private SEND ME ON MY WAY — honeypaw

"Did you grow since the last time I saw you? Has it really been that long?" Lighthearted jests chirp into the chilly night air from the warrior's maw as the pair weave through the marshlands — dark and damp and just right. Roosterstrut is ecstatic to be traversing the territory freely again after moons of being confined to a singular space, stuffy with the aroma of herbs. He is especially glad to be accompanied by his cousin, Honeypaw, though sometimes he feels like she is the younger sibling he never had. While Quailsong was in ThunderClan, Honeypaw and her family remained the only kin he had left.

Although Ferndance wasn't nursery-bound yet, there was no harm in letting the expecting she-cat have some time to herself, thus providing a window of opportunity for the two to catch up and spend some time together after moons of not being able to see one another.

Pale green eyes linger upon the young adult, the subtle familiarity he finds in her features comforting in a sense. Swan would have loved to meet her niece, and Roosterstrut was sorry that they never could. "I can't believe you'll be a warrior soon..." He murmurs, teetering on sentimentality, remembering when Honeypaw was only a tiny newborn. Roosterstrut had been a newly-made warrior then. Where had the time gone? "Are you ready?" The red tabby tom asks as they trek deeper into the marshes.

  • @honeypaw
  • 71513786_Ne4CXSqgC0cf8km.png
  • fTqY7b3.png
    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    —— heteroflexible; single
    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles