted by the chatter of cats. By a stupid comment she could not let slide; by the ramblings of a warrior, inane, but something she could only listen to, as an apprentice. If there was not chatter, she would hunt, she would spar. She is not a kit, incapable of busying herself when her mentor was not around. Applepaw poked her nose into any place she could keep herself busy, whether she was supposed to or not.

Nights in ShadowClan can be plenty lively, still, but the voices become hushed. Most apprentices tuck themselves away so long as their mentor made no plans for the night, exhausted by their duties. It was a little less courteous to chat, a little less fruitful to hunt, a little more dangerous to spar. And there is far too much to think about, when you had nothing former to busy yourself with.

Applepaw looks to the sky, alight with stars. It was supposedly where her mother now rested, and where her brother had nearly gone. For all she knows, there were two other twinkling faces amongst the stars she might know. ...but they were hardly kin.

Her stargazing is disturbed by one Murkypaw. A part of her was thankful— it was much easy to fend off fellow apprentices than reflect on life, or whatever. Mostly, she was annoyed though, because his voice was like a gnat buzzing around her ear. The shift of her head is slight. She wouldn't dare insinuate that he was worth her time.

She didn't know Murkypaw well, but her impression of him was... troubled, and loudly so. He did not have the benefit of being family that Ashenpaw did. " I am not a kit that needs to be herded in for bed time, nor am I a kittypet that trots along to her twolegs at sundown. If you hadn't noticed, this is ShadowClan, " she replies, rolling her eyes. Yes, she supposed it was eager to forget that they were not only named for their dreary landscape and drearier clanmates, but for their nature as well. " I'm sorry to say, what your mother told you about kits who stay up late being eaten by monsters isn't true. " With the flick of an ear, she focuses her attention back on the stars, thick tail curling around her legs.

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  • ( CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M THE WORST, SO I ALWAYS ACT LIKE I'M THE BEST ) APPLEPAW. apprentice of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 7 moons old as of 10.22.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.

applepaw's words didn't sting as much as a part of himself hoped they would. there was nothing behind them that tested him, daring him to go further. nothing that proved she would be a willing participant in a fight, regardless of the logistics. "yeah?" the mere mention of his mother was almost enough to send him into a rage. however, as thick-skulled as he may come across, he knew better than to risk having his warrior ceremony pushed back even further. with his apprenticeship already having been delayed, he did not want to see himself being passed up in training by someone younger than him such as the molly sitting only a tail's length away. "then why don't you prove it." his words were not a question; his words had fallen from his lips like the snow which fell softly in leaf-bare.

surely if he could press her enough; make it seem like it was applepaw's own idea to start the fight he wouldn't earn himself as harsh of a punishment should things get out of paw. after a moment of applepaw's lack of response whether from shock over his words or the mere stupidity he was seemingly displaying, he would smirk as he turned, wanting to seem like he was heading to the apprentice's den. "that's what i thought."

  • ooc : — ​

  • — open to minor/healing powerplay
    — murkypaw / shadowclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / tags

  • WHAT
Reactions: APPLEJAW
It seems that all he has to reply with is a single, yeah? to which Applepaw would give a sidelong glance, brow quirked. Her unenthused response come sni the form of an affirming hum. Had he had shut up and gone to bed as he so clearly wanted to do, perhaps Applepaw would've just rolled her eyes and filed him away as annoying for future reference.

Quickly, she realizes he has no idea just how frog - brained he is. Then why don't you prove it? Her expression is mild with exasperation. Prove what? That monsters from queens' tales arent true? That she's not a kit? For close to a moon, Applepaw has grown into herself. Inheriting the height of both of her parents, she is far from small, nor thin. Grasping at pines, is what he's doing, and making himself look utterly idiotic in the process. Applepaw felt no need to prove something that anyone could see with their own eyes. Clearly, he has not inherited ShadowClan's trait of night vision, or somesuch. Applepaw can only gaze at him mildly for a moment, because he's so stupid.

And he seems to take it as a tiny victory, that Applepaw is too surprised by his lack of a brain that she does not conjure her returning question in time. Finally, he pushes his way into the den, hopefully to sleep, if he believes every cat ought to so intensely. Applepaw does not stop him. " Clearly, you're tired and it's making you act a fool. " She says, rolling her eyes. " Goodnight, Murkypaw. "

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  • ( CAUSE I FEEL LIKE I'M THE WORST, SO I ALWAYS ACT LIKE I'M THE BEST ) APPLEPAW. apprentice of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 8 moons old as of 11.17.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.

"well, that was rather anticlimactic for all of that bickering, hm?"

chilledstar spoke as they walked up to the two, unable to sleep themself. it wasn't uncommon for them to get up after but a few hours, moving to try and find comfort in watching the way the stars twinkle in the dark abyss of the sky. truly, they found more comfort within the moon, than the stars themself. but they didn't seem to exist without the other, so they've learned to accept that, too.

"you both seem a little restless. especially you, murkypaw. have you woken up with thorns in your nest or did you just choose to bother applepaw to get a rise out of her?"

they ask, with a gentle narrow of their eyes. they're not accusatory, and they're not upset. they're simply observing, far too numb to be angry about it. most apprentices fell unto this childish banter, at least within shadowclan they did.

"since you're both up, why don't we take a quick night patrol, hm?"
Sweetpaw listened in on the voices, curled tight in his nest near their siblings though it didn't seem like neither Screechpaw nor Briarpaw had been woken up to the ceaseless chatter. His ears were just more sensitive to sound, swiveling upward atop his head toward the two exchanging what were certainly not pleasantries by any means. What was Murkypaw even doing? Trying to challenge someone while they slept? Challenge someone because they didn't sleep? Nothing he was saying made a lick of sense. Prove it? Prove what? That Applepaw knew how to sleep? A mental note was made to avoid Murkypaw in the future, which was hard to do when he'd never see it coming but their timbre and scent were recognizable enough; an annoying, bossy tone - a voice too big for the body that held it, egotstical, arrogant, prone to fight. Reminded him of his brother but with less sincerity.

Chilledstar's voice rings out, lightly scolding, and when the question arises of a night patrol Sweetpaw's head hits their nest once again with a bit too much force in an effort to continue feigning sleep. They were not being dragged along on a late night patrol just for being woken up by those two causing problems. Nope.


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    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ They/Them
    —⊰⋅ LH Solid black w/golden eyes (Is Blind)