SELFISH WAYS — food aggression

So... hungry...

The climb up the face of the cliff had drained most of Slate's energy, wringing the strength from his muscles and leaving his paws feeling sore and battered. He had been stubborn to proceed initially, but after huffing and puffing after not getting his way, he eventually made it up along with the rest of the group.

Slate had broken away from the group while they took a break and recovered from the vigorous ascent. Spotting a decently-sized thrush standing on the ground, oblivious to his gaze, he immediately dropped into a hunting crouch. Expending the last of his energy, he bunched his muscles and sprung forward, trapping the avian under hefty paws and crushing it before it could wriggle out of his grasp. A swift bite and it fell limp, warm blood seeping onto his tongue.

The disheveled Maine Coon raised his head, swiping his tongue over a crimson-stained muzzle and eyeing his fresh catch hungrily. Any thought to bring his catch back to the group was completely overridden by his intense hunger. Slate hadn't gotten enough to eat since before the cave-in; this meal was his!

Ravenously, the SkyClanner dug in, tearing feathers from the warm body so that he could access the succulent meat underneath. He had been so caught up in the moment that he hadn't even noticed another cat approaching him.

A deep-rooted, primal instinct overtakes Slate as he hunches over his kill and glares up at the other, a guttural growl rumbling out of the depths of his throat.

  • slatechibi.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

XXXXXShe had staggered onto the mountain from the cliff and her limbs had turned to gelatin immediately, sending her crashing into the snowy earth. Her flanks are still heaving her her paws are still sore when she spots one of the SkyClanners—the lead warrior, big, fearsome Slate—stalking away, a ravenous look in bare orange eyes. She heaves herself to her paws, wondering if he’s on the hunt. Her suspicion is soon confirmed—he all but crushes a mountain bird under massive paws and crouches over his kill, snapping feathers and flesh with strident bites.

XXXXXNice catch,” she murmurs, and though she does not ask, the gleam of hunger is in both of her eyes. Perhaps that’s what Slate had picked up on, for his pelt ripples into spikes, and he shows her bloodied fangs in a fearsome and protective snarl. Immediately, she forgets her exhaustion and matches his aggression. She arches her spine, smooth coat ruffling with rage. “Back off! No one is here to steal your kill!” She’s shocked by the display—she’s never seen a Clan cat behave this way to another Clan warrior. The behavior is… “What are you, a rogue?” She bares her teeth, though she makes no move toward or away from him.


There wasn't a single whisker left in aching bones and sore muscles that were free from exhaustion. It felt like the journey had become out obstacle after another, each far more perilous than the last. Food was becoming far more scarce than before, the terrain completely unfamiliar underneath her paws. It felt strange not to feel the blades of grass between her claws or peaty soil from a fresh rain. Instead it was all dry and pebbly, cracking paw pads and providing little resources.

Slate had been very vocal about Bobbie's idea to take on the cliff edge. She noticed he butted heads against her quite often, and was surprised to see a Lead Warrior display such disunion openly. Thankfully the rest of SkyClan had maintained order, which was mostly thanks to Orangeblossom's directive and her daughter's colorful method of encouragement.

Hazecloud joined her tortie counterpart with the intent to check in on the hulking tom. Where was his head at? Was there something else contributing to his combative behavior? A cloud of feathers burst from underneath strong paws and she paused, feeling unease as he wasted little time biting into his food. She opened her maw to murmur warning of what she felt to Iciclefang, but Slate had already noticed her. His growl held such conviction, such ire that her coat couldn't stay flat.

"Keep those claws in, Slate." Hazecloud's voice dropped the airy tone she normally held. A firm caution, she would not let some pretender of a warrior threaten her own. Not after how hard they've all fought to survive just to get this far.

When Fernpaw had seen Slate stalking off with a catch, a little desperate from the group, he'd thought very little of it. So too was Fernpaw partial to taking himself off somewhere secluded with his meals, some habit or superstition he'd picked up that was so ingrained in him now it was impossible to shake off. Upon being approached, though, all Fernpaw would ever do was self-consciously shuffle his paws over his catch- to see a growl spurt from Slate's maw, at Iciclefang no less, immediately spurred the ginger tom into action.

A wall of Riverclanners faced Slate, it seemed. He'd never seen such a large cat hunched and spine spike-set like this- his father was equally huge, dwarfing him by quite some distance, but... Mudpelt was always grinning, bright in demeanour even right after being struck. Fernpaw knew better now than to throw himself onto the frontlines, as he might have moons ago- but still, he stuck close to Hazecloud, an uncommon look of wariness in a usually warm, trusting gaze of green. Though Slate was much bigger than him, most cats were... in fight-or-flight, worried subconsciously for his sister despite how much he knew her to be capable, he stood steadfast at Hazecloud's side and bristled for Slate's answer.
penned by pin

the song of snarls quickly sends the mouse nightbird stalks fleeing for safety. in another instance, she may have given chase, but the pain in her leg refused it. a tufted head instead comes drawing up, falling upon the small group that had gathered under not so peaceful intentions. three riverclanners stood puffed out against a growling skyclanner, the one who had a nasty disdain for his own clanmates.

she should turn a blind eye, let them argue it out or sort their issues with claws and teeth. it was not thunderclan's job to keep peace with anyone but their own, but if they were going to resort to fighting over food up here when there was so much more to worry about, they had another issue on their paws.

nightbird tried to conceal her limp as she strode over, a small bird seemed to be the catalyst here. her tail twitched in displeasure. she knew that she shared rank with slate, for some reason only starclan knows. if she were to act like this, actions so sloppy and roguish, what kind of expectations were blazestar's council held to? "this is ridiculous. get a fucking grip, we're all hungry."

