SEND FOR ME [WC] Tunnelers Needed

”WindClan!” Sootstar calls to her clan, with no perch to sit on within the sandy hollow. ”Mintshade and Moorpaw remain trapped in the badgerset den. If we are going to sit here with heart’s of mice for the next few dawns, I will not leave them there to starve.” Though she has no idea where she’ll place them… Did Howlingstar expect her to keep them in the sandy hollow? With any luck the rest of her clan would become plagued.

”We will be returning to the territory to fetch them. I believe this task is best suited for tunnelers, who I will lead.” Likely a shocking announcement, Sootstar has not led any patrols herself since the death of her mate. Very seldomly had she even left the confines of camp, perhaps in her own way she was on the brink of a comeback. ”Step forward and volunteer yourself. Unless you can’t walk, no wounds you carry are too grave for this task.”
  • (this takes place the next dawn after WindClan was driven out)
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

It was not the heart of a mouse the chimera carried, but one of a rat, that sought its survival through its own actions instead of relying on luck that a predator would miss its strike. Thoughts of Mindshade and Moorpaw had evaded the Tunneler's mind for that very reason, no matter how strongly he felt about their safety, it could not be paramount over his own or his mother's - until today. His nose twitched at the leader's call, the accusation of cowardice hanging in the air like smog. He wished it was strong enough to choke the life out of those he had not seen in the fight against the rogues, but then, there might not be much of a WindClan left (perhaps that was for the best, fodder was only useful when it did what it was told). Ears flicked and fell backward as the news sunk its fangs into him, Sunstride had been right, the Tunnelers did have something to do, they were to save their clanmates. A smirk passed upon his maw at the idea of heroism, fallen stars, if they weren't dead already it would be a miracle not even StarClan could perform.

An unknown feeling pressed against his heart as if threatening to pierce it, in his silence, Sootspot did his best to determine what it was. A sense of duty? A sense of loss? A sense of danger? A longing desire to be back home in the tunnels? Whatever it was, it was angry, telling him he should act even in the face of hopelessness. The tiny tom stepped forward, fur still ruffled from injuries that would not take more than a quarter-moon to heal. His games were not played with swift bites and rallying battle cries, they were won with words, words that the rogues had only heard once and were unlikely to want to hear again for how badly it had stung them the first time. With any luck, there would be no fighting, only a quick rescue mission (or a burial alongside Weaselclaw, though the thought was a troubling one the more he lingered on it). "My claws are yours, mother," he promised with a bow, bright eyes scanning what remained of the Tunnelers to see who else would volunteer themselves. Compared to what the rogues would do to them, he imagined their absences would be punished far more heavily.

It's... A bit awkward to have some sort of meeting with Sootstar on the same level as them. She holds back her laughter lest she wants to get on Sootstar's bad side for it. So not worth it. Anyhow when Sootstar brings up Mintshade and Moorpaw that is only when she realizes that those two are indeed missing from their ranks. It wasn't like she was keeping track of who died or who they were missing. At the very least they were only missing two that were trapped and it wasn't some big operation for them because she isn't sure she can handle having to save a whole group of Windclanners while fending off any rogues around. That would be her worst nightmare at this point because she's still very much injured thank you. The knowledge that they will indeed be returning for those causes her to click her tongue. Not all of us right?

Her question is answered shortly when Sootstar announces that tunnelers would be best suited and not only that. Sootstar herself would lead them. When was the last time she's done that? Ugh, wait. This means we all can't just mess around freely. Bummer. This is serious serious. While she was hurt, she could indeed walk. That means she was healthy enough to carry out this task, although she would be bitter if this task caused her to prolong her healing or if she gets some infection. Sootspot was the first to volunteer. Not like that kit has a choice that's his mama. She'd be all over him if he refused. Rabbitclaw herself steps forward and mews, "My claws are yours as well, Sootstar."
The splotched cat had managed to come out unscathed in his battle against a scraggly rogue-kit. One he sure left an impression they wouldn't soon forget. Eyes sparking with desire as Sootstar's voice rang in his rounded ears the barrel shaped tomcat bounded forth. Akin to a moth brought to flame as his head stayed pin straight and he soaked in the leader's order.

With impeccable attention he took in the gray and white she-cat's spot within the hollow. Mesmerized by her toxic green gaze. It made his claws tremble with the desire to sink deep into that brown rogues belly once more.

Another chance! Harbingermoon sang internally at the opportunity to brutalize the skunks that had infested his home. Sure, he wanted to bring his clanmates back, but it wasn't what got the tunnelers blood roaring with elation. What made it all so much sweeter was the opportunity to impress the queen of the moors.

Standing upright his heavy baritone called directly after Rabbitclaw as his massive form stood near Sootspot. "I will gladly assist in this effort in any way I can." Each word was stark and pronounced as he mrrowed. "Tell me where you want me Sootstar." A firm line creased his maw as he played the serious card. Ignoring the giddy war hungry buzzing beneath his fluffy pelt.

For now he would behave but the moment one of those flea bags crossed his way again. It would be a guaranteed bloodbath.
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Her first son, lends her his claws with a respectful bow. Rabbitclaw, steps forward and promises her strength just before the unusual-footed Harbringermoon offers himself as well. She gives them a firm nod of acknowledgement, ”I’ll be bringing @BLUEPAW with me, so this will do. The more numbers the more likely we will be spotted.” Three cats should be enough to haul her sister and daughter from their sick nests, should it not?

”We will begin by entering the secluded tunnel entrance right at our borders with ThunderClan. We’ll head camp-bound, but take a sharp turn and continue onwards to the badgerset den.” A couple tunnel exits would be found around the area. Getting there would not be the issue, however, it’d be getting back.

”From there we will have to rely entirely on stealth, that is why before we leave I’ll be having all of us roll in a patch of fox-dung.” The idea was far from pleasant, Sootstar was far from thrilled she’d have to roll around in the disgusting substance… but she suspects it might be the only way to mask themselves out in the open. With any luck, it’d cover the scent of illness that radiates off Mintshade and Moorpaw too.

With a swift glance around she spots a couple of onlookers nearby, they were suitable enough warriors. @SNAKEHISS , @Gooseberry and @mothmoon , I’d like you three to keep watch at the WindClan border. If we’re discovered by the rogues we may need backup, a loud enough yowl might be able to travel to you.” Hopefully was the keyword. Sootstar hopes they will not have to move a hair to help them. ”…And… @heatherpaw !! , @FOGBOUND , @FOXGLARE , can you three find a suitable place nearby to keep the sick when we return? Somewhere in our jurisdiction so ThunderClan doesn’t get too upset about it.” Whether it be a thick cluster of ferns or underneath the roots of a tree, they just needed something.
  • (some moor runner (and heather) tags here, it’s up to yall if you actually want to roleplay out your characters accomplishing these tasks :) )
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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