sensitive topics send me away ⋆✦° INJURY

tw: blood, injuries, grieving, mentions of death

I will do anything to protect you…and I mean anything.

She kept replaying the words over and over in her head as she stared the dog down. Somewhere out there, was her daughter. She had looked and looked, but amongst all of the fleeing cats, it had been a lost cause. As inevitable death neared her, she clung to the hope that Stormpaw was further ahead in the group. Little Wolf, please protect her. She knew the ebony she-cat was in Starclan, but she knew deep down in her heart that her best friend would try to protect her daughter with any power she may have.

A vicious snarl was pointed towards the snarling canine, daring it to come any closer to her. She may die today, but this would be no easy dinner for the dog. Her shoulder was screaming, but she didn’t care. This dog wouldn’t chase any more of her group mates, not while she was standing here. Her claws were out, her muscles braced, but the attack never came. Something else had caught the canine’s attention, and the rest of them followed. Her eyes closed, and she let out a sigh. She wanted to be relieved, but a grim thought tugged at her mind…if they aren't chasing us, that means they are chasing someone else.Starclan protect them.” she breathed.


Now that the commotion had died down, she had to find her daughter. She lifted her paw, taking the weight from her injured shoulder. Every time it began to start healing, they were faced with another obstacle…for once, she was ready to be back home. As much as she hated resting, that seemed like heaven right about now. A figure appeared beside her, Batwing. He had been the one to make her run earlier, she was thankful to see that he had survived the event. She couldn’t bare to lose another clanmate, another friend.Is everyone safe?” she breathed, scanning the area around them. “Stormpaw…I have to find her, we got separated.

Cats were starting to regroup, and she still did not see the gray and red figure of her daughter. Something didn’t feel right…something felt wrong. “Bat…Batwing I-I don’t see her.” she stutters out, not caring to hide the panic in her voice. Their journeymates were almost all back now…where was she? The flame pelted tabby parts her jaws, trying to catch any scents that could lead her in Stormpaw’s direction. “Stormpaw!” she calls out, vaguely aware that some of the other cats had started to do the same.

After what seemed like hours, she finally found a scent trail. She followed it, until she came upon a nearby wooded area that was surrounded by undergrowth. Her mouth felt dry, and her stomach was shifting with uneasiness. She lifted a paw, and pushed her way into the ferns. It wasn’t long before the smell of blood pierced her nose. Her veins ran cold, and her muscles stiffened. It was strong, fresh...She felt sick. “Stormpaw?” she choked out through a tightened throat. Slowly she pressed forward, aware of the possibility of the dog that had undoubtedly chased her here still hanging around. The undergrowth looked like it had been trampled, and the smell of canine was overbearingly potent…second to the blood of course.

And then she saw it.

Several fox-tail lengths ahead of her laid a gray, orange, and red lump. The forest around her seemed to collapse. She felt as though she were suffocating. Her lungs tightened, her heart stopped. She wanted to run, to cradle her, and tell her that everything would be alright. But she couldn’t. Her paws were locked to the ground, her legs stiffer than they ever had been.

She was back in the nursery. Flycatcher was beside her, and they were staring down at their two surviving kittens. She gazed lovingly at them, touching her nose gently to each of their foreheads. “Stormkit.” she had said. “She is small…but she will be brave and strong.” Their little fighter. Their little survivor. Born too small, the repercussions of a starved leafbare litter. She took a pawstep forward, crimsony smell twisting through her nose, grasping at her brain.

Underneath a shade tree, she sat with Flycatcher. His tongue rhythmically drew over her pelt. She closed her eyes, enjoying the peaceful quiet for a while. While she enjoyed living in Thunderclan, the loner had never quite fully left her body. There was nothing quite like laying under the trees, listening to the birds sing above them. “You haven't taken up tunneling like a WindClan cat have you?” he had teased, noting the grittiness of her pelt. They had talked about their apprentices, and then later on their kits. “I wonder what their names will be.” She had said, letting her mind wander for a bit. Stormblaze, or Stormheart had always felt like suitable names. Their daughter was headstrong, and brave. There was a fire within her, that she often felt herself. A fire that couldn’t be extinguished. The fire that had saved her just days ago from the jaws of a fox. She was so proud of her…she was so excited to tell Howlingstar about her heroics…she was going to ask their leader to give her a warrior’s name.

