private SENDING SMOKE SIGNALS [ poppy ]

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willowroot is her new name, perhaps a small kindness from the leader she's never truly trusted. named after the very home she's sacrificed her closest relationship to maintain, the femme still can barely bring herself to respond when the name is called. she is not a willow, gentle and twisting with grace. she is just caraway, the pirate's daughter, caraway the river's own. riverclan has never made sense to her. she resigns herself to the knowledge that it probably never will. the past week of camp life has passed slowly and without much incident. since her fight with buck, willowroot has not done much to contact the forest hued woman. she's busied herself with wandering the territory, justifying the hunting as insurance so that boar and raccoon will be able to eat. it's odd to have to handle so many cats in the same are. everything is overwhelming.

she sits in the shadows of a den under construction, emerald gaze flitting over the various scenes occurring. she knows practically no one here, besides her family, but she doesn't particularly want to. everything is too confusing to add friendship on top of it. tufted ears flick head turning to watch a small patrol as it enters camp. interest sparks in her chest, head tipping as she observes the last member of the group, a mottled woman whom she's met before. poppy, the mysterious feline from a moon ago, and then again just days ago. sharp teeth worry her lip as she stares, before she catches herself, eyes widening and jerking away. odd- the feline is fascinating in her nature, her snappish attitude more compelling than perhaps she wishes it to be.

something stirs in willow's stomach and they close their eyes, breathing. it's not a bad feeling, more like an excited anxiety, although what it could be about is beyond them. crossing their paws, the warrior pointedly does not stare at poppy as she crosses camp. they do not admire the flowing coat and dark eyes, nor do they let out a soft involuntary sigh. definitely not. and if the woman catches them looking, which she obviously won't, willow will move their gaze, tail curling tighter around themself.

poppysplash. what a name it was. she has no idea what it means and honestly she doesn't care. to most, she's still poppy and she, herself, wasnt going to change what she introduced herself as either. her uncle wasn't going to call her either name, so she had to just keep her cool and stars knew how hard that was for the naturally abrsive she cat. tail twitching, she followed the patrol back, a less than friendly look dawning her beautiful features.

you ever get the feeling you were being watched?

her eyes narrowed as she slowed her gait, turning to scan the cats within their so called camp. immediately, her fur perked up as she saw who was looking in her direction, a frustrated growl leaving her as she moved her gaze away, rubbing the top of her muzzle with embarrassment. ugh, seriously? taking a deep breath, she spun on her paws, walking towards caraway, or willowroot. it didn't matter what their name was, right now. though I have to say I do favor caraway. with a shake of her head, she stands in front of her, clearing her throat.

"didn't your parents tell you its rude to stare? what's the matter, huh? i got something in my pelt?"

it took a second before she began to frantically check her pelt, whimpering out a growl. she hated when her pelt was dirty. it had to be clean. and perfect.

"ugh! stars be damned! i shouldn't have went on that stupid patrol!"
( ) her stomach lurches as the femme turns her gaze to scan the camp. eyes of verdant sage flicker down, ears twitching anxiously as she senses the other moving towards her. a hasty moment passes in which she tries desperately to look as if she's just been grooming herself, but the soft cough and words that follow make her freeze. it's rude to stare. damned stars, she's been caught. finally glancing up to gaze at poppysplash again, she blinks, about to answer when the woman begins to huff about her pelt. "oh! no, no your pelt is beautiful," a soft cough follows in which she catches herself. "beautifully clean. it's fine." tufted ears flit back for a moment at the awkward interaction. "i'm sorry i didn't mean to stare. i just... zoned out. saw your patrol coming back and kind of just got lost in space. you know how it is, yeah?"

a hesitant smile clears the awkward facial expression and willowroot urges her chest to stop that fluttery feeling. "i haven't really seen you around much since i joined. i guess i just thought you were one of the more interesting riverclanners. i mean you didn't immediately threaten to chase me out, but i dunno," she tips her head, confidence building momentarily. "you stuck out. i don't know why. sorry anyway, for distracting you." with these words, the lithe smoke offers a nod, tail tip flicking over their tightly wrapped paws.

the feline stops for a moment, her fur spiking up in response. what did caraway just say? what words just came out of their mouth, just now? they said my pelt is... what? she blinks, and suddenly forces any feelings that the words stirred down, even if willowroot is quick to correct themself, saying that poppy's pelt is beautifully clean. the word beautiful still echos in her head, and she can't help that her ears pin themselves back in embarrassment.

"right... how it is."

she closes her eyes, taking in a breath to regain her bearings, listening to willowroot talk. though poppysplash hangs onto every single word, watching her lips as she sounds out every single syllable, she can't help but be rude. it's a coping thing, probably, or maybe she's just so sure that this will make caraway want to leave first. to not want to talk to her. to leave her alone. it only makes sense, right? at least, it does to me.

"you talk too much."

poppy blinks almost as if she is bored with hearing them talk, but she isn't. its not everyday a beautiful cat such as caraway wants to even be around poppy. but she cant help but be defensive. or even offensive. bite first, ask later. if you get bit... well that is just a consequence. bite harder next time.

"i didn't chase you out because i dont care who lives here and who doesn't. who am i to tell you what to do with your life... as long as you're not bothering me."

stars, i should just fricking tell her shes not bothering me. theyre not bothering me at all. why is this... socializing thing so hard? why is it hard to want to be friends with someone? rubbing her head, she just snorted, sitting down.

"yeah, you should be sorry. i was very obviously doing very important things, and now you've distracted me with your... eyes."

she paused.

"and not like that, either! just with staring, and stuff. or whatever."

great move, idiot. way to make an absolute fish brain of yourself.