send back the rain || frostpaw

Aug 1, 2022

A S H P A W.

They are not as close as some of the kids their age; Ashpaw has been a recluse for so much of their apprenticeship, they'd just never really gotten to know each other. She doesn't know if she'll even be welcome.

But Frostpaw is grieving and Ash knows grief. She has felt its clinging, cloying embrace drag her to the ground and she has fought tooth and claw to stand again. She feels it follow her everywhere, still. She sees it in spaces where someone used to be.

Where Pumpkinpaw used to be. Where her mothers used to be.

She knows that you don't escape grief. Not really. That you sit with it and you learn to live with it, and that when you finally stand again you are not standing over. There is no victory. You stand with its weight on your shoulders. You stand despite.

Ashpaw had—has—clanmates who share the load. She has Willowroot and Iciclepaw and Gillpaw and even more.

Frostpaw should have someone.

She ducks into the apprentices' den after tagging along on a hunting patrol with her temporary mentor. She gets a break for the next few hours, so she's gone looking for Frost, and when she spots the little silver tabby she'll pad over, pawsteps slow, green eyes soft and attentive.

"Frostpaw," she murmurs, and then... falters. She—she doesn't actually know what she's gonna do. She tries thinking back to what she wanted right after—

But that isn't helpful because all Ashpaw had wanted after Pumpkinpaw died was Pumpkinpaw. And she can't bring Greypool back.

Still she clenches her jaw and digs her paws in, determined to do something. Still quiet, she asks, "Is it ok if I sit with you?"

Should the girl oblige she'll curl up nearby, and once she's settled she asks, "You can tell me about Greypool if you want. She must've been a really great mentor."

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • @frostpaw <3
  • - 6 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being physically and emotionally abused by Spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend
    - spent a couple months depressed
    - returned to ic/ooc activify
Time is passing strange. It's been two sunrises since Greypool's life was lost to the freezing river, and after being checked over for injuries Frostpaw has curled up in her nest and barely moved. She's ignored her siblings' attempts at getting her attention, hadn't been present for Greypool's burial. She knows where her mentor is buried, but has had no inclination to visit just yet. It's not quite real, like all of this was some mean prank by the warriors so that they wouldn't be as shaken when WindClan came back around to try and kill another one of their lead warriors. Her mind spins over the concept - not Willowroot. She'd be having her kits any day now.


Her reaction is sluggish, dull green eyes lifting slowly to meet Ashpaw's. What does Ashpaw want? They aren't friends, even if they are around the same age. They've never really interacted, for that matter. So the request is a little confusing - enough so that Frostpaw gestures with her tail, vague but at least with the sentiment of do what you want. This isn't her den, even if she sleeps here. Ashpaw could sit if she wanted to. Whatever.

"She is." A pause. Frostpaw is surprised by how hoarse her voice is, and swallows awkwardly against the dryness in her throat. Her eyes harden slightly, annoyance building from nowhere. Ashpaw has her mentor still. "Was. Why do you care, Ashpaw?" She snaps.​

  • n/a

  • frostpaw, apprentice of riverclan
    ✦ 6 moons, she/her
    ✦ silver tabby with green eyes and a notch in her left ear.
    ✦ lesbian, single. @ on discord for plots.


A S H P A W.

Settled next to Frostpaw, Ashpaw doesn't flinch at the snapping—she knows about pain and what it makes people do. It's a little strange even to her, that she's so... prepared. That she can expect this. She's never been properly good at anything before, not been alive long enough. She'll be good at hunting someday, good at fishing and swimming and even battling—

But for now she is good at this. She is practiced. She can sit with grief and pain. She knows how.

She shrugs a little in response to Frostpaw's question, green eyes boring into the dirt as she formulates her response.

"I felt... really alone, after Pumpkinpaw..."

She stumbles on the word, swallows painfully.

"After they found her," she finishes at last. "I felt like... I could never be whole again. There would always be a missing spot beside me."

A pause; another shaky breath.

"There will always be a missing spot beside me. And I... I was alone with the missing spot and that was bad. But."

"But my clanmates were there too. And my other friends and... and then it wasn't just me and the missing spot, it was me and the missing spot and everyone else missing her together. And I just..."

She looks up at last, green eyes shining, the pain of Pumpkinpaw's loss and the loss of both her mothers.

"And both my m-moms are gone too and it's the hardest thing ever and I just don't want to leave you alone with only a missing spot beside you. Because that's the loneliest kind of alone in the world." She's crying openly now, shoulders trembling. "So–so I want to hear about Greypool who was the best mentor ever and I want to miss her together."

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here
  • - 6 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - "speech"
  • - disclosed being physically and emotionally abused by Spiderfall, who was exiled & who then killed her best friend
    - spent a couple months depressed
    - returned to ic/ooc activify