pafp SELLING TRUTH ✧ bringing Johnny

The bustle of the clan lies ahead, a thorny great tree sprouted in the heart, encircled with brambles. Pelts can be seen among the branches of the pine nettle canopy. Rattling pine cones and chatter loud and cheery between the twists of brambles and fern.

Thistleback tosses his triangular skull to give Johnny a quiet search over his countenance as if to uproot any emotions despite his own being quite stony. " no need to be afraid. If you are " he touches his tail to the visitor’s leg briefly, a small gesture of assurance from stranger to stranger. A foreign softness lulling from him, even his tone is softer. Was he a spider coaxing a fly into the web?

" they are good folk. Some you may even recognize…. None you fancy, I hope " he adds, a quick devious slight flirtatious remark tagged onto the last bit as a suave man might. Thistleback leads the bobtail through the camp entrance, bathed in golden light. Kits playing with feathers, warriors chatting while enjoying a meal. The beat of Skyclan thrums before the stranger. " welcome, to Skyclan " he meows hoarsely.

  • — :) Please wait for @Johnny

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



Johnny was not a particularly fearful cat. In fact, the headstrong tom had been called reckless on more than one occasion for happily throwing himself into dangerous situations, especially if it saved someone else the trouble of having to do so themselves. But that didn't mean he was fearless. No, the patched tom was just really good at not freezing when faced with things like danger of tense situations. And while he wasn't necessarily afraid as he followed alongside Thistleback, the closer they grew to the camp the nearer he found himself drawing to the other, subconciously seaking comfort in the occasional subtle brush of fur against his own.

His heart was racing in excitement, whiskers twitching in anticipation at catching a proper look at this world the piebald tom had painted for him. A part of him had been expecting nothing more than sweet lies with no proper payout- none he'd enjoy at least- but instead the distant chatter of voices grew near and the air was filled with the scent of cats. And yet, he was a little nervous.

" they are good folk. Some you may even recognize…. None you fancy, I hope "

The words put him at ease, but the last comment had his ears flushing a gentle shade of red, amber eyes almost shy in teh way they refused to meet the others gaze. He knew Thistle was just messing around, but Johnny wasn't used to such easily offered compliments or casual flirting.

"Tryin' to keep me all to yourself?" he asked with a playful lilt of his voice as the other began to lead them in, and once again Johnny felt his nerves jump.

"Are ya sure they'll like me? I don't want to cause you any trouble." he asked.

Thistleback had said they were accepting of kitypets, but that didn't mean they'd want a total stranger in their camp- or did Thistle have the authority to do such a thing without anyone questioning him?

Either way, his thoughts were brought to a stop when they finally stepped into camp.

The entire time Thistleback had been telling him about Skyclan, Johnny had been sure that the picture he was painting was too good to be true. Now, he could see that it didn't do it justice. Kits were laughing and playing, weaving between older cats who sat in groups sharing prey or chatting casually. Off in a corner a couple of older looking kids were practicing what looked to be sparring moves, and above in the branches of a tree several cats could be seen sharing stories while bathing in the sun. Everyone looked so happy, so comfortable. They weren't at all like the stray cats he was used to meeting, always wrapped in their solitude and constant sense of competition toward those around them

There was nothing but approving shining in amber eyes when they ruined to rest on the piebald tom again. He couldn't tell if the cats here were as nice as Thistleback was, but it was clear they all cared about each other, that this was a real community of more than just individuals living in the same spot. It was like he'd just walked in a huge family gathering or something, and he didn't really have the words to express how it made him feel.

"Your homes beautiful, Thistleback. Everyone looks so happy and comfortable with each other. I can see why you all work together to keep each other alive and well- it seems like something worth fighting for."


skyclan camp was bustling per usual, but eve sat idly amongst a few other apprentices. their voices echoed in her ears. one said something about their catch of the day that had their mentor raving. another going on and on about how their success climbing the tall pine. however, she was not focused on their chatter. instead her pale gaze was trained on the camp entrance. the familiar figure of her father with some stranger in tow. they seemed friendly, but she had never seen this mottled tom before. an investigation was quickly added to her to do list.

she left the group rather abruptly, trotting away without as much as a wave of her tail to bid them goodbye. the apprentice was light footed in her approach, but her eyes never left the stranger. she stopped, only a few lengths ahead of the duo, glancing over johnny in a seemingly judgmental sweep. he wasn't a skyclanner for sure, possibly another daylight warrior who slipped through her roster. "and who might you be?" her question was a joking attempt at intimidation, but a cheeky grin threatened to crack her façade.


