.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Foxpaw rested heavy in his mind- one secret had already been torn from him and revealed from Tigerpaw. He had advised his apprentice, shortly before his slew of injuries, about the state of her own family. It had bitten him to his core, seeing her slowly break and become slightly unresponsive. Tigerpaw had put herself back together, though. A soft sigh left him as he became resolved about what he needed to do.

Batwing pushed to his paws, a bit wobbly on his nearly-healed appendage. He had been given a 'tomorrow, perhaps' for his diagnosis, and Batwing was trying his best to remain in camp, despite the guilt eating him alive. Laying about in camp had given him a long time to reflect about what he had did and why he was still stuck, unfortunate as it was. So, the lead was careful as he made his way down to find Foxpaw.

"Foxpaw? Where are you?" He called, ears perking as he looked about the apprentice's den.

// any of the batleo fam is open to respond, so @bravepaw : ̗̀➛ @Cougarpaw @leopardtongue


”Right here.” Sounds a groan from behind the injured warrior.

Moss hung from her maw and bits of green was sprinkled in her fur as if she had just gotten done rolling around in it. Despite being only a little after dawn the apprentice seemed tired and discouraged. She had made her distaste for the new rule incredibly loud, Howlingstar hadn’t sent her back to the nursery but two moons of chores seemed more like punishment. Now she got to watch the older apprentices leave camp skipping with glee while she was given all their dirty-work.

Looking Batwing up and down she remembers the injuries he’s sustained. Dropping her moss and allowing her ears to fold back she looks at her father sympathetically, at least she wasn’t stuck in the medicine cat’s den. ”Are you feeling better?”
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
. ° ✦ Bravepaw had matched his sister's curdled attitude regarding the new order their Clan was meant to follow. A new order that left him and his littermates trapped in camp once again after already waiting so long to leave. Now stuck with doing tedious chores that the older apprentices would gladly dump on him so they could jump back into the forest with their mentors.

Small flicks of moss and broken leaves had dotted the boys curly pelt as he lingered not too far from behind Foxpaw. Up and early every morning, Bravepaw tried in vain to get his older Clanmates to recognize the waste it was to keep him in here.

"We're never in there this late at morning." Bravepaw's voice is bland in comparison to his usual thrilling shrieks. There was nothing exciting about this, though. There was nothing to enjoy looking forward to as long as it were these camps walls day in and day out while his older denmates were given freedom. He didn't have the same level of consideration as Foxpaw to compare their situation to where Batwing once was.

He did, though, have the mind to know if Batwing was singling out just one of his sisters there was a special reason for it. "Are you taking Foxpaw somewhere? I wanna go too!"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
The conversation that would happen shortly was something that Leopardtongue had often thought about, debating on when the right time would be for Foxpaw and her siblings to understand that she was loved and that although the decision to take her in was not a hard one, the decision to keep this from her for so long was and they were wanting to do what was best for her. It was a conversation that she and Batwing had had many times, trying to decide when it would be best and they had ultimately come up with the realization that there was no true "right time" to do this, and it was either pull the burrs out of their fur and just do it or let them sit there and stack up. She knew that no matter the reaction Foxpaw would have today that she would come around, and so today would be the day.

If only the timing of the recent code wasn't in place, if only she wasn't already annoyed by the fact that she was now stuck in camp once more after only a few short days of the freedom of being able to leave camp. Upon hearing Batwing's voice she would move forward as well, casting her mate a small look of encouragement before she aimed to lick the top of Bravepaw's head, moving soon towards Foxpaw to do the same before moving to Batwing's side, fur pressing against the blue feline's own. "We'll all move over here, somewhere quiet so we can talk, okay?" Although she'd have preferred to speak with Foxpaw about this first the others of the siblings would need to know eventually as well, so why not just tell them all at once?

  • 66370681_ZKFiQjB8RKuI67u.png
  • 74598874_4e8bHlzZFEFADh0.png
    ⊰❣⊱ LH chocolate rosette tabby with yellow eyes
    ⊰❣⊱ 39 moons old; ages the 15th every month
    ⊰❣⊱ heterosexual - taken by Batwing
    ⊰❣⊱ mother of Bravepaw, Cougarpaw, Hazepaw, and Foxpaw
    ⊰❣⊱ easy to interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    ⊰❣⊱ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ⊰❣⊱ hard in combat, focuses more on defensive tactics/protecting
    ⊰❣⊱ peaceful powerplay allowed
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
Batwing jumped lightly as Foxpaw spoke, his vision shifting towards his daughter and son. He gave a sympathetic smile to Bravepaw. "Sorry kiddo. That's my bad." He said in honest response, stepping out of the medicine den. He pressed back against his mate, turning to nuzzle just behind her ear as she spoke. A sigh left him moments later, and he nodded, stepping towards the outskirts of camp. "We just need to discuss something with her, Bravepaw, we're not really going anywhere."

He glanced towards his mate, then back towards Bravepaw. "You can come too, kiddo." He said to the rosette, turning back to where Leopardtongue had designated the 'quieter' spot. His tail curled around his paws, eyes closed as he waited for Foxpaw and Bravepaw both to step closer. He couldn't imagine being told his parents weren't really his own. Green optics opened, lifting towards the mouth of camp, as if expectant to see a matching pelt to his own, his fathers- and saw nothing.