Another pawstep forward.

She stepped into the puddle that had formed around her daughter, snow dipped paws now stained red again for the second time this moon. The mother fell to her paws, a wail escaping her jaws. Above them, the birds flew into the sky. Everything around her was spinning, the ground beneath her trembling. She had failed…again. The wail had given away her location, and there were now voices around her, but she couldn’t hear them. All she could do was stare at her daughter…She had bite wounds on her lower half, and she wasn’t moving. She looked like a left behind dog toy…”My sweet, brave kit…” she breathed, grief drenching her voice. Stormpaw was gone…she had lost another clanmate…she had lost another daughter. Flycatcher…please..I need you.. she couldn’t continue. The world was crumbling around her, and she had lost the will to keep going.

Flamewhisker leaned in and pressed her head into the limp figure’s neck. Tears trailed down her cheeks, and she melted into the ground. “I’ll do everything I can to ensure everyone comes home safely.” Words spoken not long ago now seemed like a lifetime ago…words that she had vowed with such certainly, were now nothing but lies. She had failed Howlingstar. Failed Thunderclan. Failed Flycatcher. They had left Little Wolf behind in the mountains, but she would not be leaving Stormpaw. She would stay here…Thunderclan would not want her back. Nightbird could lead them home.

The fire within her had been extinguished.

  • takes place immediately after the dog event!
    important to note that some things have been dramatized​
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 25 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

There was a strange point where Stormpaw had suddenly ceased to feel pain. The earth underneath her claws had disappeared and she remembered thinking why there was blood marring the ground before her. Surely not my own, she remembers thinking to herself. Her mind races with justifications to explain to her why there was blood, and whose was it. Then she remembers looking down and seeing the clearing surrounded by bracken. She remembers the barking and baying stop. She remembers one loud, careless sniff, and Stormpaw remembers feeling like she was no longer a warrior in training of ThunderClan, but just a piece of Twoleg trash to be used and thrown out.

Then, instead of looking down, she is looking up. The sky stretches on before her, endless and all-encompassing in its might. Stormpaw thinks she raises a paw up to it, to see how little her white toes match against the might of StarClan and the entire world. She is so little—she had always been little. Too little, she remembers the old queens say.

Too little, and the world is...




She knows it ends in water. She remembers sitting next to her mother and watching the sun drown in water, fiery flames gasping for the last breath as they sink under. Fire is fierce and powerful, but so is water, and it loses every time. Stormpaw thinks of the world, contained by the sphere of StarClan, with the Clan's territories in the middle of it all, surrounded by Highstones and protected by water on all fronts. She smiles to herself, unsheathing her claws to see the glint of the sun against them.

No, the world is not too big for her.

In truth, she had never physically raised a paw to the heavens. She had only imagined it. She had been lying there for what only felt like moments, eyes shut and body sprawled out with dog fang marks scored over her hind legs and flank.

Stormpaw's flank struggles, a sign of faint life, against her mother's nose. Her eyes slide open to reveal pupils dilated from pain. She stirs, reaching her front paws out slowly. They uncurl, reaching for the presence that has shaken her out of her shock. Her mother, sweet scent and mournful.

"Mama..." She rasps. A thousand words race through her mind. She wants to tell her everything, she wants to be back home. But she can barely move her tongue.

"I can't feel my legs... Mama..." Stormpaw coughs weakly. "Am I going to die?"

  • STORMPAW of THUNDERCLAN LH FEMALE TORBIE WITH HIGH WHITE (CARRYING DILUTE) a small and slight creature with patches of black tabby and red tabby fur and bright blue eyes. her facial features are round, obscured by a heavy feathering of fur around her cheeks. smells of oak wood and basil, her voice has a rough, raspy edge to it that sometimes peaks into higher pitches, and her gait is described as firm and solid.

    born to flycatcher and flamewhisker and raised alongside her brother falconpaw, stormpaw was always hyper-aware of an expectation of excellence hanging over her. she fails to excel at hunting, the skill her parents are most known for, and struggles with a severe identity crisis revolving around her obsession with thunderclan as the savior of the clans. she finds herself lost without meaning when she tries to detach herself from thunderclan as a whole, and uses a religious fervor in starclan to distract herself from her mental crisis.
The WindClanners had done it! She could hardly believe her eyes when she saw them dash across the field with the dogs right on their heels, keeping them in range so they'd stay interested without slowing down too much to be in danger. It was awesome! And besides some small injuries here or there, everyone seemed to be okay. She is still near Iciclefang when she comes to a stop, panting with relief staining her features. "That was crazy," She admits breathlessly to those around her, her limbs shaking from adrenaline.