Pale colored orbs are half open as he lounges on the branch of a tree. He listens to the sounds of the clan as he takes a break for himself today. With a soft yawn pulling his muzzle wide he rolls a little, shifting almost upside down before he notices Eveningpaw and someone else that he hasn't seen before. Tension ripples through his body as he sits up and stares for a long moment but he also sees that Thistleback is with the stranger. A frown pulls at his muzzle for just a short moment as he debates on what the situation is before he rises up. With a arch of his back the tom makes his way with elegant ease down the tree and with a light leap he steps onto the ground. His feathery tail waves in greeting and he smiles warmly to the stranger whom he has not seen before but they might be a joiner who has been found at the border

He doesn't know but that is the only real answer he can see. Afterall, they are having a lot and they are being led back to camp. "I'm curious too! Welcome to Skyclan. I'm Cardinalshine, just a warrior here." He wasn't a daylight warrior given he has no one to go back to so this is his permanent home.
The slightest brush of another’s pelt, was something that had taken several moons to grow used to. Even now his pelt twitches, but it’s something he welcomes warmly. His steps were sure, his claws drag him forward and his path weaves close to the coat of the stranger. A display of acceptance toward the daring proximity.

tryin’ to keep me all to yourself?- Crooked be the weighted pine, as would be the white maw smile. Johnny’s response is quick, Thistleback doesn’t return more than an amused sideways glance. Are you sure they’ll like me, I don’t want to cause you any trouble, " not everyone will " Thistleback rasps low, " but what fun is life if everyone did " he offers with a raised brow a low laugh. He wills Johnny the courage, but he could only pave the path- not make him walk it. " they’ll perhaps be more shocked by the fact I’ve brought anyone… I don’t so easily make friends " he adds as a few cats take notice of the pair as they pad into the center of camp.

He watches the chimera’s face now, the way a kittypet sheltered if not caged in their small world tastes freedom and what life could be. If flowers were beautiful, this too- was within that same caliber. A blossom all the same, colored by storms of fire, coal, and snow. Eyes of a n amber fire beneath brimstone. Your home’s beautiful, Thistleback, " man of my word " he combs silver daggers across his home with a swell of pride.

he straightens it up as his daughter appears. A deep guttural purr of greeting rattles like an old motor kicking on, it’s more of a growl but its something his children were far used to. Eve’s demeanor reminds him of how her mother could get, intimidating despite her gentle and often charismatic air. " Johnny, This is- my lovely daughter, Eveningpaw. Eve, this is- a curious lad named Johnny. guardian of the gardens, if you will " Thistleback’s accented tongue carries out proper introduction. Tinged with rather light humor as he aims to press his nose to Eve’s forehead briefly before turning toward Cardinalshine.

The gentle aura of the man, swaying between elegance and friendly- greets Johnny next. " tsk. just" Thistleback tuts toward the introduction with mild disapproval. " a warrior to Skyclan, are as the roots to a pine. Cardinalshine here, is a good warrior " he corrects kindly, but firmly.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



He nodded at the others words, figuring it was the best he could realistically ask for. The odds of every cat in Skyclan liking him were impossible, and besides, it wasn't as if being unliked was a new concept to him- there were pleanty of strays and kittypets who hadn't liked him in the past. Of course, those strays and kittypets hadn't been Thistlebacks friends and family, a detail that made somewhat of a difference.

"Suppose your right." he sighed, though his look of delight didn't fade.

Whatever happened here today, he was sure it wasn't a day he'd soon forget.

And Thistleback was becoming a man of his word in Johnnys eyes. He'd easily proven that Skyclan commanded the trees with his insane climbing skills, had shown him through the forest as if he'd known it his whole life, and had brought him to an actual group of cats instead of murdering him in the woods somewhere- all points in the toms favor. And as they stood there, garnering the attention of other cats who began to make their way over, he'd find that streak of theirs unbroken as he was greeted with smiles and polite questions- at least by the first two.

