camp sending flowers to me - poinsettia

The cold days were only growing chillier by the second, and Dogbite was fed up. Rarely did he fall into a sour mood, but his scars were cracking and aching in the frigid air. Maw stapled firmly into a grimace as he slipped out into the territory with his hunting partner for morning. At least it hasn't snowed more than once today. It was the one saving grace as he carefully clambered over a fallen log, doing his best not to fumble with his limited sight. The pristine landscape had become a challenge, and his messy coat hardly retained heat as it should, leaving him a pitiful shivering cat-sickle. Thankfully, he was in good company, having a little impromptu hunt with someone was always better than alone. Peering over their shoulder, they eyed the patch-work warrior bounding alongside them, sticking close to stay warm.

Once they were both on the same pace again, he set off through the snow, lifting each paw high as a satisfying 'crrrrrnch' sounded beneath each step. The cinnamon and white tabby took notice of the familiar tall planks signaling their position near two-leg place. Softly, he muttered to their friend as the wood line began to disperse into open space. "Looks like we're here. Want to split up or hunt in a pair?" His question falls flat as something glints in the corner of their good eye. Distracted, they bound towards the fence and into a dip of a hill where mounds of these strange red things are gathered in piles of strown about dirt. Dogbite halted dead in their tracks switching the subject as he called back to Twitchbolt. "What is that?" His eye lit up with curiosity as he stalked a touch closer to the starkly-colored plant. Paws nearly brushing against the weirdly spotted dirt.

Their knowledge on flowers and other plant-life was limited, but something was awfully familiar about these large leafy herbage. Breaching the transparent barrier, he leaned down to sniff them and was surprised by the lack of a strong aroma. A light musky scent was all that could be gathered, but nothing more. Sated, he lifted his right paw and gently patted the crimson petal. Pulling it back, he sniffed it again, jaw falling open to take in the earthen notes of the plant. Gently, he scooped the uprooted item closer and petted the soft surface of the greenery, pleased by its unique texture. "How beautiful..." Nostalgia washed over the former loner as brightly lit windows and decorated conifers painted the recesses of his mind. Well, no itch or anything, guess it's okay. Alas, he glanced at Twitchbolt and ushered them over with a friendly tail wave.

Tattered ears twiddling with the satisfaction of finding something fun on their hunt. Piping up, his voice was bright with intrigue as he meowed. "Seems safe to me. I think I remember two-legs putting these up during the colder moons. Used to throw them out in the alley a lot." They assumed if it was safe enough to be placed around kittypets, surely it couldn't hurt to use as decoration. An idea flashed across their muzzle, leaving a hopeful smile on Dogbite's face. "Maybe we could bring some back for the kits to play with?" Much like a giddy paw' on their first outing he'd lit up exponentially from his earlier slump. Truthfully, he'd always loved collecting petals as a kit, and the opportunity was far too tempting.

  • This thread is temporarily private! Do not post until after Dog has responded to @TWITCHBOLT !
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

Twitchbolt was just about to utter a response to Dogbite's question when the one-eyed tom looked elsewhere, entranced by something in his periphery. Confused, Twitchbolt followed his vision to the bright red splatters on the ground. Blood!

Wide eyes flickered a little. No, no, not blood... but scarlet as blood reflects, shredded and spattered across the ground. What an odd sight- and not one Twitchbolt was entirely comfortable with nearing. Dogbite seemed to have other ideas, though- "Look out!" he spat in a fit of fear as Dogbite bounded over to the splayed petals. Being near Twolegplace always set him off, and- and he was nearly mad with the worry that someone just traipsing off was causing him. But- but Dogite seemed relaxed. Beckoned him over with a flicker of his tail, and... and Twitchbolt, despite his better judgement, heeded him.