As she continues to look around, however, she notices a few faces are missing. "Where's Flamewhisker and Stormpaw?" She's sure she didn't see them run off with the WindClanners. That's when she hears the sharp wail pierce the air and send birds flying from the trees. Stormywing doesn't hesitate for even a moment. In seconds, she is bounding towards the sound, praying to StarClan a straggling dog hadn't found one of their journeymates.

When she pushes through the undergrowth and into the clearing, her eyes immediately fall upon the scene. The red-furred lead warrior is sobbing into the fur of- "Stormpaw!" She shrieks, lunging forward. When she draws closer, she realizes she is alive. Oh stars, she's alive! Tears are already gathering in her eyes as she noses around her, tail lashing with worry. "Magpiepaw," She whispers, jerking her head up. "Somebody get Magpiepaw, quickly!" She tries not to let her cousin's words scare her. She's probably just in shock, anyway.

// calling for @Magpiepaw
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Her eyes were firmly closed, but she didn't bother trying to hold back her tears. There was no holding them back...the remaining tears that hadn't been fully shed for Little Wolf were also in the mix. She had lost so much in her life. Her mother, her first leader, one of her best friends, all of her daughters now...Flycatcher and Falconpaw. She would never see them again now...There was no way she could face them again...not now.

Without thinking, she lifted a paw, and placed it on Stormpaw's side. What she wasn't expecting to find was the faint raise and fall of her daughter's flank. Mama? The voice was merely more than a rasp...but it was still a voice. Flamewhisker's head lifted, her eyes rounded with such a mixture of grief and excitement it was almost overpowering. "Stormpaw?" she breathed out, her voice quivering as she tried to fight back her tears. But now, they weren't tears of grief, but tears of joy. "My baby..." she sat up on weak legs, and sat down close against her. She then leaned down bumped her head against Stormpaw's cheek, and drew her tongue over her forehead like she used to do when she was a kitten.

I can't feel my legs...Mama...

Am I going to die?

Horror flashed across her eyes, but she quickly tried to blink it away. "Shh...shhh..." she breathed, casting a glance at the bite wounds further down on her daughter's body. The sight made her feel queazy, but she swallowed the feeling back. No matter what was wrong, her daughter was alive...she had to cling to the small hope that she had left. "Everything is going to be alright." She hears another cat calling out, but she kept her gaze glued to her daughter's figure. Everything else around her was fuzzy and blurry...and nothing else mattered right now except for Stormpaw.
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 25 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

  • Crying
Reactions: dejavu and Thorny

Adrenaline buzz burned beneath burnet, beginning to sizzle into smoke. Wisps of the terror Fernpaw had felt still slumbered within him, coiling around his muscles and seizing his breaths ceaselessly. But they were safe, they were safe- he was sure. Near sure until there was no sign of Stormpaw, of Flamewhisker. He knew those faces, had laboured to learn them over this time. The moment it hit him, Stormywing called out too- and then, and then...

Like the squawk of an eagle, just as loud and stone-shaking- but a puling wail like there was another dead. Fernpaw was sickened, and bolted off after the grey streak of Stormywing, skidding to a halt just behind her. Peeking at the state of Stormpaw's patchy fur, hearing her faded voice fighting against the breeze, Fernpaw's stomach lurched over a cliff-edge. What was there to do but linger, like he'd done with Little Wolf? She'd been alive for a bit, but had just... had just gone, and it had been horrible. She'd faded even though what she'd done had been wonderful. Would that same fate befall Stormpaw?

Paralysed for a mere moment, Stormywing's inarguable instruction seized him out of his stupor. Get Magpiepaw- he would, he would. Giving the Thunderclanner an affirmative nod, he streaked away, relying on every ounce of speed he had to fetch their only healer.