He had striaghtened up a bit under the first cats gaze as they approached and inspected him, but not so much out of tension as it was habit. Johnny didn't mind being inspected by others, was secure enough in who he was and what he had to offer that a judgmental gaze straying his way was seldom enough to spark anger- though often he was keen to rise to a challenge if it was initiated. In this case though, he was happy to let the clan cats build up whatever impression of him they wanted from a physical standpoint.

Luckily though, the younger cat didn't seem to drawn any negative conclusion if the grin she was giving was any indication. Johnny could hardly keep his own lopsided smile from spreading, always finding it contagious.

Thistleback quickly swooped in with an introduction, and the patched tomcat couldn't help but chuckle at the title he was given. "Aye, that's right." he agreed, giving the younger female a mock salute. "No cat or critter's causing trouble in the gardens with me around."

In reality he knew he was far from the authority on what happened, and definitely lacked the ability to stop every piece of trouble that came snooping around twoleg place, but Thistlebacks description wasn't too far off and he was willing to play into it- if only to humor the others.

The second cat who'd approached was quick to offer their name and a smile, and while the piebald tom was quick to correct them for being 'just a warrior', Johnny didn't mind.

"It's nice to meet you Eveningpaw, Cardinalshine." And it was. "You all have such nice names; Thistleback, Eveningpaw, Cardinalshine- are all clan cats named so colorfully?" he asked, curious. He'd met a lot of kittypets with interesting or weird names, but nothing quite with a scheme like theirs.

❪ TAGS ❫ — The large, long-furred tom emerges from the warrior's den after a brief rest, a somewhat rare sight for the former rogue who didn't tend to cozy up in his nest unless it was time to slumber for the night. For the most part, Slate still finds the bramble bush stuffy and cramped, but... slowly but surely, he is growing accustomed to sharing a den with other cats. It wasn't so bad, as long as nobody kicked him in the face.

Seeing as he's just stumbled across this scene, Slate narrows his eyes and flicks his gaze from Thistleback to... whoever that was. The chimera doesn't look familiar; was this another daylight warrior crawling from his twoleg's home after a warm and effortless leaf-bare?

Then, he spoke as if the idea of clans was brand new to him, "... Are all clan cats named so colorfully?" Oh, so this was outsider brought to SkyClan's camp by Thistleback. Probably a kittypet, no less ( seeing as they were the majority around here ).

Not wanting to get roped into chit-chat, especially with the likes of a house pet, Slate managed a hmph before trucking out of camp. He averted his gaze and hurried along, making it very clear that he wasn't interested in interacting.

// i know he just got here but... out 😭
  • Love
The smell of a stranger in camp is cause for alarm, fur prickling along her spine as hurried steps carry her to meet it. And... Thistleback stands beside an unknown tom, but her worries never once quell. Why was he here? Why was he not at the border? Where was Blazestar? Has Thistle gone mad? Joiners don't come in to camp without Blazestar or Orangeblossom , right? So why, why, why? Breathe! She has to remind herself as she spirals, sheathing claws that had previously begun to dig in to the soft earth below.

"Hola," she greets the newcommer, barely hiding her suspicions as it grew and grew. The panic in her chest is immeasurable. Maybe i'm just overthinking it, her paws begin to knead at the ground now, maybe everything is okay! "Are you a new joiner?" there are kits here, her jaw hurts from clenching her teeth. Curled ears fold backwards. There are kits here, there are apprentices, what if this is a spy? But would Thistleback let someone in that would do that? She lets her gaze linger on him.

You wouldn't betray our trust, right? Oh, but what if he does? What am I supposed to do?

"Johnny, huh? Welcome." she shifts her gaze to the tom in question. Her scrutiny with Thistleback would be saved for later if this is what her anxiety was telling her. Honest, the new cat was, but was it all just a ruse? She shakes her head and clicks her tongue on the roof of her mouth. She'll wait for an answer.

Are you a new joiner?, Sheepcurl asks.