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-six moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The sound of snarling had caught the attention of Hailstorm and it makes him wonder if any of the other cats within their group had gotten into another spat, curiosity and concern bringing him forward as his eyes glance over to the trio of Riverclanners and notices Nightbird doing her best not to limp over. He ponders what the issue is and then his warm brown gaze focuses on him, the problem, and he can't help but feel a frown forming on his maw wondering why the Maine Coon was getting all up in arms. Between massive paws there's a bird and Hailstorm can't help feel the slightest bit hungry but they were all clan cats, they had honor of a warrior not a rogue that would steal from another groupmate is what he's certain of. If he had been wrong then there would've been a scuffle for the small avian right now and he nods to what Nightbird says about all of them being hungry.

"No one's going to steal your meal, Slate." He adds with a raise of his nonexistent eyebrow at the polar opposite of himself and he flicks his ear slightly before adding on "We've all went through a lot with one another... The river, the rockslide, and the cliff. Have a little trust in others..." They had gone through hell and back basically, he could understand being hungry but Hailstorm would never resort to snarling at other cats over a piece of prey. It was just as Nightbird had said it. It was fucking ridiculous.
  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 48 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
Pupils darting around in golden pools, he eyes the tortoiseshell she-cat. Too close. Too close. Why was she so close? She was a RiverClanner, a fish-eater. She wouldn't be interested in his bird... would she?

“What are you, a rogue?”

Charcoal hairs bristled along his spine, heat radiating from his tensed muscles. Consumed by the moment, solely focused on protecting what was rightfully his, Slate failed to realize just how... roguish he looked. He used to be one. Now he was... Something else. A lead warrior of SkyClan — a clan cat. Yet here he was, hoarding his kill and growling like an alleyway stray at any who dared to come close.

Was he still a rogue?

Hunger still clawed at his stomach as others showed up now, looking less than impressed with his "display". The Maine Coon gave a lash of his bushy tail, licking bloodied lips and savoring the taste of fresh meat. He wanted more. Now. Why were they all crowding him? Talk of having to trust the others and control himself... They wouldn't understand. They would never understand. They had never lived alone on a dirty, barren street, wondering for days when their next meal would come along. They would never battle over meager scraps of twoleg rubbish — even the smallest shred of discarded chicken skin, the smelliest and soggiest bite of unwanted slop. They had luscious territories to hunt in with dozens of warriors around them to replenish their food stock. They didn't know hunger like a stray did. It would take a lot to override such a mindset, especially in times of desperation.

Mangled ears fold against the back of his head. They all look down upon him, but he doesn't care. Slate isn't here to impress anyone or make friends, unlike some cats. "Just- Leave me alone, yeah?" He grunted, unmoving and sweeping a glare over them all as if daring them to challenge. They didn't need to all stand there and stare at him as he ate, anyway. He could at least rationally justify that much.

  • slatechibi.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

XXXXXOther cats flock closer, their lips curled, eyes flat and judgmental. Iciclefang’s ear twitches—she hadn’t needed help, she thinks. If Slate had attacked her, she would have fought back, size advantage or not. The tortoiseshell stares at him, unafraid, her back still arched, but as the other warriors’ murmurs reach her she sighs and fixes her posture slightly. The fur still bristles at her neck, but Slate’s hiss of ”Just—leave me alone, alright?” causes her to narrow her eyes in annoyance. “There’s no need to be worried about that—I’ll find more pleasant company,” she snaps, glowering at him as he attacks the bird’s flesh again.

XXXXXBrute,” she mutters under her breath, turning on her heel and vanishing through the throng of cats. She will find someone else to share a meal or a hunt with—but her opinion of the lead warrior has soured considerably.

"Typical of a cat who refuses to have a true Clan name." Stormpaw mutters under her breath, feeling more empowered as the other cats joined in admonishing the tom, even her lower rank. She was an apprentice and she had more class and true Clan mannerisms than this lead warrior—and the nasty feeling helped heal a gaping hole in her heart.

The commotion had stirred the young tricolor cat and she glanced over unsurprised to see the orchestrator being that large, scruffy, dark-furred tomcat from SkyClan. This was one of the first times she had heard his name spoken aloud—or had cared to—Stormpaw was not here to make friends of other Clans.

How could Blazestar even think of making a cat part of his council when he so obviously refused to bear a Clan name? It only solidified Stormpaw's perception as SkyClan being a false Clan. She turned up her nose, finding herself agreeing surprisingly with the tortoiseshell from RiverClan.