\ went to get magpie!
penned by pin
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
The dogs were... a test of his mental stability, if not you know- everything else. Running away, breathing, how his muscles ached from the long task in the Forest, the thought of a fox in the pack of dogs, losing someone. As the dogs faded away, Windclanners leading them astray with powerful running legs- he was almost jealous of that- Batwing looked around. A mental count of those with them, Thunderclanners who were present, and those who weren't.

His ears flattened at the missing flank of one particular cat. He approached Flamewhisker, silent in his approach. "Everyone's safe. Everyone but..." He trailed off as the relief on her face was swapped with fear- terror, even. And he understood. Family was very important, and the fact Stormpaw was gone even made his stomach churn. "I know. I know, Flamewhisker- I'll come with you." He said, making himself a silent promise to see this through.

And so, the search was on. He called out as Flamewhisker did, head turning and eyes wide. Flamewhisker was the one to find the scent trail first, and he was at her heels as soon as he could be, following her into the undergrowth. The rank scent of dog overlaying blood and the sharp scent of Stormpaw mixed in... he was going to be sick.

They made it into the clearing, and he came to a stop. His ears flattened, staring at the youth, the future of Thunderclan, Flamewhisker's daughter, laid strung out and damaged. Damaged. He couldn't stop that thought from churning through his mind. And he approached on soft, tired paws after his lead warrior, eyes lifting and sweeping the nearby area for any remaining dogs. He faced down a boar once before- and now with trees around, he could take the dog on, right?

"Be careful." He uttered softly. Batwing's ears twitched at the soft rise and fall of Stormpaw's flank, barely there, but heavily dependent on willpower. His head snapped up as Stormywing rushed into the scene, fur prickling defensively, then Fernpaw, who turned and ran away at Stormywing's words. Forcing his body to relax upon realizing who it was, his head gently dropped, and turning back towards the pair before them.

Mother and daughter, embraced as if it was the end. It wasn't. It couldn't be. He'd be fucking pissed at Starclan if they let another Thunderclanner die on this trip, another one lost to the mountains. An apprentice, no less, dead because of the uncaring nature of the world. Batwing swallowed his anger in interest of padding forward and gently laying his tail against Flamewhisker's shoulder. "You aren't going to die, Stormpaw. Magpiepaw will be right here, okay? You need to stay awake for us." He instructed through thick words.

If Flamewhisker snapped at him, so be it. But he was right- Stormpaw did need to stay awake. It was the best chance of survival now.

He arrives, a black shadow tailing along on uneven steps behind Fernpaw once again-he felt as though he now associated the ginger tom with emergencies; a red signal flashing to warn him of something happening. It wasn't a fair association, but it was what existed so when the other found him sniffing about tall grass and musing over if it had any use he did not hesitate but to follow even without hearing what had happened. Stormpaw, was all he knew and Stormpaw is who he saw the second he stepped forward. His blue-violet eyes widenes, pupils pinpricks for a moment before he stumbles along, brow furrowed and paws raised to examine. The dog had done a number, several numbers, as many as there were stars in the sky there were points where fang and claw had sunk in and it is overwhelming for a moment. He breathes, holds it, exhales, he's calm again.
"You won't die." He says hastily, the leaf he had brought with him folded and carrying herbs was batted at with a paw to open it once more and he withdrew the last of the dandelion he had to place before her nose, pausing to shake it by the stem so it tickled and made her aware of it more in case her vision was blurry. "Eat this, it'll help stop the pain."
Marigold, burning sun-infection. Dogs had filthy mouths, he had seen their teeth so close when they had all ran for their lives and were it not for Hailstorm he might very well be bloodied fur and broken bones as well. The Thunderclanners are all crowding around, worried and fretful stares-he hummed as he worked. Cobwebs, dockleaves, wound after wound-there was a lot-too much, he could ignore these smaller ones, just keep them cleaned...
"Someone said you were twelve moons, didn't they?" He starts, mouth full of plant and pulp, "Warrior ceremony when you're home-I wonder what name you'll'll be a good one. Storm is cool on its own-" He prattles on, poultice on a large gash, "-Stormheart is nice. My mentor has a heart in her name. Maybe Stormwhisker after your mom..." He offers Flamewhisker a flicker of a glance but stays focused on his paw movements, pressing along her back and legs to see where was hurt.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 71106748_sHwOMVBEMYvXzVS.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.