Teeth clatter gently as he speaks, " I dare-say I hope so. " he springs forth the words, eyes shifting to meet the co-lead warrior. His tone had always been military but among family and new friend, it’s kinder.

The theme had changed, as it were not a curious kittypet finally happening upon them and getting snatched up by the ranks, some hurt stranger dumped on their border. The difference today, stands to be the fact that he himself, chose to bring upon a prospect of recruitment. The season was fair, the situation- special. As circumstances would have it. The otherwise selectively reclusive workhorse, was thumbing a new chord. " Plucked him from his twoleg garden to show him a world beyond no-furs and rogues " he finishes his introductory.

So far, it seemed his clanmates were being cordial, even if Sheepcurl seemed a bit taut and Slate stops by to perform his usual wordless glare. " Well, I of course named my daughter " he chuckles hoarsely, " but yes- if we are not given half our clan name by our parents we earn them from our leader. You will hear paw after the names of the young, that is to display their rank as apprentice. Younger than that- after their name you shall hear -kit. " he explains quickly.

" if you were to be a daylight warrior, you could earn one yourself. " he tacks on, ambition blooming so naturally off his tongue. A few things chant so quietly from the darkest corners of his mind, more claws, more teeth, Windclan. Then there is the slightest nag, the most tedious feeling- a slight tickle in the chest when he looks at the koi pattern of the man’s coat. The determination to learn, the easily grasped strings above a puppet’s head. Was this just a desire to swell the ranks of Skyclan, or something more? Thistleback always did if but with the slightest lack of caution, a considerable strategy.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



He spots a warrior who seems to notice their little group from a distance, but they don't come over, don't regard Johnny with the friendly welcome that the others have, and so he lets them be. Thistleback had warned him not everyone would like him, and so he lets it roll off his shoulders rather than let the unease cling to him. Besides, another she-cat was coming over, and the bobtail found his attention shifting to her instead.

The female looked like she was probably a housepet at some point with her curled ears and fur, traits that came from selective breeding on the twolegs part normally, but he supposed it wasn't impossible that she was a second generation who'd just had the looks of their parent passed to them. Either way, she seemed uneasy despite the greeting she offered him. He opened his mouth to try and ease her nerves a bit with answers to her questions, but Thistleback spoke up instead.

I dare-say I hope so."

Amber eyes snapped toward the piebald tom with a look of surprise, but they were still talking to their clanmate about how they'd found Johnny in the gardens.

Was that true? Thistleback wanted him to join his clan? An odd mixture of pride, excitement, and guilt rolled through him at the realization that the Lead Warrior thought he might be of use to the group despite his obvious lack of experience, as if there was some sort of potential in Johnny that Thistleback had noticed and wanted to use. But making time for Skyclan would mean making less time to guard his twolegs home, and the guilt he felt at abandoning his post there somewhat soured the elation he was feeling at being offered a place in this new world.

He found himself tuning in as the names and ranks were explained a little more to him, and the patched tabby nodded as he stored the information away- Kits for kittens, paws for apprentices. The warriors were all different though, and he understood then that the warriors name was meant to be a gift, something to be earned out of dedication rather than given out of obligation.

If you were a daylight warrior, you could earn one yourself."

He couldn't help but perk up a little at this, a grin settling on pale lips as he tried to imagine himself with a clan name. Could he really be like these cats? Out here in the woods, exposed to the elements, working for every scrap and belonging they had, protecting each other and taking care of each other. It sounded like torture, and yet he couldn't think of a single cause more worthy. Cats like this were the stuff of fairytales, something so removed from the world he knew that it seemed impossible he could ever live up to the work they did, but..

He felt the pull.

"I do like earnin' things." he mused, never one to shy from a challenge, but also unable to fully commit right then and there. It would take time and work of course, and while he could do one he wasn't sure about the other. His time- could he really leave his twolegs home as often as would be necessary to be a part of SKyclan- a Daylight Warrior?

His amber gaze would shift to land on Sheepcurl then, offering the shecat a friendly smile now that Thistle was done speaking with her. "Thanks. It's my first time visiting a clan and I wasn't really sure what to expect." he admits. "Skyclans definitely left a good impression, though." he assured her with a chuckle.