"Twolegs do a lot of weird stuff..." Twitchbolt uttered defeatedly at Dogbite's side. What was the point of gathering plants just to chuck them out? Clearly it wasn't for healing... just decoration. But, cats often kept their decorations. Twitchbolt thought of the bluejay feather tucked into the bend of his crooked tail and smiled to himself, suddenly growing a little more forgiving of this Twoleg stunt.

"That's a good idea." Kits loved anything they could throw around, generally. And... well, there was heaps of the stuff here. "There's... there's a lot to go around. I might give some to Quillstrike, if..." he grimaced, "If you're sure it's not poisonous..."
penned by pin ✧
Dogbite's lone eye shifted with mild interest as he noticed Twitchbolt's initial alarm, thinking it was blood, amusing the scarred tabby. "It's okay, I promise." With a lighthearted chuckle, Dogbite turned his attention to the scarlet florals scattered around them, batting loose petals towards his hunting companion. "You're right about them being an odd bunch. I never understood them either." The vibrant red hues glistened across the snow, and with one last pat to the leaf, he felt assured. "I don't think it could hurt a fly, given how often I saw kittypets play with these." Dogbite remarked, a tinge of nostalgia coloring his words. Memories of warm afternoons near Twoleg place, watching playful kittypets frolic amidst various plants, flickered in his mind. The name eluded him, faded away like distant echoes in the snow-covered landscape.

The scars on his face seemed to soften momentarily as he reminisced about the carefree moments, a time when life was less complicated, and joy could be found in the smallest things. Now he had far more to be thankful for and to enjoy. Mention of Twitchbolt's mate made his heart pitter-patter, striking up an idea of bringing forth a small present for their own special cat. "I bet they'll love the gift. Let's grab some and go." Getting to take a small piece of his past and introducing it to his present was a lovely thought. Eagerly, he bent down and scooped up several stalks of the wide-spanning plant, covering part of his face and jaw in the process. It seemed he'd only be able to snag a few, but surely they could retell the location to any interested parties at a later date.


Once they both collected their share, he set off towards camp alongside Twitchbolt. Pausing and tilting his shaggy head back the way the had come as a silent encouragement to move along. While maneuvering past tree's the bundle seemed to flare up on his blind side, keeping his vision a straight shot ahead. Tail raised high and their usual stride akin to prancing as they pushed through the brambles of camp entrance. Waltzing excitedly into the clearing of home he shook off bits of flurry that had clung to him. Dogbite's eye scanned the clearing eagerly for Applefrost. Mouth full of the pretty bright leaflets displayed starkly against his white and cinnamon coat.

  • thread is now open! @APPLEFROST for flavor :3c
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan warrior ; ex-loner ; mentor to littlepaw
    ✧ 31 moons old ; birthday 07/01 ; ages realistically
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:
Orange-dipped paws had been working hard packing in the walls of the warriors den, pulling down the weakened sticks and ferns that had grown brittle from the cold and replacing them with drier ones. The snowfall had done a number on the side of the den she slept on and while she wasn't so easily disturbed by the cold with her thick pelt, the evening draft practically chilled her to the bone.

Applefrost had just finished flicking away the last of the shattered twigs from her fur as Dogbite arrived, jaw full of colorful petals she didn't expect to see for a couple more moons. "Wow, where did you find these?" She looked to Twitchbolt, seeing he carried the same.



-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Deep greens looked up from were they lay ‘helping’ Applefrost pack the walls with leaves. Really they were sitting there yapping away at their sister about nonsense but it was helpful none sense! They gave a curious look as Dogbite came over with petals of a very pretty color alongside- Twitchbolt? They scrunched their nose slightly at the scent those petal gave off, powerful and obvious, and put a paw to their nose.

Then stood to approach beside Applefrost as she finished up her task of packing the walls and gave a little grin, “Oooh~ flowers! How pretty! What’re they?,” They asked the lead warrior cuirously and tilted their head to the side. They’ve never seen such pretty flowers! How lucky of Applefrost!

  • 831BEB81-73F8-4BD8-B5FB-C3A0729EEC4F.png
  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.