He smiled quietly at Foxpaw as she drew closer. "Foxpaw, you do know we both love you very much, yes?" He started, voice genuine and warm- he didn't want to give her any kind of doubt about that. Never, because he did love her like one of his own. Her fire, her spunk, all of the feisty intelligence that she had seemed to gain from at least one of them. His vision shifted towards Leopardtongue, drinking in a breath of air. His eyes closed shut, ears lowered, before he looked towards his daughter.

A smile found his face, though weak. There wasn't a graceful to really put this, but he did his best. "You were... born by another queen. She passed not long after she had you, and Leopardtongue took you in as one of our own." His paws shifted. "Your.. blood father remains in camp, and he had approached you directly before." Batwing inhaled quietly. This was not so much his secret as Foxpaw's own, hidden from her. Before he piled more information, he spoke again, voice achingly soft. "But that doesn't change anything. You are one of my own- our own."

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Bravepaw and Foxpaw are directed to a quieter area of camp by Leopardtongue. The red she-cat’s pelt prickles in excitement, this must be something good for both Batwing and her mother to be acting so odd. They share a silent curious look with Bravepaw before sitting herself down, orange eyes growing wide upon Batwing as he spoke.

His words don’t… hurt. No. Instead it just feels as if her head has been scrambled into mush, how was it that nothing had truly changed but her whole world felt as if it was upside down?

It doesn’t make sense… she remembered nothing but Leopardtongue and Batwing, how could she have been born to a different queen? A different pair of cats? Her breathing hitches and her paws shuffle in the snow, she’s uncharacteristically silent for a long pause.

”I- You’re not joking…?” At last she murmurs, confused tears swelling in her eyes. Foxpaw didn’t feel sad or even angry, just… perplexed. Batwing and Leopardtongue say this won’t change anything, that they love her, was this true? ”Who- who are they?” If her blood father was out there she deserved to know, and she deserved to know the identity of the queen who had birthed her. If Batwing and Leopardtongue weren’t pranking her they could tell her that, right?
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
. ° ✦ Bravepaw looked up to Leopardtongue with a broad smile at her affection. Blue eyes blinked up at his mother as he giggled a quiet 'hi mama', and followed after her heels without question. A quieter place- this must be very important news! Maybe they had changed their minds about keeping them in camp? Were they sneaking them out to explore the forest again?

Batwing reassured them they weren't leaving, though, and the boy only felt a little deflated from it. His curiosity still kept his spirits high in the anticipation of what they had to say. As his gaze met Foxpaw's his own looked just as confused with their father's words. Of course they loved her! What had she done not to be? The chocolate rosette kept himself close to the molly as the tone turned into something more serious.

Bravepaw looked back and forth between Foxpaw and their parents with an expression full of shock and partial disbelief. How could that be true? Bravepaw always remembered his sister being there from the beginning, even if the first moon was a little blurry still. But she had fit in perfectly with the rest of them even if she didn't perfectly resemble the couple like himself and their other siblings.

In her silent pause Bravepaw pressed his nose against his older sisters muzzle and nuzzled into her cheek. "But that's okay! Right Foxpaw? You're still my big sister, right?" Watery eyes blinked back the threat of tears as he looked at Batwing and Leopardtongue again for reassurance. He wasn't sure why he was crying, but seeing Foxpaw so sad made him feel upset too. "She's still my sister?"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
Leopardtongue's heart ached as she looked to Foxpaw, watching her daughter look between the two of them in confusion with tears welling in her eyes and the moggie would shake her head - they were not joking. "Your birth mother was Maplepatch, she was an amazing cat and she loved you so, so much." She'd speak, leaving it at that for now, knowing that if Foxpaw were to want more information Leopardtongue would be more than willing to share it, to tell her daughter stories of her birth mother and how truly amazing and loving she was. "Seedspring was her mate, and I know you two have spoken a little bit but he cares for you too, in his own way." Or at least she hoped he did, why else would he have brought her the food despite leaving Foxpaw - Foxkit at the time - alone?

Eyes glanced to Bravepaw once more as tears threatened to leave the other's eyes and quickly she'd nod her head, "This changes nothing, you two may not be littermates through blood but you're still littermates and siblings through love - you will be loved by us no matter what Foxpaw." It was both the easiest and hardest thing to do, reassure her daughter that she was loved. Easy because it was true but hard because Leopardtongue had never thought she would have to reassure such a thing, but she needed to make sure Foxpaw knew that, that she knew that would be loved by both Batwing and herself.
  • 66370681_ZKFiQjB8RKuI67u.png
  • 74598874_4e8bHlzZFEFADh0.png
    ⊰❣⊱ LH chocolate rosette tabby with yellow eyes
    ⊰❣⊱ 39 moons old; ages the 15th every month
    ⊰❣⊱ heterosexual - taken by Batwing
    ⊰❣⊱ mother of Bravepaw, Cougarpaw, Hazepaw, and Foxpaw
    ⊰❣⊱ easy to interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    ⊰❣⊱ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ⊰❣⊱ hard in combat, focuses more on defensive tactics/protecting
    ⊰❣⊱ peaceful powerplay allowed